Exploring high media literacy among children aged 8-12

Published: 15 March 2024

Ofcom has a statutory duty to promote and research media literacy in a range of ways. We fulfil this duty via our Making Sense of Media programme, which aims to help improve the online skills, knowledge and understanding of children and adults in the UK.

This research report explores how highly media literate children aged 8-12 navigate their online worlds. The report focuses on gaming, social media and search platforms to examine the main drivers of high media literacy in children; what high media literacy among children looks like; what are its benefits; and the inconsistencies in highly media literate children’s behaviours.

We used a mixed methodology including diary tasks, in-depth interviews, triad interviews and in-home observations to provide ‘in-the moment’ insights alongside more considered and reflective participant responses. Participants were spread across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and included those from minority ethnic backgrounds.

Exploring high media literacy among children aged 8-12

Discourse analysis


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