Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Policy position on the introduction of the unbundled tariff and changes to 080 and 116 ranges

Published: 15 April 2013
Consultation closes: 28 May 2013
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Non-geographic calls are those made to 03, 05, 070/076, 080, 0845, 0870, 0843/4, 0871/2/3, 09, 116 and 118 numbers. Consumers use these number ranges to call businesses, financial institutions, helplines and government agencies, to get information and to make payments for services.

Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Part A (Summary of concerns and overall approach, including legal framework and powers) (PDF, 749.6 KB)

Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Part B (The unbundled tariff) (PDF, 413.4 KB)

Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Part C (Making 080 and 116 free-to-caller) (PDF, 944.5 KB)

Update: 18 April 2013

Note that the version of the Part A Annexes 14 to 18 (the draft legal instruments) published on the 15 April 2013 had a page missing (page 289, the condition binding non-providers). This has now been included in the version below.

This draft statement sets out our decision (subject to EU consultation) to impose an access condition on communications providers ('CPs') that provide wholesale call termination to free-to-caller 080 and 116 numbers. The access condition will require terminating CPs ('TCPs') to purchase wholesale call origination for calls to 080 and 116 numbers on fair and reasonable terms (including charges).

Access condition for free-to-caller 080 and 116 numbers - Draft statement (PDF, 599.9 KB)

Update: 16 January 2014

Please note that previously in Annex 4 (the guidance on service charge price points), the price points at the level of the 09 service charge caps had incorrectly been stated exclusive of VAT at £3 per minute and £5 per call (whereas all other suggested price points were calculated inclusive of VAT). We have now corrected these prices in Annex 4 so that, consistent with all other SC price points identified in the Annex 4 guidance, they are stated inclusive of VAT at £3.60 per minute and £6 per call.

Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Final statement (PDF, 506.7 KB)

Simplifying non-geographic numbers - Final statement annexes (PDF, 2.3 MB)

From mid-2015, telephone companies will have to change the way they charge for certain non-geographic calls (numbers starting with 084, 087, 09 and 118).  The charge for a call will be composed of an Access Charge (the charge the telephone company makes for connecting the call) and a Service Charge (the charge made by the organisation being called).  Telephone companies have to offer the organisations controlling number blocks within these ranges a choice of at least 80 possible price points for the Service Charge so that companies can select one most suitable for a given number block.

The paper sets out revised guidance to telephone companies in selecting the initial set of price points for Service Charges.

Simplifying non geographic numbers - Revised guidance on Service Charge price points (PDF, 52.1 KB)

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