Review of the market for standalone landline telephone services

Published: 28 February 2017
Consultation closes: 9 May 2017
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 26 October 2017

This document sets out our conclusions for the market for standalone landline telephone services following our consultation in February.

We had concerns about consumers that buy landline services in a standalone contract and not as part of a bundle with other services such as broadband or pay-TV. In particular, we were concerned about consumers who do not buy fixed broadband, as the market appeared not to be serving them well. We observed that these consumers were experiencing rising prices for line rental, despite falling wholesale costs.

In our February consultation, we proposed regulated price reductions and a requirement for BT to work with us to encourage their customers to consider what better deals were available.

We have now received an offer from BT that matches our proposed regulation for voice-only consumers. Here we set out our consideration of BT’s offer.

We have launched an additional consultation that sets out our further proposals for the financial reporting requirements that BT will need to follow in relation to these retail standalone landline telephone services.

Managing your landline costs: How to choose the best type of tariff for you, including specific advice for people on low incomes.

Switching landline provider: This guide explains what you need to do if you want to switch your landline to a new provider

BT's landline-only customers set for cheaper bills: Article explaining the review of the market for standalone landline telephone services

Contact information

Catherine Warhurst
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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