Online mapping tool for spectrum availability in 3.8-4.2 GHz

Published: 28 November 2024

We have deployed a beta version of an online mapping tool designed to assist stakeholders in identifying available spectrum in the most heavily used shared access band. The tool provides a preliminary indication of the amount of spectrum, both total and continuous, that may be accessible in a specific area. 

While these maps do not fully replicate every detail of the assessment performed by our coordination software, they can serve as a valuable resource for understanding the potential spectrum supply in an area. 

Note that the tool presents a non realtime periodically refreshed snapshot of spectrum availability. Ofcom may have already received or granted a licence for a particular spectrum block that shows as available in the map. As we evolve the tool, we will look to refresh the snapshot more frequently (currently quarterly).  

Key Features of the Beta Online Mapping Tool:

Indicative Spectrum Availability: Provides an indication of the total and continuous spectrum that may be available at a specific location. Currently, this is based on the availability of outdoor Medium Power spectrum on the date the data refresh was conducted.  

Urban/rural indication: Provides an ability to check if a location is classified by Ofcom as an urban or rural location. 

Existing deployments in the band: Information on other licensed users in the band. Please note that for national security reasons not all transmission sites are displayed.  

User-Friendly Interface: Easy-to-navigate maps that allow stakeholders to quickly assess spectrum availability. 

We invite all stakeholders to explore the beta version of our online mapping tool and provide feedback to help us refine and enhance its capabilities. This following email can be used to offer feedback on the content or functionality of this tool: 

For more information or to apply for a Shared Access licence, please visit

Update cycle

The beta version of the tool will be updated periodically, approximately every three months and the date of the last update will be visible to users of the map. 


The beta version of our online mapping tool is designed to provide an indicative overview of spectrum availability at specific locations. Please note that the information presented by this tool is preliminary and does not fully replicate the detailed assessments performed by our coordination software. As such, the spectrum availability indicated by the tool should be used as a general guide only and will not guarantee successful spectrum assignment for Shared Access licence applications. 

Ofcom is not liable for any decisions made based on the information provided by this beta tool. Your use of this tool constitutes acceptance of these terms. 

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