This statement sets out our decisions on the award of the frequency bands 2500-2690 MHz (the 2.6 GHz band) and 2010-2025 MHz (the 2010 MHz band). It explains that we have decided to proceed with the award and why we have decided to do so as soon as possible, and it explains the way in which the award will be structured and the conditions that will attach to the licences to be awarded.
The 2.6 GHz band offers an important opportunity for the development of mobile broadband services in the UK, across Europe and in a number of other countries worldwide. With 190 MHz of spectrum available, it is the largest single release of spectrum suitable for mobile use to take place for a significant period of time.
The 2010 MHz band could support similar services and, as it is a potential substitute for the 2.6 GHz band for some applications, we are making it available as part of the same award process as the 2.6 GHz band.
We consulted on outline principles for the award of the 2.6 GHz and 2010 MHz bands when we set out our plan for a programme of spectrum awards (in the SFR:IP in January 2005). We started detailed work on this award in 2006, inviting stakeholders to submit evidence and views to our independent advisers in preparation for the publication of detailed consultation proposals. We developed and refined our proposals on the award - in terms of our general approach, the technical and non-technical licence conditions and the auction rules – through three consultations (in December 2006, August 2007 and December 2007) and a series of seminars and meetings with interested parties. Throughout this process, we have participated actively in European discussions on use of the band, in CEPT and EU regulatory groups, with the European Commission, industry members and other Member States.