Digital television transmitter details

Published: 12 October 2021
Last updated: 8 October 2024

This page contains details of the current technical parameters for the UK’s digital terrestrial television (DTT) transmitter network.

The information is in spreadsheet format and is intended for ease of download and further manipulation, rather than for presentation.

700-plan-clearance (XLSX, 224.81 KB)
Last updated: 8 October 2024

This issue of the spreadsheet incorporates various corrections and updates compared to the previous published version, and includes a small number of parameter changes arising from developments of the 700 MHz clearance frequency plan (the 700 MHz clearance programme having been completed during 2020).

The PSB_COM_Muxes worksheet contains data on the three national public service broadcaster (PSB) and the three national commercial (COM) multiplexes: PSB1, PSB2, PSB3, COM4, COM5 & COM6.

The LTVMux_NIMux_GIMux worksheet contains data on the Local TV multiplex (LTVMux), the Northern Ireland Multiplex (NIMux), and Geographic Interleaved Multiplexes (GIMux).

More information about the data contained in the spreadsheet is provided in the glossary below.

While every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information provided in these documents is accurate, no guarantees for the currency or accuracy of information are or can be made. The information contained in these documents is provided without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

Please notify significant errors or omissions by email to

ITV Region - ITV Region: The Channel 3 (ITV/STV) region of the transmitter site.

ITV Regional News Service: The Channel 3 (ITV/STV) regional or sub-regional news service carried by the transmitter.

BBC Region: The BBC regional or sub-regional service carried by the transmitter.

Transmitter Group: A group of sites comprising a Primary Transmitter (see below) and its dependent relays. Primary transmitters are shown in bold in the PSB_COM_Muxes sheet.

Site Number: Reference number for the site.

Site Name: The transmitter site name. In some cases this name may not exactly match the site name used in other sources of DTT transmitter information (see Alternative Form below)

Alternative Form: In cases where other sources of transmitter information (for example international coordination agreements) contain site names which differ in spelling or punctuation from the Site Name above, the alternative form(s) are provided here. The list of alternative forms is not exhaustive.

GBNGR: Alphanumeric Ordnance Survey (GB) National Grid Reference for the site.

GBNGRX / GBNGRY: Numeric Ordnance Survey (GB) National Grid Reference Easting / Northing for the site.

IrishGR: Alphanumeric Irish Grid Reference for sites located in Northern Ireland, prefixed by ‘I'. Locations for sites in Northern Ireland are also provided as extended GB National Grid References.

IrishGRX / IrishGRY: Numeric Irish Grid Reference Easting / Northing for sites situated in Northern Ireland.

Site Height: The terrain height of the transmitter location in metres above ordnance datum (mean sea level)

For each site or multiplex the following data is provided:

(Average) Antenna Height: The (mean) height of the antenna(s) above ground level (AGL).

Channel: The UHF channel of the service. The centre frequency, Fc (in Megahertz) of the multiplex can be calculated using Fc=8n+306, where n is the UHF channel number.

Offset: A + or - indicates that the frequency of the multiplex is offset by +0.167 MHz or -0.167 MHz with respect to the nominal channel frequency described above.

ERP: The Effective Radiated Power of the multiplex, in kilowatts (kW).

Aerial Group: Suggested aerial group for reception of the 3 PSB multiplexes (and the 3 COM multiplexes, where broadcast) from this transmitter. The suggested aerial group does not take other co-sited services into account.

Aerial group Channels Colour code
A 21-37 Red
B 35-53 Yellow
K 21-48 Grey

Polarisation: Indicates whether the multiplex(es) are horizontally (H) or vertically (V) polarised.


Multiplex designation Licence name Multiplex name Operator Transmission mode
PSB/COM multiplexes PSB1 Multiplex 1 BBC A BBC DVB-T: 64 QAM, code rate 2/3, 8K FFT
PSB2 Multiplex 2 D3&4 Digital 3 & 4 DVB-T: 64 QAM, code rate 2/3, 8K FFT
PSB3 Multiplex B BBC B BBC DVB-T2: 256 QAM, code rate 2/3, 32K FFT
COM4 Multiplex A SDN SDN DVB-T: 64 QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT
COM5 Multiplex C Arqiva A Arqiva DVB-T: 64-QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT
COM6 Multiplex D Arqiva B Arqiva DVB-T: 64-QAM, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT
Non-DSO multiplexes LTVMux Multiplex L Local TV multiplex Comux UK DVB-T: QPSK, code rate 3/4, 8K FFT
NIMux Multiplex Northern Ireland Northern Ireland multiplex Multiplex Broadcasting Services N.I. DVB-T2: QPSK, code rate 2/3, 32K FFT
GIMux Manchester GI Multiplex Geographically Interleaved Spectrum multiplex (Manchester) Entertainment Television DVB-T: 16QAM, rate 3/4, 8K FFT
GIMux Cardiff GI Multiplex Geographically Interleaved Spectrum multiplex (Cardiff) Cube Interactive Not currently on-air
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