Statement: Decision to implement technical and regulatory changes to the 57 – 71 GHz band

Published: 5 July 2018
Consultation closes: 6 August 2018
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 8 November 2018

This document sets out Ofcom’s decision to make new regulations by statutory instrument (the “Decision”). The new regulations change and extend the existing technical conditions and exemptions from the requirement to obtain a Wireless Telegraphy Act licence for short range wideband data transmission systems and fixed wireless systems.

The regulations implement Ofcom’s decisions in its statement on the review of spectrum used by fixed wireless services (“FWS Statement”) as follows:

a) For short range wideband data transmission systems, the regulations:

  • extend the current licence exemption and technical conditions (from 57 - 66 GHz) up to 71 GHz; and
  • introduce new technical conditions to allow licence exempt use of lower power equipment operation in a fixed outdoor installation in the extended 57 - 71 GHz band.

b) For fixed wireless systems, the regulations:

  • extend the current licence exemption (from 57.1 GHz - 63.9 GHz) up to 70.875 GHz, and by doing so change the current authorisation approach for fixed wireless systems operating in the 64 - 66 GHz band from light licence to licence exempt; and
  • extend the current technical conditions (from 57.1 - 63.9 GHz) up to 70.875 GHz.

The regulations will come into force on 27 November 2018.

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Paul Chapman
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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