Connected Nations update: Spring 2024

Published: 24 April 2024

This is an interim update to our last annual Connected Nations report, which was based on data collected in September 2023. This report is based on fixed broadband availability and mobile coverage in the UK as of January 2024.

We have also used the data collected for this report to update our broadband and mobile coverage checker.

Later this year we intend to publish our report into the plans of operators to deploy very high-capacity networks (VHCN) over the next three years. Our next annual Connected Nations report is also expected to be published in late 2024.

Summary of key findings

  • Number of homes able to get gigabit-capable broadband is up to 24.0 million homes (80% of all UK homes), up from 23.2 million (78%) since September 2023.
  • Full fibre coverage is now at 18.7 million homes (62%). This represents an increase of 5 percentage points in the four months between September 2023 and January 2024.
  • Superfast broadband coverage across the UK overall remains at 97%.
  • The number of premises unable to get access to decent (>10Mps download speed) broadband, when factoring in fixed wireless and fixed line networks, has dropped from 61,000 to 57,000 premises, of which around 47,000 are not expected to be covered by rollout of publicly funded schemes within the next twelve months.
  • Mobile coverage remains stable for 4G, with around 93% of the UK landmass predicted to have good outdoor 4G coverage from at least one operator. This area includes nearly all the premises in the UK.
  • 5G coverage has also remained steady over the previous 4 months with around 92% of premises being able to get a 5G signal outdoors, from at least one mobile network operator (figures reported with a high degree of confidence).

As with previous updates, we have published:

Download the data

We have made some of the data that underpins the Connected Nations report available for download. This data was collected up to January 2024.

Please see our terms of use for our licence conditions. If you have any questions or feedback on the data we have made available, email us at

  Data About the data
Fixed postcode Fixed coverage postcode unit data (ZIP, 35.4 MB) About this data: Fixed coverage (PDF, 180.7 KB)
Fixed output area Fixed coverage census output area data (ZIP, 9.8 MB)
Fixed Westminster constituency Fixed coverage parliamentary constituency data (ZIP, 102.1 KB)
Fixed local and unitary authority Fixed coverage local and unitary authority data (ZIP, 62.6 KB)
Fixed  UK and Nations Fixed coverage UK and Nations (ZIP, 4.8 KB)
Mobile Westminster constituency*

Mobile coverage, parliamentary constituency area data (with 5G) (ZIP, 90.0 KB)

Mobile coverage parliamentary constituency area data (ZIP, 132.7 KB)

About this date: Mobile coverage (PDF, 176.4 KB)

Mobile local and unitary authority*

Mobile coverage, local and unitary authority data (with 5G) (ZIP, 57.3 KB)

Mobile coverage local and unitary authority data (ZIP, 85.9 KB)

Mobile UK and Nations Mobile coverage UK and Nations (ZIP, 8.9 KB)
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