Further consultation: Narrowband Market Review

Published: 6 July 2017
Consultation closes: 7 August 2017
Status: Closed (pending statement)

This document sets out one revised proposal and one clarification in relation to our current Narrowband Market Review.

On 1 December 2016, we published a consultation on our Narrowband Market Review proposals for the future regulation of five wholesale markets that underpin the delivery of fixed voice telephone services to consumers. Those wholesale markets include fixed wholesale call termination (WCT), an arrangement where one telecoms provider charges another telecoms provider for terminating calls on their network. We also consulted on proposals for the regulation of BT’s interconnection circuits, the arrangements where telecoms providers physically connect their network to BT’s network so that they can exchange voice traffic.

We are now consulting on revised price notification requirements for all telecoms providers that offer WCT and, in addition, clarifying how our proposals for the regulation of BT’s interconnection circuits may apply to interconnection using next generation voice networks (which rely on internet protocol (IP) technology).

We will take responses to this further consultation into account before reaching our final conclusions and publishing our statement on the review in late 2017.

Other ways to respond

James King
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
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