Review of fixed call origination and termination markets 2016-19: Call for inputs

Published: 2 April 2015
Consultation closes: 14 May 2015
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Fixed call origination and termination underpin the delivery of retail fixed voice calls in the UK. We are reviewing the markets for wholesale fixed call origination and wholesale fixed call termination in order to understand the effectiveness of competition in these wholesale markets. If they are not effectively competitive, we will need to consider the appropriate regulation necessary to ensure effective competition in those retail services that depend on them.

This document sets out the proposed scope of our review, and asks stakeholders for views and evidence to assist our analysis.

Since publishing this call for inputs (CFI) on 2 April 2015, we commenced our review of wholesale fixed analogue exchange lines and wholesale ISDN2 and ISDN30 exchange lines markets (collectively, the “narrowband access markets”) alongside our review of the wholesale call origination (WCO) market. As a result, CFI responses relating to fixed call origination and termination will be considered within the Narrowband Market Reviews (NMR) 2016.

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