Securing the Universal Postal Service

Published: 20 October 2011
Consultation closes: 5 January 2012
Status: Closed (pending statement)

This consultation considers the regulatory safeguards for postal services from April 2012 and sets out Ofcom’s proposals for the regulation of the universal service provider, Royal Mail, in relation to universal and access services.

In reaching the proposals in this document we have considered:

  • the views and evidence provided following Postcomm‘s consultations: The building blocks for a sustainable postal service, Access Review 2012 - Initial Proposals, published in March 2011, and The building blocks for a sustainable postal service – Initial proposals for regulatory safeguards, published in April 2011; and
  • our analysis of the information and evidence received and gathered.

The regulatory conditions (the draft legal instruments) that will give effect to these final proposals will be published separately for consultation in November 2011.

The purpose of this consultation is to seek input from stakeholders and any other interested parties. In particular, whilst this consultation document contains a number of specific questions, we are not seeking to limit the issues on which respondents may wish to comment, and respondents are invited to include representations on any issues which they consider to be relevant.

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