Consumer Switching: A consultation on processes for switching fixed voice and broadband providers on the KCOM copper network

Published: 29 October 2014
Consultation closes: 10 December 2014
Status: Closed (pending statement)

It is vital for consumers to be able to exercise their choice and switch providers easily in order to take advantage of competition in the communications sector.

This document sets out our consultation on switching processes used on the KCOM copper network. KCOM provides voice and broadband services in the Kingston upon Hull area, where the Openreach network is not available.

This consultation follows on from our decision in December 2013 to harmonise all switches for fixed voice and/or broadband services over the Openreach network to a single Gaining Provider Led process using the existing Notification of Transfer (NoT) process. At the same time we decided to implement five enhancements to improve the NoT process.

In this document we are consulting on harmonising the two existing KCOM processes to a single process led by the gaining provider. We are also consulting on implementing the same five enhancements to improve the NoT process that have been implemented on the Openreach network.

We are seeking views from Stakeholders on our proposals. The Consultation closes on 10 December 2014.

We will aim to publish a statement in early 2015.

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