In this statement we set out our conclusions on the proposal to apply Administered Incentive Pricing (“AIP”) to shore stations operating certain maritime VHF communications and Differential GPS channels. We have no plans to apply AIP fees to ships’ radio licences.
The underlying principle on which we have based our decisions is that where a channel type is either in excess demand in its current use or could feasibly be used to address excess demand for spectrum from some alternative use, AIP can help ensure that this scarce resource is assigned to those who value it most highly.
In some instances, however, fees alone may not be sufficient to address problems arising from scarcity of spectrum. For example, there are so few international simplex channels suitable for use by ports communicating with international shipping, and demand is so high, particularly at certain locations, that there will continue to be a pressing need to find new ways to use this spectrum or new capacity. Ofcom will continue to play a leading role with other regulators, internationally and at home, in finding solutions to these problems.
We have made corrections to the map used to illustrate proposed geographic classifications for International maritime channels on pages 10, 68 and 107 of the main body of the consultation document and in page 12 of 45 in Annex 7.
The following corrections were also made to the consultation:
1. Replace the map at Figure 2, Figure 3. Annex 6 and Figure 2.1 in Annex 7 with the corrected map.
2. At paragraph 7.129, bulleted text;
Line 1 - delete 150k and replaced with 96k
Line 9 - delete 800 and replace with 200
Line 10 delete 28% and replace with 33%
Line 12 delete 32% and replace with 26%
3. At Annex 7 Section 4.4, third paragraph;
Line 1 delete high and replace with medium
Line 2 delete 500 and replace with 200
Line 3 delete 1000 and replace with 400
Line 4 delete 800 and replace with 200
Line 4 delete 400% and replace with 200%