Consultation: Supporting increased use of shared spectrum

Published: 23 November 2023
Consultation closes: 2 February 2024
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Spectrum sharing is a key part of Ofcom’s strategy for spectrum management. The Shared Access framework provides a mechanism to access frequencies with established or developing mobile equipment ecosystems, on a localised basis. We have seen growing interest in this form of access over the last four years, with more than 1,500 licences now issued, and a number of other countries adopting similar approaches.

In light of this demand and projected future growth, we are now proposing steps to enhance the supply of spectrum available, especially in the popular 3.8-4.2 GHz band. We propose to do this by relaxing certain coordination assumptions to better match real world conditions, and by allowing additional user input in coordination decisions. We are also proposing to support additional uses by increasing the permissible power level of our Low Power product, and loosening certain restrictions on terminal record keeping for such Low Power indoor deployments.

On 23 November 2023 Ofcom published a consultation titled ‘Supporting increased use of shared spectrum.’ In that document, we said we were considering revising our fees for Shared Access licenses in the 3.8-4.2 GHz band.

Since publication of that document, it has come to our attention that there were errors in 'Table 5.3: Comparison of modelled sterilisation areas for a sample of hypothetical Low vs. Medium Power urban deployments’. These errors have been corrected in the Shared Access Correction document below.

Contact information


Jack Hindley
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA

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