This consultation considers the licensing arrangements that should be applied to base stations associated with Complementary Ground Components (CGC) operating as integral parts of 2 GHz mobile satellite systems.
The European Commission has adopted a Decision that designates the frequency bands 1980-2010 and 2170-2200 MHz to mobile satellite services including those which operate complementary ground components as an integral part. The Decision requires that Member States make the spectrum available for such use including granting applications for operation of CGC systems. A separate EC Decision is being prepared which will establish a pan-European process for the selection and authorisation of mobile satellite systems operating at these frequencies. This Decision is expected to be in place by the first half of 2008 and the selection process itself concluded by the first quarter 2009.
Some of the prospective MSS operators are considering whether to include CGC within their system designs and have requested an early indication of the regulatory framework for implementing CGC in the UK. As a terrestrial use of spectrum, the use of CGC within the UK will require authorisation under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, and in accordance with European law.
This document considers options for the authorisation of CGC in the UK.