Call for input: Fixed wireless spectrum strategy

Published: 11 July 2016
Consultation closes: 19 September 2016
Status: Closed (pending statement)

This Call for Input is asking stakeholders for their input and initial views on a strategic review of spectrum used by fixed wireless services.

Fixed wireless services are wireless links which operate between two or more fixed points and support various data-heavy applications - including backhaul services for mobile network operators, high-frequency trading and utilities.

This call for input is part of a phased review, and will support Ofcom’s wider future spectrum management policies, taking account of market trends and technology changes.

Ofcom is keen to develop a deeper understanding of current usage, as well as how technologies, supply and demand are likely to develop.

Responses will help inform Ofcom’s strategy, future spectrum policy decisions and the prioritisation of work related to fixed wireless services.

The closing date for responses is 19 September.

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