1.1 Ofcom published an update on the release of the bands 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz in January 2013. In that update we consulted on our proposal to release these bands for Short Range Devices (SRDs) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFIDs) on a licence exempt basis, whilst taking into account the requirements for access to those bands that the Government had identified.
1.2 Based on:
- the progress made in Europe with new harmonising measures for SRDs and RFIDs by the Conference of European Posts and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) and European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI);
- confirmation from the Government that the Ministry of Defence (MOD) has released the bands 870-872 MHz and 915-917 MHz to Ofcom; and
- the 27 responses we received to our consultation,
1.3 we have decided, in light of our statutory duties, that the bands 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz will be made available on a licence exempt basis subject to the CEPT’s harmonised technical measures so long as those include sufficient technical constraints to permit the efficient use of the spectrum.
1.3 We will hold a further consultation in Q4 this year following further CEPT work on these bands that will focus on the appropriate technical amendments to the Interface Requirement “IR 2030 - UK Interface Requirements 2030 Licence Exempt Short Range Devices”.
1.4 Following that further consultation we will publish a statement and Notice of draft regulations and then, subject to responses to that Notice, make the necessary exemption regulations. We aim to complete this process in spring 2014. This timing will avoid the risk that technical requirements in the UK differ from those in the rest of Europe without good reason.