The initial consultation is now closed - thank you for the responses received. Non-confidential responses are published at the link shown below.
Update - November 2016
Since the initiation of the fixed link and satellite services fees review a number of significant developments and events have occurred that put the potential future higher value alternative use of a number of bands used by these services in doubt. In particular, the identification of 3.6 – 3.8 GHz and 1.4 GHz as high priority future mobile bands in our Mobile Data Strategy and the identification of 26 GHz as a pioneer 5G bands by the European Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG).
Given the potential importance of some of these bands to the development of next generation mobile services (including 5G) and the uncertainty about how they might be made available for mobile use we do not think it appropriate to reflect the likely higher potential opportunity cost of these bands at this time. Equally we think that to ignore these important developments could send mixed messages about the future of these bands and thereby provide perverse incentives. As a result, we have decided to suspend the fee review until we have more certainty on the future of these bands.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank stakeholders for their comments to the Initial Consultation.