Fixed Site Talkback

Published: 6 February 2015
Last updated: 16 March 2023

462 / 469 MHz band

Fixed site talkback is intended for long term or ongoing use at an indoor location. Lower power levels are usually sufficient compared to temporary assignments in OB talkback bands and ensure greater frequency availability than would otherwise be possible.

Base Tx 1W ERP
Portable Tx 100mW ERP

Base Transmit
462.75625 462.88125
462.76875 462.89375
462.78125 462.90625
462.79375 462.91875
462.80625 462.93125
462.81875 462.94375
462.83125 462.95625
462.84375 462.96875
462.85625 462.98125
462.86875 462.99375


Base Receive
469.49375 469.69375
469.50625 469.70625
469.51875 469.71875
469.53125 469.73125
469.54375 469.74375
469.55625 469.75625
469.56875 469.76875
469.58125 469.78125
469.59375 469.79375
469.60625 469.80625
469.61875 469.81875
469.63125 469.83125
469.64375 469.84375
469.65625 469.85625
469.66875 469.86875

We will devise intermodulation free plans based on your needs, maximum 5 duplex pairs.


See the 'In-band Talkback' or 'Channel 21' sections.




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