Practical tips for improving your broadband speed

Published: 22 December 2023
Last updated: 24 September 2024

Lots of people depend on a reliable, fast broadband service. But there are times when your service might not offer you the speeds you need, or that you were promised when you signed up.

First of all, think about what speeds you need, based on what you use it for by using our broadband checker.

what you can do with different types of broadband

If your speed drops below the level your provider promised you, they have one month to improve the performance before they must allow you to walk away without being penalised.

But there are other, practical steps you can take to improve the speeds and performance of your service.

There are a number of factors which can affect the speed of your broadband connection.

The distance your home is from the telephone exchange, the time of day you go online and the number of people in your home using the internet at the same time, can all play a part in slowing down your connection.

Your device may also not be set-up correctly or the line that provides the internet connection to your home may be damaged, while your internet provider's traffic management policies could also be a factor.

The following tips could help bring your connection back up to speed – the last tip (number 8) applies specifically if you receive your broadband through your telephone line rather than via cable.

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This will show you what speed you're actually getting. Carry out a few tests over several days and vary the times you carry out the test. There are many broadband speed tests available online, including some from Ofcom accredited price comparison sites.

If you have a problem with your connection, we suggest contacting your provider in the first instance. They should be able to help you work out what the cause is and how you might be able to fix it.

Check whether you're using the latest version of your web browser – newer versions not only provide better security but should also work faster. You can check your browser on the Get Safe Online website.

Halogen lamps, electrical dimmer switches, stereo or computer speakers, fairy lights, TVs and monitors and AC power cords have all been known to affect routers. Keep your router as far away as possible from other electrical devices as well as those which emit wireless signals such as cordless phones, baby monitors etc. Try to place your router on a table or shelf rather than on the floor and keep it switched on.

If you have an older router, or you have regular disconnections on your line, you may benefit from upgrading. Speak to your provider.

If you don't keep your wireless router secure, anyone nearby could log on to your broadband. Not only could this slow down your internet speeds but your online security could also be at risk. To find out whether you are secure, search for available wireless networks. If your network is secure there should be a picture of a padlock next to it. If there isn't then you'll need to password-protect your router. Use a password that contains a mixture of numbers and upper and lower case letters. If you're not sure how to set or change a password, speak to your provider.

Use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to your router rather than using WiFi. An Ethernet cable is a computer networking cable which should give you a faster, more reliable connection.

Interference could slow your broadband down. Use a microfilter and try not to use a telephone extension lead – leads can cause interference which could lower your speed. If you do have to use an extension lead, use a new, high quality cable with the shortest possible length.

Broadband Speeds Code of Practice

Most ISPs have signed up to the Broadband Speeds Code of Practice, which ensure that your provider gives you information about the speed you can expect to get. Read a customer guide to the code.

Under this Code, ISPs have committed to:

  • give customers information on their estimated speeds range in writing at the start of a contract;
  • allow customers to exit contracts without penalty if they receive speeds significantly below their original estimate;
  • explain clearly and simply how technical factors (such as how far you live from the exchange) may slow down the speed that you may get and give you help and advice if you can do something yourself at home to improve the situation;
  • have robust processes in place to ensure that customers' speed-related problems are dealt with swiftly and effectively.

When purchasing a broadband service, check whether your ISP has signed up to the code and make sure you get an estimate of the speed you can expect to receive.

In September 2022, the broadband speeds codes of practice were updated. You can read more about the updates in the 2022 broadband speeds codes of practice which apply to broadband services from 21 December 2022. We also updated our guide for consumers on the broadband speeds codes of practice to reflect these changes

Broadband universal service obligation (USO)

Since March 2020, the broadband USO has given people in the UK the right to request a decent and affordable broadband connection.

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