This supplementary consultation provides an opportunity for stakeholders to comment on areas where we have changed some of our provisional conclusions from those set out in our Draft Determination to resolve disputes referred to us by each of Vodafone Limited (Vodafone), T-Mobile (UK) Limited (T-Mobile), Hutchison 3G UK Limited (H3G), Telefonica O2 UK Limited (O2), and Orange Personal Communications Services Ltd (Orange) (together, the MNOs) against British Telecommunications plc (BT). We joined each party to the original dispute submitted by Vodafone, so we therefore refer to this dispute as the Dispute; and we refer to the MNOs and BT collectively as the Parties.
We note that from July 2010, the Orange and T-Mobile brands will operate under a single company, Everything Everywhere Limited. However, we have continued to refer to the Parties as Orange and T-Mobile for the purposes of this document. Where joint views have been submitted to Ofcom we will refer to the Parties as T-Mobile/Orange.