Call for inputs: Evolution of the shared access licence framework

Published: 28 March 2023
Consultation closes: 16 May 2023
Status: Closed (pending statement)

We are seeking inputs to inform our forthcoming review of the Shared Access licence framework, where we will consider changes to support users' experiences in these bands.

Our objective in establishing the Shared Access Licence (SAL) framework in 2019 was to make spectrum available for a diversity of new users who were calling for access to spectrum which could support mobile technology. We wanted to promote innovation by providing localised access to spectrum under a simple, low-cost framework.

We recognised in 2019 that, as use of the bands developed over time, we might need to review our initial proposals in light of this user interest and experience. We consider we are now approaching that point, with more than 1600 licences issued across 4 bands (3.8-4.2 GHz; 1781.7-1785 MHz paired with 1876.7-1880 MHz; 2390-2400 MHz, and the lower 26 GHz indoors). 850 of those licences have been issued since 2020.

We want to explore what has been learned from these deployments and consider if and where improvements could be made to support our original policy intention.

In this document we provide an update on our perspective on important developments and experiences in the Shared Access bands over the last 3 years, and seek inputs from stakeholders on this. It represents the beginning of a renewed dialogue with SAL spectrum users that will help inform our thinking as we move towards a review of the framework.

Responding to this call for inputs

Please submit responses using the response-form (ODT, 50.81 KB).

How to respond

Shared Access Responses
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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