Guidance on EMF compliance and enforcement

Published: 3 November 2021
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Spectrum users are required to take into account Ofcom’s "Guidance on EMF Compliance and Enforcement" when evaluating their compliance with the EMF licence condition. The guidance includes details of:

  • when spectrum users are not required to comply with the general public EMF limits;
  • the methods spectrum users may use to assess compliance;
  • the records a spectrum users should keep in order to demonstrate compliance;
  • what we mean by members of the general public and the areas in which spectrum users need to ensure the general EMF public limits are not breached;
  • how to ensure compliance when a spectrum user has more than one piece of equipment on the same site;
  • how to ensure compliance when a site is shared with another spectrum user; and
  • the enforcement options available to Ofcom in the event of a breach of the EMF condition.

Guidance on EMF Compliance and Enforcement (PDF, 598.6 KB)

To help licensees understand whether or not they need to carry out an assessment of their equipment (and if they do need, to help them work out how to comply) we have produced a simple EMF compliance flowchart (PDF, 241.5 KB).

In addition to the formal guidance described above, Ofcom has produced the following more user-friendly guidance documents for licensees:

Ofcom’s EMF licence condition: what you need to know (general guidance) (v2.1) (PDF, 233.6 KB)

Ofcom’s EMF licence condition: what you need to know as an amateur radio user (v2.1) (PDF, 255.2 KB)

Ofcom’s EMF licence condition: what you need to know as a ship radio licensee (v2.2) (PDF, 312.2 KB)

Ofcom’s EMF licence condition: what you need to know as an aeronautical radio user (v1.0) (PDF, 272.1 KB)

Supporting documents

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