Statement published 20 November 2024
In July 2024 we published a Call for Input (CFI) seeking stakeholder views on the potential supply and demand for direct to device (“D2D”) satellite services to mobile handsets and mobile-satellite services (MSS) in the UK, and the associated spectrum requirements.
In the CFI we:
- set out industry developments, including how new D2D services have evolved from the growth of the MSS market and new technology solutions, and how D2D applications have expanded from specific use cases to mass market offerings;
- noted the potential for High Altitude Platform systems (HAPs) to support similar services;
- discussed the potential benefits of D2D services, including the extension of mobile coverage beyond that provided by the current terrestrial networks, greater network resilience, and innovation across several sectors, including providing connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) devices;
- set out the existing, and growing, use of MSS spectrum for a range of communications services and sought views on whether Ofcom’s existing authorisations remain suitable;
- discussed the current utilisation of 2 GHz MSS spectrum, noting that we will be reviewing the current use of this spectrum as existing authorisations are due to expire in 2027;
- set out our early thinking regarding potential spectrum management and authorisation approaches for the above.
We received 29 responses: 25 non-confidential and 4 fully confidential. Respondents included Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), satellite operators, D2D providers, various government bodies, IoT service providers, and other interested organisations. This document provides a summary of the responses. This summary of responses is intended to provide a high-level indication of the range of responses we have received. In this document, we do not provide a view on the merits or otherwise of the substance of the responses.
Main documents
Contact information
Mobile from sky and space
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA