A woman working on a laptop sitting next to a young boy who is using a tablet device

We’re supporting Safer Internet Day 2023

Published: 7 February 2023
Last updated: 16 March 2023

Ofcom is proudly supporting Safer Internet Day 2023, a global initiative aimed at raising awareness of emerging issues and current concerns about the online world.

This year’s theme is ‘Want to talk about it?’, encouraging people to have conversations about their online lives.

We’re pleased to support Safer Internet Day, particularly as we gear up for our role as the online safety regulator, helping everyone to live a safer life online.

We already carry out our own work in this area. We recently commissioned a number of organisations across the UK to help improve online media literacy skills among groups and communities most at risk of online harm.

And we have previously carried out research into online safety matters – such as our recent research which showed that a third of children have a fake ‘social media age’ of 18+.

Dame Melanie Dawes, Ofcom Chief Executive, said: “As we gear up for the task of regulating online safety, we’re proud to support Safer Internet Day.

“Having frank and open conversations about life online is an important way of supporting young people as they develop the skills needed to navigate the online world safely, while enjoying all its benefits."

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