Notice of proposal to make the Wireless Telegraphy (Limitations of Number of Licences) (Amendment) Order

Published: 1 December 2014
Consultation closes: 16 January 2015
Status: Closed (statement published)

This document advises that Ofcom has gone ahead and made the Wireless Telegraphy (Limitations of Number of Licences) (Amendment) Order 2015. The order relates to minor amendments to the existing Wireless Telegraphy licence principal order, which came into force on 9 April 2014. 

The principal order details the UK’s arrangements for spectrum authorisation, particularly the limitations imposed on the number of licences to be granted. This includes the criteria applied by Ofcom in deciding limits on the number of licences and who they are granted to. 

This amendment rectifies minor errors identified in the principal order. This order comes into force on 17 April.

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