This review contains our assessment of whether the minimum requirements of the universal postal service reflect the reasonable needs of users of postal services. It would be for the UK Government to determine whether any changes are needed to the minimum requirements and to bring any proposals before Parliament.
As set out in our Plan of Work, we are undertaking a review of the future regulatory framework for post. This will consider issues affecting the broader postal sector as people’s reliance on parcels continues to grow. We will engage with stakeholders on a range of issues, including access regulation for letters, consumer issues in the parcels and letters markets, and how regulation can support a modern well-functioning parcels market that delivers benefits to end users. We intend to publish a call for inputs on these issues in Q4 2020/21.
Review of postal users' needs: 2020 report (PDF, 5.0 MB)
Adolygiad o anghenion defnyddwyr gwasanaethau post: Adroddiad 2020 (PDF, 638.1 KB)
Review of postal users' needs: 2020 qualitative report (PDF, 742.9 KB)
Review of postal users' needs: 2020 quantitative report (PDF, 2.2 MB)
Review of postal users' needs: 2020 Summer research (PDF, 2.2 MB)
2020-review-of-postal-user-needs-residential-weighted-tabulations (XLSX, 3.72 MB)
2020-review-of-postal-user-needs-sme-data (CSV, 1.8 MB)
2020-review-of-postal-user-needs-survey-data-tables (XLSX, 3.24 MB)
Older research is available through the National Archives.