Statement: Decision to amend the licence exemption conditions for the use of certain Short-Range Devices

Published: 9 May 2022
Consultation closes: 4 July 2022
Status: Closed (statement published)

We have decided to:

  • Provide an additional 20 MHz of spectrum for safety related Intelligent Transport System (ITS): we are extending the current spectrum assignment from 5875 to 5905 MHz by 20 MHz, to cover 5875 to 5925 MHz;
  • Liberalise the use of 5150 to 5250 MHz for Wireless Access Systems including Radio Local Area Networks (WAS/RLAN) to enable licence-exempt use of this band using technologies such as Wi-Fi: we will liberalise the use of 5150 to 5250 MHz to allow outdoor mobile/nomadic use. Due to responses received, we have modified our proposal to also include in-vehicle and inside train use in these provisions and clarified the power limits. We will also permit airborne use of the 5170 to 5250 MHz part of the band; and clarify that there is no requirement for Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) and transmit power control (TPC) in the 5150 to 5250 MHz band;
  • Liberalise some of the technical conditions for some Ultra-Wideband (UWB) devices: we will allow new categories of licence-exempt use of UWB material-sensing devices and secure low-power vehicle keyless access systems;
    Close the 24 GHz Automotive Short-Range Radar (SRR) band to new applications: we will close the current authorisation for new deployments in 24.25 to 26.65 GHz in line with other European countries; and
  • Make some technical and minor editorial changes to SRD applications in the bands 870 to 874.4 MHz, 917.3 to 918.9 MHz and 917.4 to 919.4 MHz (the “870/915 MHz bands”): we will liberalise the use of fixed SRD network devices in the 870/915 MHz bands, as well as some minor editorial amendments.

To implement these changes, we will consult on draft regulations, as required by section 122(4) of the WT Act. We will begin consulting on the necessary amendments to legislation shortly.

Contact information

Eniola Awoyale
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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