Mobile call termination

Published: 13 September 2006
Consultation closes: 22 November 2006
Status: Closed (statement published)

Wholesale mobile voice call termination (“MCT”) is the service necessary for a network operator to connect a caller with the intended mobile recipient of a call on a different network.

If voice call termination, generally, was not available a network operator could only terminate calls to other customers on its own network. This service is referred to as wholesale because it is sold and purchased by network operators rather than retail customers.

In this statement, Ofcom is setting out the conclusions of its review of the market(s) for supply of MCT, including its conclusions on market definition, the existence of Significant Market Power (“SMP”), the detriments likely to arise from the exercise of that SMP and the remedies which should be imposed. Ofcom’s review is a forward looking review of the four years from 1 April 2007.

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