Licence Exemption of Wireless Telegraphy Devices

Published: 12 March 2010
Consultation closes: 7 May 2010
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Executive Summary

1.1 This consultation sets out a range of proposals to extend and modify the existing arrangement for licence exemption in the UK. These include allowing the use of new technologies without the need to hold a licence and removing restrictions that are no longer required for existing licence-exempt devices.

1.2 Under section 8(1) of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (the "WT Act"), it is an offence to establish, install or use equipment to transmit without holding a licence granted by us, unless the use of such equipment is exempted. Under the section 8(4) of the WT Act, we are required to exempt the establishment, installation and use of a station or apparatus if it is not likely to involve undue interference.

1.3 To reflect developments in the radiocommunications industry we regularly review our regulations to ensure that citizens and consumers can benefit from these technologies. This consultation document contains a number of proposals to change the arrangements for licence exemption in the UK and include:

  • Measures to liberalise current licence exemption criteria for:
    • High Density Fixed Satellite Services (HDFSS);
    • Railway Level Crossing Radar Sensor Systems;
    • Underwater system use below 30 MHz; and
    • A number of short-range devices (SRDs) in order to harmonise, on a voluntary basis, with Europe where such measures are viewed as beneficial.
  • Information on upcoming European Commission (EC) Decisions which will be binding on the UK and will be published in the near future; and
  • Information on other related policy proposals and decisions that may be included in future regulations.

1.4 An impact assessment for the proposals contained in this document is available in Annex 5 to this document. Further copies may be obtained from or from Ofcom at Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA. Comments on the Proposed Regulations are invited by 5pm on 7 May 2010. Subject to consideration of responses we intend to bring the new regulations into force by August 2010.

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