Telecommunications Market Data Update Q3 2020

Published: 22 October 2020
Last updated: 16 March 2023

In the following section we highlight some of the key trends emerging this quarter from the data we collect on the UK telecommunications sector.

Fixed voice services

  • UK fixed voice services generated £1.7bn in revenue in Q3 2020; a fall of £42m (2.4%) from the previous quarter. BT’s share of these revenues remained stable at 48.7%.
  • Access and add-on call bundles generated £1.5bn in revenue in Q3 2020, accounting for 87.5% of total fixed voice revenues.
  • There were 32.2 million fixed exchange lines (including PSTN, ISDN and managed VoIP connections) at the end of Q3 2020, 86k (0.3%) fewer than at the end of the prevous quarter.
  • Total fixed-originated call volumes fell by 1.4 billion minutes (11.3%) to 10.8 billion minutes during the quarter, having increased sharply during the initial phase of Covid-19 lockdown in Q2 2020.

Fixed broadband services

  • There were 27.1 million fixed broadband lines at the end of Q3 2020, an increase of 93k (0.3%) from the previous quarter.
  • The number of ADSL lines fell by 555k (8.9%) in Q3 2020, while the number of cable broadband lines increased by 15k (0.3%) and the number of ‘Other inc. FTTx’ lines (predominantly fibre broadband connections) increased by 633k (4.1%).
  • There were 16.3 million ‘Other inc. FTTx’ broadband lines at the end of Q2 2020, accounting for 59.9% of all UK fixed broadband connections.

Mobile services

  • Mobile telephony services generated £3.1bn in retail revenues in Q3 2020, a £284m (8.4%) decrease from a year previously.
  • Average monthly revenue per subscriber was £12.37 in Q3 2020, with post-pay subscribers generating more revenue than pre-pay users on average (£15.26 compared to £4.71).
  • The number of active mobile subscriptions (excluding M2M) was 84.2 million at the end of Q3 2020, down 0.1 million (0.1%) from a year previously.
  • Over the same period, the number of dedicated mobile broadband subscriptions increased by 0.3 million 6.2%) to 4.8 million.
  • The number of mobile-originated voice calls minutes increased by 7.3 billion (18.3%) to 46.9 billion minutes in the year to Q3 2020, with calls to landlines increasing by 24.7% to 10.4 billion minutes.
  • Roaming call volumes decreased by 45.5% to 0.5 billion minutes compared to Q3 2019, the key driver of this fall being travel restrictions that were introduced to combat the spread of Covid-19.
  • The number of mobile messages (including SMS and MMS) saw a significant year-on-year decline, down 4.2 billion messages (26.1%) to 11.9 billion.
  • Data usage continued to increase rapidly, up 217 PB (24.6%) year-on-year to 1,099 PB.

Telecommunications data revenues, volumes and market share update Q3 2020 (PDF, 608.8 KB)

q3-2020-telecoms-data-update (CSV, 134.93 KB)

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