Notice of Ofcom’s proposal to make a limitation order in connection with the potential award of the 600 MHz spectrum band

Published: 29 April 2013
Consultation closes: 28 May 2013
Status: Closed (pending statement)

On 6 February 2013 Ofcom published its Consultation, "Award of the 600 MHz spectrum band including request to stakeholders to notify intention to apply" ("the Consultation"), setting out proposals for awarding the 600 MHz spectrum band. In particular, we proposed awarding a single licence for the purposes of establishing Digital Terrestrial Television ("DTT") multiplexes in the 600 MHz band and invited stakeholders to submit a Notice of Intention to Apply ("NoITA") if they were interested in holding such a licence.

Ofcom received one completed NoITA. We are currently in the process of considering the consultation responses received, and will decide whether to proceed with awarding the spectrum as proposed, and if so on what terms, in light of those responses.

If we do decide to proceed with the award of the spectrum we will award a wireless telegraphy licence for equipment operating within the 600 MHz band (550-606 MHz, but excluding Channel 36 - i.e. the frequencies between 590 and 598 MHz). As we have received only one NoITA, the process and rules for the award of licence would be in accordance with the Wireless Telegraphy (Licensing Procedures) Regulations 2010 .

For the reasons set out in the Consultation, we consider that it would be appropriate to limit the number of licences to be awarded in order to secure the efficient use of the electro-magnetic spectrum and the efficient use, in particular, of this band. Accordingly, under section 29 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, we would need to make an order, limiting the number of licences granted for the use of this spectrum . As set out in the Consultation, should Ofcom decide to proceed with awarding the spectrum, there will only be a relatively short period of time in which the licensee will be able to utilise the spectrum. Therefore, if a decision is taken to award the spectrum, it is important that Ofcom is able to grant a licence as quickly as possible. It is for this reason that we are now consulting on a draft Wireless Telegraphy (Limitation of Number of Licences) Order 2013, which we would propose to make should we decide to proceed with the award of the 600 MHz band. A draft of the proposed order is set out at Annex 4.

The general effect of the proposed order is set out at Section 2 of this document.

Subject to the decisions that need to be taken above, and to the responses received from this consultation, Ofcom may make the Wireless Telegraphy (Limitation of Number of Licences) Order 2013.

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