Statement: Protecting voice-only landline telephone customers

Published: 10 December 2020
Consultation closes: 21 January 2021
Status: Closed (statement published)

Statement published 25 March 2021

The ongoing coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic continues to highlight the increasing importance of telecoms services. This is particularly the case for a small number of customers who, now more than ever, rely on their landline phone to make calls. In 2020, there were 1.1m voice-only landline customers and over 75% of these customers take their service from BT.

Since April 2018, the prices these customers pay for their voice-only service have been protected by BT's voluntary commitments. These commitments expire on 31 March 2021 and we have now accepted a new offer from BT of further voluntary commitments to ensure continued protections for its voice-only customers until March 2026.

This statement sets out the responses we received to our December proposals and our decision to accept BT’s further commitments.

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