Review of the Metering and Billing Direction

Published: 23 May 2014
Consultation closes: 23 June 2014
Status: Closed (pending statement)

Ofcom is reviewing the Metering and Billing Direction ('the Direction'). This is essentially a technical standard intended to ensure that communications providers' systems deliver accurate bills. All communications providers with a turnover of over £40 million a year for providing Publically Available Telephony Services (PATS) are required to comply with the requirements of the Direction.

As part of the review, Ofcom has published two consultations (one in February 2013 and another in February 2014). In response to the February 2014 consultation, a stakeholder has asked whether turnover from wholesale PATS provided by communications providers should be included in the calculation of the £40 million turnover.
This consultation sets out, and invites comments on, our proposal that turnover from wholesale PATS should be included in the calculation.

The conclusions of this narrow consultation will be included within the wider statement that will complete the review, planned for this summer.

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