Further consultation: Mobile Call Termination Market Review 2018-2021

Published: 17 November 2017
Consultation closes: 15 January 2018
Status: Closed (statement published)

Final statement published 28 March 2018

In June 2017, we published a consultation on our proposals for the future regulation of the MCT market. We proposed to impose a network access obligation on all providers with Significant Market Power (SMP) and a charge control on all calls.

Since June we have received information regarding five additional smaller mobile providers, not included in the proposed list of mobile providers with SMP published in June, which we consider should also be designated as having SMP and subject to regulatory obligations.

This document sets out our proposed changes to the list of mobile providers published in June and our proposals to impose SMP conditions on the additional providers included on that list.

23 February 2018: Final statement

Final statement published 28 March 2018.

23 February 2018: Draft statement

Draft statement published 23 February 2018.

24 January 2018: Notification of proposed designation on Significant Market Power

On 23 January 2018 we issued the attached Notification of the proposed designation of Significant Market Power (SMP) to Telet Research (N.I.) Limited (Telet) (PDF, 552.9 KB).

Telet has until 26 February 2018 to make representations to Ofcom with respect to its proposed designation of SMP.

12 December 2017: Updated list of proposed list of telecoms providers

Following information we have received, we have added a further two companies to our proposed list of telecoms providers that have significant market power in mobile call termination.

Therefore, we have extended the closing date for this consultation to 15 January 2018.

Contact information

Lucy Reid
Fourth Floor
125 Princes Street
Edinburgh EH2 4AD
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