Ofcom is required to ensure that all but the smallest broadcasters make arrangements for promoting equal opportunities in employment regardless of gender, race and disability. At the moment, we do this through an annual reporting process and guidance to broadcasters on policies and procedures. Given experience of co-regulation of training and development through the Broadcast Training and Skills Regulator (BTSR), Ofcom sought views last year on whether co-regulation should be extended to equal opportunities, or whether direct regulation should continue.
Most respondents favoured co-regulation, and agreed that BTSR should undertake this task. A number emphasised that more detailed planning was required and that costs should be kept under control. Advocates of continuing with direct regulation divided between those concerned that co-regulation would signal a downgrading of equal opportunities, and those broadcasters who saw no financial benefit.
Ofcom has considered all the responses carefully, and has also taken into account points made in subsequent discussions with stakeholders. Among other things, we believe that co-regulation could bring much better focus to equal opportunities than direct regulation from Ofcom, and secure participation from industry that is geared to broadcasters learning from each other, rather than directed (as at present) to data collection. Nonetheless, we see merit in a number of the suggestions made by supporters and critics of co-regulation alike, and believe that they should be taken into account in detailed planning.