Proposed changes to BT's regulatory financial reporting framework

Published: 27 May 2005
Consultation closes: 23 June 2005
Status: Closed (statement published)

Following a consultation in May 2005, this document sets out Ofcom’s final decision on the modifications to certain of the British Telecommunications plc (BT)’s regulatory financial reporting and audit requirements as set out in “The regulatory financial reporting obligations on BT and Kingston Communications” issued in July 2004. These will take effect in relation to the reporting period ended 31 March 2005.

The changes fall into four categories:

  • the introduction of a significant new layer of regulatory financial information provided to Ofcom by BT;
  • the enhancement of certain aspects of the 2004 Statement as it relates to BT;
  • certain “housekeeping” amendments to the 2004 Statement as it relates to BT; and
  • a limited relaxation on the reporting and audit requirements set out in the 2004 Statement in recognition of the new layer of information being made available by BT to Ofcom.
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