Digital Dividend Review: 550-630MHz and 790-854MHz

Published: 6 June 2008
Consultation closes: 15 August 2008
Status: Closed (pending statement)

This consultation document launches the implementation phase of the digital dividend review (DDR). In this document we set out our proposals on the packaging and auction design for the digital dividend cleared award together with our approach on conditions to be included in the licences that will be awarded at auction.

Two other consultation documents, which we expect to publish shortly will set out our proposals for the auction for the DDR geographic interleaved spectrum and for the beauty contest for the remaining interleaved spectrum for the award of a licence for a band manager with obligations to Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) users.

Our aim in designing these awards is to facilitate the release of this important resource in a manner which not only reflects existing consumer demand and the technological advances made in wireless communications over recent years, but also allows this spectrum to change use and adapt to changing consumer demand and developments in technology.

Experience of spectrum awards in the UK and elsewhere suggests that a well-designed auction can be a powerful tool for encouraging new entry, new services and new technologies. An important part of the proposals set out in this document is our consideration of awarding the DDR spectrum in a manner that can best promote competition and innovation in downstream markets.


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