Proposal that all provisions continued from licences made under the Telecommunications Act 1984

Published: 9 September 2004
Consultation closes: 9 September 2004
Status: Closed (statement published)

On 9 September 2004 Ofcom published a consultation document which proposed that all conditions and directions which had been continued from the telecommunications licensing regime which existed before 25 July 2003 should be discontinued, except for a limited, but important, set of exceptions which were listed. The document also proposed that Ofcom should not proceed with compilation of a list of providers of Public Electronic Communications Networks (commonly known as the voluntary PECN register).

Ofcom received responses to the proposals from UKCTA, BT, O2 and ntl. All were broadly in favour of the proposals. Ofcom has concluded, therefore, that it should proceed as proposed in the consultation document published on 9 September 2004.

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