Technical info - PMSE spectrum and equipment

Published: 6 February 2015
Last updated: 16 March 2023

This table converts from TV channel numbers to frequencies. These frequencies may be used for wireless microphones, low power talkback (1W max) or 1W audio links, subject to availability.

The top or bottom 500 kHz of each 8 MHz is not always available for wireless microphones.


For details of other ranges, please contact us.

Information on PMSE frequencies that are used for relevant equipment types

All equipment needs to comply with the Ofcom UK Interface Requirement 2038. It sets out equipment parameters for the licensing of Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) in the UK.

Support for PMSE equipment owners vacating the 700 MHz band

Ofcom published a consultation on proposals for how a grant scheme should operate to support Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) equipment owners affected by the 700 MHz clearance.

The government has decided to fund a grant scheme to support PMSE equipment owners that need to vacate the 700 MHz band. We have agreed with Government to design and run a scheme to disburse the funds.

This document set out our proposals for how the grant scheme should operate, including the eligibility criteria that claimants should satisfy in order to be considered for funding.

Separately, we also consulted on proposals to make available the 700 MHz ‘guard band’ – 694 MHz to 703 MHz – for use for PMSE services.

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