Automated Content Classification (ACC) Systems

Published: 25 January 2023
Last updated: 16 March 2023

In recent years, a wide-ranging global debate has been taking place about the risks faced by internet users and the steps that can be taken to help protect them from harm. A key element of this debate has centred on the role and capabilities of automated approaches (driven by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques) to enhance the effectiveness of online content moderation and offer users greater protection from potentially illegal and harmful material.

Ofcom has commissioned Winder.Ai to produce this report to improve our understanding of the end-to-end processes that support the creation and deployment of automated content classifiers (ACCs) used in moderating online content. We are publishing this report with the overall goal of improving awareness of how these systems work.

Read the report

Automated Content Classification (ACC) Systems (PDF, 901.2 KB)

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