Call for input: Review of the use of fixed wireless links and spectrum implications

Published: 25 October 2023
Consultation closes: 17 January 2024
Status: Closed (pending statement)

This Call for Input (CFI) seeks input from stakeholders on their current and future potential use of fixed wireless links (fixed links), along with the decision factors that lead to the selection of a fixed wireless link instead of an alternative technology.

This CFI is designed to help us gain a deeper understanding of trends in fixed links and provide us with the information we need to effectively manage the finite radio spectrum resource and ensure it is used optimally across the UK

In this CFI we provide an overview of current fixed links use in the UK and show how usage has changed since 2016. We also discuss market, technology and international developments as they relate to fixed links.

We are seeking input from stakeholders on the following topics:

  • The spectrum currently available for fixed links and how it is authorised;
  • The future demand for fixed links and factors that users consider when deciding to use fixed links over alternative connectivity solutions (e.g., fibre and satellite);
  • The wider market and technology developments affecting the market for fixed links;
  • International spectrum developments, including potential future use of bands above 92 GHz (W and D bands).

Responding to this call for input

Please submit responses using the response form (ODT, 55.1 KB)

How to respond

Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
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