Point to Point Links

Published: 9 February 2015
Last updated: 16 March 2023

These frequencies are for fixed point to point use, for example, taking output from a studio to a transmitter, or a remote studio to the main studio.

Short Term Use

Sound links for Short term use are assigned to users on a per occasion basis on request from PMSE . Typical use is from a fixed Outside Broadcast location to a studio, or part of a multiple link from a fixed transmit site to a fixed receive site.

30 day Use

Sound links for 30 day use are available for Restricted Service Licence Radio Stations and other such uses.

Annual Use

A limited number of frequencies are available for annual use.

Non Broadcast Use

Sound links may also be used for temporary non-broadcast purposes at special events - for example, in linking a Public Address system over a large site such as a show ground.


We strongly recommend that users do not purchase equipment until an application to use a frequency has been processed as there may be NO frequencies available at a given location or at a given time and it may not be possible for PMSE to issue a licence. 

Furthermore, the issuing of a licence to operate on a particular frequency for a given event does NOT mean that the same frequency will be available for any subsequent applications.


Effective Radiated Power is the power with transmitter power, feeder loss and antenna gain taken into consideration, ie. the power leaving the antenna.

48 - 52 MHz

Mono 50 kHz bandwidth
48.425 48.475 48.525 52.875 52.925


Stereo 200 kHz bandwidth
48.300 52.750 (No longer available in London)


48hr 30 day Annual Max ERP
10 W


199.7 MHz

Stereo Only

48hr 30 day Annual Max ERP
X 1 W


In south-east England the maximum ERP may be limited to 100mW.

This is NOT a preferred link frequency for fixed use and may be withdrawn at a later date.

Not available in Northern Ireland, Isle of Man and Channel Islands.

440 - 470 MHz

PMSE have frequencies available in the range 440-470 MHz for short term assignments. 

Due to the complex pattern of assignments already made in these bands, a bandplan is not available. Users will be advised of possible frequencies upon application.

Available at 12k5, 25k0 and 50k0 bandwidths. The fees are set in multiples of 48hrs.

470 - 790 MHz

These frequencies are known as 'In band' as they are within the UHF TV Broadcasting Bands - 470 t 790 MHz.


These frequencies are shared on a secondary basis with TV broadcasting, and availability varies across the UK. Users should note that the use of this spectrum for programme-making may change as new services are introduced, such as relay transmitters and digital transmissions. Where such services are introduced, customers may no longer be able to operate on their assigned frequencies. In such a case we will endeavour to give any affected user the maximum possible notice, and to find suitable replacement frequencies, if there are any available. Users should note that licence fees are non-refundable


In this band, our primary duty is to ensure that any operations do NOT cause interference to the TV viewer. Frequencies will be assigned to users where there is no risk of such interference.

Some channels in the 470 - 790 MHz range are currently being reviewed for other uses. Please see the 'Digital Dividend' section in the Wireless Microphones and Monitors section for up to date information.

1.5 GHz

Mono / Stereo
1517.25 1517.75


48hr 30 day Annual Max ERP
100 W


Antenna Requirements

The reference antenna requirements are defined in ETSI standard EN 300 631 V1.2.1. Antennas for point-to-point fixed radio systems in the 1 GHz to 3 GHz band. In particular, 'Class 1' performance from the standard is considered appropriate for this application since it is suited to low-density networks and low-capacity systems. Typical antennas which meet the requirements are shrouded yagis with a minimum gain of 13 dBi and a cross-polar discrimination of 20 dB. See EN 300 631 for full details of antenna Radiation Pattern Envelopes (RPE).

Equipment Requirements

The reference standard for digital and frequency modulated audio link equipment is ETS 300 454. This is intended for links with a bandwidth of up to 200 kHz including stereo multiplex operation.

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