Terms of Reference

Published: 12 March 2015
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Competition and investment in converged communications infrastructure

This document sets out the terms of reference for Ofcom’s Strategic Review of Digital Communications, considering competition and investment in converged communications infrastructure.

Ten years after the completion of our first strategic review, Ofcom is conducting an overarching review of the UK’s digital communications. The aim of the review is to make sure digital communications markets continue to work for consumers and businesses.

This review will consider future issues relating to infrastructure and competition. Key to this will be how incentives for efficient investment and effective competition drive good outcomes. These outcomes include coverage, choice, price and quality of service for consumers, citizens and businesses. It will cover both fixed and wireless networks and services, and take account of alternative services delivered over the internet (‘over-the-top’).

The review will have at least two main phases. Phase one will focus on evidence gathering and understanding experiences of digital communications. Building on stakeholder responses to this discussion document, the second phase will draw initial conclusions and set out a clear plan for next steps.

We anticipate concluding phase one of the review in summer 2015, and phase two around the end of 2015.

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