Bwletinau darlledu ac ar alwad

Cyhoeddwyd: 13 Ionawr 2020

Mae’r Bwletin Darlledu ac Ar Alwad yn adrodd canlyniadau'r ymchwiliadau i’r posibilrwydd o dorri codau a rheoliadau Ofcom yng nghyswllt rhaglenni teledu, radio a fideo ar alwad; yn ogystal ag amodau’r drwydded y mae’n rhaid i ddarlledwyr sy’n cael eu rheoleiddio gan Ofcom gydymffurfio â nhw.

Mae’n bolisi gan Ofcom i ddisgrifio’n llawn cynnwys rhaglenni teledu, radio a fideo ar-alwad. Mae'n bosibl felly y bydd rhywfaint o’r iaith a’r disgrifiadau a ddefnyddir yn y Bwletinau Darlledu ac Ar Alwad yn achosi tramgwydd.

Ymysg y Codau, y rheolau a’r canllawiau mae Ofcom yn eu defnyddio i reoleiddio rhaglenni teledu, radio a fideo ar-alwad mae:

  1. Cod Darlledu Ofcom (“y Cod”) ar gyfer cynnwys sy'n cael ei ddarlledu ar wasanaethau teledu a radio. Mae hyn hefyd yn cynnwys rheolau ar gyfer darparwyr gwasanaethau ar-alwad.
  2. Cod ar amserlennu hysbysebion teledu (“COSTA”) sy'n cynnwys rheolau o ran faint o hysbysebion a thele-siopa y gellir eu hamserlennu mewn rhaglenni teledu, faint o egwyliau a ganiateir a phryd y gellir eu cynnal.
  3. 3.adrannau penodol o’r Cod BCAP: Cod y DU ar Ddarlledu Hysbysebion, sy'n ymwneud â’r meysydd hynny yn y Cod BCAP y mae gan Ofcom gyfrifoldeb rheoleiddiol drostynt o ran gwasanaethau teledu a radio. Ymysg y rhain mae:
    1. gwaharddiad ar hysbysebu ‘gwleidyddol’
    2. nawdd a gosod cynnyrch ar y teledu (gweler Rheolau 9.13, 9.16 a 9.17 y Cod) a’r holl gyfathrebiadau masnachol mewn rhaglenni radio (gweler Rheolau 10.6 i 10.8 y Cod);
    3. hysbysebion ‘teledu cyfranogiad’. Mae hyn yn cynnwys hysbysebion ar ffurf hir ar wasanaethau ffôn cyfradd premiwm - yn enwedig sgwrsio (gan gynnwys sgwrsio ‘oedolion’), darlleniadau ‘seicig’ a rhaglenni teledu cwis pwrpasol (gwasanaethau ffonio rhaglenni cwis ar y teledu). Mae Ofcom hefyd yn gyfrifol am reoleiddio deunydd hapchwarae, chwilio-am-gariad, a ‘bwrdd negeseuon’ pan mae’r rhain yn cael eu darlledu fel hysbysebion (BCAP ac ASA sy'n parhau i reoleiddio cynnwys tele-siopa confensiynol a chanfod hysbysebion ar gyfer y mathau hyn o wasanaethau lle caiff ei ganiatáu. Ofcom sy'n dal yn gyfrifol am sancsiynau statudol ym mhob achos hysbysebu).
  4. amodau trwydded eraill y mae’n rhaid i ddarlledwyr gydymffurfio â nhw, megis gofynion i dalu ffioedd a chyflwyno gwybodaeth sy'n galluogi Ofcom i gyflawni ei ddyletswyddau statudol. Gellir cael rhagor o wybodaeth am drwyddedau teledu a radio ar wefan Ofcom.

Mae’n bosibl y bydd codau a gofynion eraill hefyd yn berthnasol i ddarlledwyr, yn dibynnu ar eu hamgylchiadau. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys y Cod ar Wasanaethau Mynediad Teledu (sy'n nodi faint o isdeitlo, arwyddo a disgrifiadau sain y dylai’r trwyddedeion perthnasol eu darparu), y Cod ar Ganllawiau Rhaglenni Electronig, y Cod ar Ddigwyddiadau Rhestredig, a’r Cod Trawshyrwyddo.

Materion blaenorol y bwletin Darlledu ac Ar Alwad

Mae'r cynnwys isod ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 393 16/12/19 (PDF, 877.3 KB)

The Ashes (Sky Sports Main Event), Live Vitality T20 Blast Cricket (Sky Sports Main Event), Ashes Cricket (Sky Sports Ashes), Top Fifteens (Radio Caroline), Good Morning Britain (ITV), Non-provision of service (Premier Christian Communications Ltd)

Note: this bulletin was amended on 23 December 2019.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 392 02/12/19 (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Kitaab-ut-Tawheed – Part 59 (Peace TV Urdu), High Definition (Sine FM), Drivetime (Radio St. Austell Bay), Geoff Ruderham (Black Diamond FM 107.8)

In-breach decision: Peace TV Urdu

Ofcom has a duty to suspend a broadcast licence if we are satisfied that the licensee has broadcast a programme likely to encourage or to incite the commission of crime; that it has therefore contravened its licence conditions; and that the contravention justifies the revocation of the licence. Ofcom issued a draft notice to suspend the broadcasting licence of Club TV Limited, after its channel Peace TV Urdu repeatedly rebroadcast material that we had previously found incited murder.

On 18 November 2019, having received Ofcom’s draft suspension notice, Club TV surrendered its licence. Its sister company Lord Production Inc Limited, which held the licence to broadcast the English language Peace TV service, also surrendered its licence at the same time. The Peace TV and Peace TV Urdu services are no longer broadcasting.

We have today published a breach finding in relation to the repeated rebroadcasts, which were very serious.

In-breach decision: Peace TV Urdu (PDF, 246.2 KB)

The Brexit Election strapline, Sky News – Complaint from the Labour Party

Ofcom received a complaint from the Labour Party and a number of viewers about the use by Sky News of the strapline The Brexit Election as an onscreen label across its General Election coverage. The complainants considered the strapline gave “undue and unfair weight to the Conservative Party’s political agenda” and also favoured the Brexit Party.

After carefully considering these complaints, Ofcom has found no grounds to pursue them further.

We took into account the context of how The Brexit Election strapline has been used in Sky News’ election programming. Consistent with the right to freedom of expression, there is no prohibition on such a strapline being used by a broadcaster, as long as it complies with the Code. We also took into account that the use of on-screen graphics and captions is a common editorial technique used by broadcasters to label and otherwise illustrate their content and make such content more engaging with audiences.

We considered that Brexit is an important background contextual factor which has been instrumental in shaping the debate within Parliament in the weeks and months leading up to the General Election. In addition, given that the current extension to the Article 50 process runs out on 31 January 2020, the issue of what happens next in terms of the UK’s relationship with the EU will be determined by the election result and the make-up of the next Parliament. Against this backdrop, we consider it a reasonable editorial judgment for  Sky News to use the strapline “The Brexit Election” to label its election programming. Further, we do not consider that the use of this strapline would in and of itself engage due impartiality considerations or indicate that Sky News is favouring any party or parties in the context of this particular election campaign.

Given the above, we do not consider that Sky News’ use of the strapline The Brexit Election raised issues warranting investigation under the Broadcasting Code.

Letter from Ofcom to the Labour Party, 20 November 2019 (PDF, 250.5 KB)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 391 18/11/19 (PDF, 832.5 KB)

Panthak Masle (KTV), Early Evening Show (Fiesta FM), Tarz e Hayaat (MATV), News (Radio St. Austell Bay), The Paddy Crerand Show (MUTV), Sky News (Sky News)

Note: this bulletin was amended on 6 December 2019.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 390 04/11/19 (PDF, 579.8 KB)

Election programming; Dr Anand (Spice FM); Provision of information: relevant turnover submission (Various radio licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 389 21/10/19 (PDF, 803.1 KB)

Peter Popoff Ministries (BEN TV); Live: Shootout Pool (FreeSports); Nawab Ghar (PTV Global); Planet Rock Afternoons (Planet Rock); Non-provision of service (Betar Bangla Ltd).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 388 07/10/19 (PDF, 1.3 MB)

BBC Breakfast (BBC One); The Rightly Guided Khalifas (Islam Channel); Beyond Sport (Front Runner); Studio 66 TV (Studio 66); 9pm Primetime Bulletin (92 News UK); Istikhara (TV99); Shelagh Fogarty (LBC 97.3 FM).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 387 23/09/19 (PDF, 585.5 KB)

Programming (Radio Matryoshka); Winter Sports (Freesports); Ramadan Kareem with Reema Khan (A1TV); PSL Cricket (HUM Masala).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 386 09/09/19 (PDF, 426.5 KB)

Diversity in Broadcasting: Various licensees.

Note: this bulletin was amended on 18 September 2019.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 385 27/08/19 (PDF, 617.9 KB)

Autonomous Non-profit Organisation TV-Novosti; The No Repeat 9 to 5 on Sam FM (Sam FM Bristol); Journey for Iqra (Iqra Bangla); The Music Marathon (Gold).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 384 05/08/19 (PDF, 761.7 KB)

The Capital Breakfast Show with Roman Kemp (Capital); FIFA U-20 World Cup Football (Freesports); Programming during the European Parliamentary election period (Time 107.5); The Phil Mack International Country Show (Keep it Country TV); Channel 4 News (Channel 4); The Nigel Farage Show (LBC 97.3FM).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 383 22/07/19 (PDF, 1.3 MB)

Trace UK World Ltd; Peace TV Urdu; Geo News; Good Morning Britain (ITV); Britain's Got Talent (ITV); CBS Drama.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 382 08/07/19 (PDF, 694.9 KB)

Weinstein: Hollywood’s Reckoning (Sky News), Afternoon Chat Election Special (Trafford Sound), Homeopathic Clinic (KTV), Premiership Rugby: Exeter Chiefs v Harlequins (BT Sport).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 381 24/06/19 (PDF, 574.9 KB)

Broadcast Standards cases - In Breach: The Sex Business: Pain for Pleasure, (Channel 5); The Sex Business: Trans On Demand, (Channel 5); The Sex Business: Orgasms for Sale, (Channel 5); Mondays for Women, (Kino TV). Resolved - Bahrain Grand Prix, (Sky Sports F1). Broadcast Licence Conditions cases - In Breach: Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Your FM, Stockport). Retention and production of recordings - NDTV India, New Delhi Television Limited.

Note: this bulletin was amended on 9 October 2019.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 380 10/06/19 (PDF, 611.8 KB)

Broadcast Standards cases: In Breach - Kerry’s Gold Country, (Keep it Country).
Broadcast Licence Conditions cases: In Breach - Compliance with ‘Key Commitments’ - Awaaz FM, (Awaaz FM Community Radio CIC). In Breach / Resolved: Provision of information - community radio finance reports - Various community radio licensees.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 379 28/05/19 (PDF, 716.4 KB)

Morning Mix (Secklow Sounds), HUD (AXN SPiN Romania), Good Morning Britain (ITV). Provision of information and Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' - Chorley FM. Compliance procedures (retention of recordings) and providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' - CSR (Canterbury Youth and Student Media Ltd). Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ - Your FM (Stockport). Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ - Bradford Asian Radio Limited Company. Compliance procedures (retention of recordings) - Bradford Asian Radio Limited Company.

European elections: a note to broadcasters (PDF, 86.9 KB)

On 23 May 2019 there is the possibility that there will be European Parliamentary elections in the UK. Should those elections take place, Ofcom reminds all broadcasters of the rules for election-related programming. In particular, broadcasters should ensure that they comply with sections five (Due impartiality) and six (Elections and referendums) of the Code, as well as the prohibition on political advertising contained in section 321 of the Communications Act 2003 and reflected in Section 7 of the BCAP Code.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 378 13/05/19 (PDF, 709.9 KB)

Sangeen Mamlay (KTV), The Town Shootout (FreeSports), Breakfast Show (Harbour Radio), Keep Breakfast (Keep 106). Broadcast Licence Conditions cases: Compliance procedures - West Hull Community Radio and Wythenshawe Community Media 25. Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' - Secklow Sounds CIC.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 377 29/04/19 (PDF, 930.0 KB)

Sunday Politics (BBC1), Zee Companion (Zee TV), Jeremy Vine (Channel 5), Khalsa Television Limited, Diversity in Broadcasting: Various licensees.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 376 08/04/19 (PDF, 515.0 KB)

Broadcasting standards cases: LAPD African Cops (ROK), Extremely British Muslims (Together), Studio 66 TV (Studio 66). Advertising placement: Channels24, various dates and times. Broadcast Licence Conditions cases: retention and production of recordings - The Funky Academy Limited 17; provision of information: diversity in broadcasting - various licensees.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 375 25/03/19

George Galloway (Talk Radio), George Galloway (Talk Radio), Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast (Talksport)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 374 11/03/19 (PDF, 776.1 KB)

News (Cool FM/Downtown Radio), Headline News (That's Manchester)

Note: this bulletin was amended on 28 October 2019.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 373 25/02/19 (PDF, 1.6 MB)

Music video, Bagga and Shera (KTV), Good Morning (KTV), Acupressure Show (KTV), Homeopathic Clinic (KTV), James Whale featuring Ash (Talk Radio), Father of Man (Together), Janet Pollard Show (Radio St. Austell Bay)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 372 11/02/19 (PDF, 1.8 MB)

Today (NTV Mir Baltic), Competition (True Entertainment), Coverage of issues surrounding the UK’s exit from the EU (BBC Radio 4), Advertising minutage (GN TV UK), Provision of information: compliance information (201 Television Limited), Complaint by Mr Robert Clark and Mr Christopher Drury (The Murder that Changed a Nation: Corruption and Conviction, BBC1), Complaint by Mr Mir Shakil Rahman, made on his behalf by Mr Baseem Chagtai (Aitraaz Hai, New Vision TV), Complaint by Mr Baseem Chagtai on behalf of Mr Ahmad Noorani (ARY News, New Vision TV),Complaint by Mr Murtaza Shah (ARY News, New Vision TV), Complaint by Ms Reham Rehman (On The Front, Dunya TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 371 28/01/19 (PDF, 1.6 MB)

George Galloway (Talk Radio), Sheffield In Focus (Sheffield Live!), Shomoyer Sathe (NTV), Teen Life (Voxafrica TV), Lokkho Praner Sur (TV ONE), A Mouthworth of Southworth with Denise Southworth (Wythenshawe FM), Jeremy Vine (Channel 5), The X Factor (ITV), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (Big City Radio CIC), (B.R.F.M Bridge Radio Ltd), (Llandudno Community Radio Ltd), (Tees Valley Christian Media)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 370 14/01/19 (PDF, 1.4 MB)

Notice of Sanction (Radio Ikhlas Limited), Provision of information: relevant turnover submission (Various TV licensees), Provision of information: community radio finance report (Afro Caribbean Millennium Centre), Complaint by Mr Mir Shakil Rahman, made on his behalf by Mr Baseem Chagtai (Power Play, New Vision TV), (News, New Vision TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 369 20/12/18 (PDF, 2.2 MB) Various programmes (RT, 17 March to 4 May 2018)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 368 17/12/18 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Qutab Online (Samaa), Mariah’s World (4Music), Kiss Fresh with Alex (Kiss Fresh), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Secklow Sounds CIC), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Programming Commitments’ (Sheffield Live! Sheffield Local Television Ltd), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Programming Commitments’ (Bay TV Swansea, Bay TV Swansea Ltd).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 367 03/12/18  (PDF, 1.7 MB) Steve Allen (LBC 97.3FM), Dog and Beth: On the Hunt (CBS Reality+1), Lunch with Lewi (883 Centreforce), Programming (Tudno FM), Steg G in the Morning (Sunny Govan Radio), Peter Popoff Ministries (BEN TV), Roast Battle Week (trailer) (Comedy Central Extra+1), Ferne McCann: First Time Mum (ITVBe), Provision of information: Diversity in Broadcasting (ATN Bangla UK Limited)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 366 19/11/18  (PDF, 1.1 MB) Notice of sanction (JML Media Ltd), Sarah Jane Crawford Show (Hits Radio), Complaint by William Dartmouth MEP (BBC Points West news bulletins, BBC1)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 365 05/11/18 (PDF, 1.2 MB) Monitoring of equality of opportunity and training in radio broadcasting, Statement: Changes to the Mandatory Daytime PIN Protection rules, New application process for short-term restricted service licences (“SRSLs”), Jonny Park (Capital Xtra), 5 News Update (Channel 5), Text Dating (Kiss Me TV), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (TMCRFM Limited), Complaint by Mr Peter Lilley (Dispatches: Politicians for Hire: Cashing in on Brexit)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 364 22/10/18 (PDF, 1.4 MB) BEN Variety Show (BEN TV), Good Morning Britain (ITV), Lorraine (ITV), Encore Radio for Sunday Afternoon (Encore Radio), Pehredaar Piya Ki (Sony Entertainment Television), Failure to comply with a Direction and repay unspent grant money (Gravity FM CIC (Grantham)), Retention and production of recordings (Llandudno Community Radio Limited)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 363 08/10/18 (PDF, 1.5 MB) Afternoon Drive Show (Big City Radio), Teleshopping content (Starz), Cricket Highlights (Channel 5), James O'Brien Show (presented by Sadiq Khan) (LBC 97.3FM), Providing a service in accordance with 'Format' (Lochbroom FM Limited), Failure to broadcast a service on a local radio multiplex (Connect Radio Limited)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 362 24/09/18 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Ausaf UK Limited, Do the Right thing with Eamonn and Ruth (Channel 5), Haqaiq (Link FM), Tour de France Highlights (ITV4)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 361 10/09/18 (PDF, 928.9 KB) Single Mums’ Club (Together), Programming (Heart Extra), BBC First

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 360 28/08/18 (PDF, 1.0 MB) Steg in the Afternoon (Sunny Govan Radio), Vision 2030: Advertisement placed by the Saudi Center for International Communication on behalf of the Saudi Ministry for Culture (Sky 1), Sky News (Sky News), Bob's Breakfast (Bob FM), Formula E (Channel 5), 24-Hour Marathon (Insanity Radio), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (Cando FM (Furness Broadcast Media CIC)), Compliance with advertising and sponsorship income rules (Lindum Radio Broadcasting Company CIC), Provision of recordings (TMCRFM Limited (Thorne and Moorends)),  Broadcast licensees' late payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Provision of information (Various radio licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 359 06/08/18 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Udta Punjab (B4U Movies), Trailer for Veere di Wedding (Zee TV), Panorama (BBC1), Radio Exe News (Radio Exe), Singapore GP: Qualifying highlights (Channel 4), Lunch (fUSe FM), JLS (presented by Sharky Kurt) (Legacy 90.1 FM), Live Singapore GP: Qualifying (Sky Sports F1 HD), Sponsorship of CiTV (CiTV), Advertising minutage (MYTV), Imprisonment of controlling shareholder (Brighton & Hove Radio Limited), Under provision of subtitling (Cartoon Network, Boomerang), Under provision of audio description (CBS Reality)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 358 16/07/18 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Brilliant Number 1s (Box Hits), The Headling School (Loveworld Television Network), The Alex Salmond Show (RT), The Pete Snodden Breakfast Show (Cool FM), Bible ki Nabouat - The Prophecy of the Bible (Glory TV), Jago Pakistan Jago (HUM Europe), Free Jaggi Now (KTV), The Nigel Farage Show (LBC 97.3 FM)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 357 02/07/18 (PDF, 802.4 KB) Rob Jones Show (Time 107.5), Point of View (Channel 44), Suddenly It’s Spring (That’s Oxford), 35 minutes (Abu Dhabi Channel), North East Live (Made in Tyne and Wear), Indian Law (KTV), Advertising minutage (FreeSports), Mid Mornings (Talk Radio), Provision of information: Local TV annual returns data (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 356 18/06/18 (PDF, 871.7 KB) Programming (Encore Radio), The Everly Pregnant Brothers: Live at the Lyceum Theatre (SheffieldLive!), Gold Rush (Discovery), STV News North (STV), Compliance with ownership restrictions (JML Media Limited), Broadcast licensees' late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Provision of information: Diversity in Broadcasting (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 355 04/06/18 (PDF, 616.5 KB) Afternoon with Tom Fisher (Beyond Radio), Programming (First FM), News (KL.FM), The Wright Stuff (Channel 5), Familien fra Bryggen (TV3 Denmark), Eamonn & Ruth's 7 Year Itch (Channel 5)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 354 21/05/18 (PDF, 550.4 KB) Jesus Sanctuary Ministries (BEN TV), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (Big City Radio), Retention and production of recordings (FreeSports), Broadcast licensees' late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 353 08/05/18 (PDF, 762.0 KB) The scheduling of advertising breaks during coverage of formal Royal ceremonies, Free Speech (Al Hiwar)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 352 23/04/18 (PDF, 585.5 KB) Catfish: The TV Show (MTV), Live: Herbal Medicine (Sikh Channel), Provision of information: Diversity in Broadcasting (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 351 09/04/18 (PDF, 833.9 KB) Steve Allen (LBC 97.3FM), Gem at Breakfast (Gem 106, 9 to 11), Today (BBC Radio 4), Peston on Sunday (ITV), Max Rushden (filling in for Jim White) (Talksport), Provision of information: Diversity in Broadcasting (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 350 19/03/18 (PDF, 959.0 KB) Phone-in programme (Radio Ikhlas), Content relating to Burhan Wani (Prime TV), Breakfast Show (Q Radio), Coronation Street (ITV), Advertising minutage (NTV), Providing a commercial radio service (Rathergood Radio Durham), Inside the Gang: Young Blood (Channel 5)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 349 05/03/18 (PDF, 509.8 KB) The Hub (Radio Dawn), Drivetime (Raaj FM), Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me (STV2), Advertising minutage (Free Sports), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (Beyond Radio), Broadcast licensees' late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 348 19/02/18 (PDF, 552.0 KB) Dirty Retro (Kane FM), A Family At War (Talking Pictures TV), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (TD1 Radio), Money Box: The Care Fee Trap (BBC Radio 4)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 347 05/02/18 (PDF, 1.2 MB) February Box (Al Arabiya News), Cops UK: Bodycam Squad (Dave), Rickie, Melvin & Charlie in the Morning (Kiss), Tameside Today (Tameside Radio), To the Point (JUS Punjabi)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 346 22/01/18 (PDF, 1.3 MB) OMG: Painted, Pierced and Proud (Channel 5), Vanessa Carter (Harbour Radio 107.4), Journey to Al-Aqsa (NTV), The X Factor (ITV), RT News (RT), Police Interceptors (Spike)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 345 08/01/18 (PDF, 1.0 MB) Scotland Yard (Talking Pictures TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 344 18/12/17 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Recorded Repeat Show (Radio Dawn), Geo Khelo Pakistan (Geo TV), Drivetime (Talksport)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 343 04/12/17 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA (Channel 4), Wanted (Sky1), Health Time (Akaal Channel), Cumbria Headline News (That's Cumbria), Advertising minutage (B4U Music), Providing a service in accordance with Format (Q Radio (Coleraine))

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 342 20/11/17 (PDF, 1.1 MB) Coxson Reggae Playlist (New Style Radio 98.7 FM), DJ Denco (New Style Radio 98.7 FM), News (Bangla TV), UK Election (Channel 44), News from Westminster (Channel 44).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 341 06/11/17 (PDF, 479.6 KB) Hannity (Fox News), Tucker Carlson Tonight (Fox News), F-Stop: Lady Margaret (Notts TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 340 30/10/17 (PDF, 1.1 MB) The American President (Sony Movie Channel), Advice Bureau (Akaal Channel), Can't Pay? We'll Take It Away! (Channel 5), Police Interceptors (Channel 5)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 339 23/10/17 (PDF, 1.0 MB) The Spoken Word (Notts TV), Provision of information: Diversity in Broadcasting (Various TV licensees), North West Today (BBC1 North West)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 338 09/10/17 (PDF, 1.4 MB) Chorabali (Bangla TV), Doktorlar Konusuyor, Sef Abdullah Usta Ile Anadolu Mutfagi (TGRT EU), Beverly Hills Cop 3 (Universal Channel), AAA Wrestling (Front Runner TV), Broadcast competition (Radio Plymouth), The Lobby (Al Jazeera English)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 337 25/09/17 (PDF, 1.1 MB) F1 London Live (Sky Sports F1), Doctor Funk (New Style Radio), News bulletins (Mansfield 103.2), Providing a service in accordance with 'Key Commitments' (Fever )

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 336 11/09/17 (PDF, 1.2 MB) Channel 4 News (Channel 4), Big Brother (Channel 5), Ian Payne (LBC 97.3 FM), Sa Ra Ga Ma Pa Li'l Champs (Zee TV), DW News (My Channel), LAte Nights with Iain Lee (Talk Radio), 7 Days of Talk Radio with Katherine Boyle

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 335 29/08/17 (PDF, 1.2 MB) Russell Brand (Radio X), Top 3 in the Newspapers (Al Magharibia), The Bigger Drive Home (City Beat Preston), Behind the Success (Channel i), Amader Khobor (Channel i), The World Right Now (CNN International)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 334 07/08/17 (PDF, 1.4 MB) Iman Media UK Limited, Pinky Pinky (Kanshi Radio Limited), Rule 2.1 of the Code: health and wealth claims in programmes, The Hub (Radio Dawn), Keeping Up with the Kardashians (E!), Sunrise (Sky News), Peter Lee Show (TMCR FM), Trending Hits/The Biggest Chart Hits/Breakfast Beat (BritAsia TV), Believers’ Voice of Victory (TBN UK), Inside Cruise/All Aboard (Holiday and Cruise TV), Advertising minutage (Prime TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 333 17/07/17 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Ariana Television and Radio network, Two lectures by Anwar al Awlaki (Iman FM), Brunch with Hughie Parr (Ribble FM), Takbeer Special (Takbeer Channel 1), Qannon Ki Baat (TV99).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 332 03/07/17 (PDF, 1.3 MB) Bumper 2 Bumper Drive Time Show (Kemet Radio), Videokolik (TGRT EU), The Reporter (Tameside Radio), Bollywood Bang Bang trail (B4U Music), Filmfare Awards (SAB TV), News item (PTV Global).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 331 19/06/17 (PDF, 1.2 MB) Drivetime (Gravity FM), Ramsay's Hotel Hell (Channel 4), F*ck That's Delicious (Viceland), Sikh Channel News (Sikh Channel), Shaun Tilley featuring 70s, 80s and 90s Heaven (Cheesy FM), Martin Lowes (Capital FM North East), Sam Rocks Rugby (Sam FM (Bristol)), Jail Chittian (Akaal Channel), Health Show (Akaal Channel), Tour Down Under (Bike).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 330 05/06/17 (PDF, 1.4 MB) Highway Thru Hell (National Geographic), Botched (Kanal 5), Today (NTV Mir Baltic), Yog-Hindi Rishi Swami Ramdevji (Aastha TV), Community Platform (Ummah Channel), ATN Bangla Shongbad (ATN Bangla UK), Taste of Asia Competition (SAB TV).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 329 22/05/17 (PDF, 958.7 KB) Medical Detectives (CBS Reality), Drivetime (Gravity FM), Advertising distinction (Aaj Tak), Channel i News (Channel i), News (Channel 44), PiYO teleshopping (More4), Steg G in the Morning (Sunny Govan Radio), The Secret (ITV).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 328 08/05/17 (PDF, 725.2 KB)
ITV News (ITV), Marche Bike Tour (Bike), Latin Hot (Swindon 105.5).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 327 24/04/17 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
Fun Kids Breakfast Show (Fun Kids), Banks Chronicles (ROK), Drivetime (North Manchester FM 106.6), To Be The Best (True Entertainment), Item for the State Government of Punjab (PTC Punjab), The Newshour (Times Now), Grace to You (Premier Christian Radio), Studio 66 Mornings (Television X), Studio 66 Nights (Studio 66), News in Brief (ESAT UK), Dr. Dima Negeo on the formation of the Ethiopia National Movement (ESAT UK), Sky News Tonight (Sky News).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 326 03/04/17 (PDF, 924.5 KB)
Amended Broadcasting Code and Procedures, Celebrity 100% Hotter (5STAR), The Two Mikes (Talksport), Awakening with Brahma Kumaris (MATV), Grahonkakhe (MATV), Picture Dating (Kiss Me TV), East Midlands Today (BBC1 East Midlands), Football League (Sky Sports 2), Broadcast competition (Channel 5), Production of recordings (West Hull Community Radio).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 325 20/03/17 (PDF, 568.1 KB)
Second Story Man (Sony Movie Channel), Dai Hollywood Rock & Roll (BRFM), Sponsorship of news bulletin (BCR FM), Broadcasting licensees' non-payment of licence fees (various licensees). Provision of information (various on-demand programme service providers).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 324 06/03/17 (PDF, 474.2 KB)
The Motown Hour (Coast and County Radio, Scarborough), Victoria Derbyshire (BBC2 and BBC News Channel), Fox Extra (Fox News), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (CAM FM, Cambridge), Retention and production of recordings(Radio Sangam)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 323 20/02/17 (PDF, 656.7 KB)
Live at the Apollo (Comedy Central), Kashmir Now (MATV), Anti-Pakistan Protest in Geneva (MATV), News (Times Now), News (Radio Sangam), Various programmes (Flow TV), Advertising minutage (TLC, Slovenia), Advertising minutage (Travel Channel, Slovenia)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 322 06/02/17 (PDF, 1.3 MB) ARY Digital, QTV – Islamic Education Channel, ARY News, ARY World News, ARY QTV and ARY Entertainment (ARY Network Limited), Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (Channel 5), Now We’re Talking (That’s Manchester), This Is Your Day! – Benny Hinn (Flow TV), UK Immigration with Tariq (Venus TV), Sitare Kya Kahte Hai (Venus TV), Ryanair sponsorship of Daytime (Channel 5), Sky News (Sky), Advertising minutage (LFC TV), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Cando FM, Barrow-in-Furness).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 321 23/01/17 (PDF, 642.6 KB)
Like Radio UK, Steve Allen (LBC 97.3FM), Premier League Football (6eren), Desi Beat (Colors), late payment of licence fees

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 320 09/01/17 (PDF, 660.4 KB)
Tell Me Another (Talking Pictures TV), Trigger Happy TV (London Live), Kajal (Lyca Dil Se 1035), Father Spitzer’s Universe (EWTN), At Home with Jim and Joy (EWTN), EWTN Bookmark (EWTN)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 319 19/12/16 (PDF, 995.3 KB)
Ariana News (Ariana International), CrossTalk (RT), The Incident: Special Investigation (NTV Mir Lithuania), Fox & Friends (Fox News Channel), The X Factor (ITV).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 318 05/12/16 (PDF, 581.7 KB)
Pinky Pinky (Kanshi Radio), Made in Tyne & Wear, Frank Skinner Show (Absolute Radio), Venus TV.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 317 21/11/16 (PDF, 1018.4 KB)
Azmat-e-Islam (Peace TV Urdu), Don’t Make Me Laugh (BBC Radio 4), It Takes 2 (Safeer TV), Hannity (Fox News), The Shaheedi Smagam (Sikh Channel), Geo World News (Geo News), Playing It Cool (Universal Channel), Ayurvedic (DM News Plus), Hogan’s Heroes (Forces TV), Coronation Street (ITV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 316 07/11/16 (PDF, 506.6 KB)
Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon (Rishtey), Dance Anthems (BBC Radio 1), Sponsorship of Ford Super Sunday by Ford (Sky Sports 1), Provision of licensed service (Oak FM, Hinckley & south west Leicestershire and Oak FM, Loughborough), Broadcasting licensees’ late payment of licence fees, (Various licensees), Complaint made by Mr Sakib Berjees on behalf of Mr Chaudhary Berjees (Kab Tak, ARY News)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 315 24/10/16 (PDF, 845.2 KB)
Heart for the World (Daystar), ARY News, The Railway: Keeping Britain on Track (Quest), Labour Party EU Referendum Debate (BEN TV), Ahlulbayt TV.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 314 10/10/16 (PDF, 624.6 KB)
Red Rock (BBC1), Various licensees, DM News Plus, Ramadhan Radio 87.7 MHz (Bristol), Youthcomm Radio (Worcester),  The Deobandis (Part 2), BBC Radio 4

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 313 26/09/16 (PDF, 760.6 KB)
Weekend Hypes (TV99), Harry Hill’s TV Burp (Dave), Safeer TV, Pulse (Cheddar Valley).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 312 12/09/16 (PDF, 899.0 KB)
I Spit on Your Grave (Horror Channel), Zing Jukebox Live (Zing), Desi Street (TV99), Love Island (ITV2), Top Pop, Channel 4 News, The House of Hypochondriacs (Channel 4).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 311 22/08/16 (PDF, 860.0 KB)
Debate on EU Referendum (Akaal Channel), Your World with Neil Cavuto (Fox News), Fox Extra (Fox News), The Jeremy Kyle Show (ITV), No Frills Breakfast (Radio Cardiff), Tritio Matra (Channel i), Channel sponsorship (NDTV 24X7), And The Winner Is… (NDTV 24X7), The Wright Stuff (Channel 5)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 310 01/08/16 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Heartless Hotline competition (Key 103), Loose Women (ITV), Wembley Gold (BT Sport Europe), A New Life in the Sun (Channel 4), Nightmare Tenants, Slum Landlords (Channel 5).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 309 18/07/16 (PDF, 624.5 KB)
Sky Movies Premiere and Virgin Media EPG, Unity FM, ARY News, PTC Punjabi.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 308 04/07/16 (PDF, 568.0 KB)
Going Underground (RT)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 307 20/06/16 (PDF, 812.4 KB)
The Garage (Quest+1, Quest), NickToons, Provision of information: community radio station finance reports, Complaint by Mr and Mrs F (BBC1 Scotland).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 306 06/06/16 (PDF, 754.3 KB)
Q Radio Breeze (Q Radio 96.7 FM), Countdown (Channel 4), BritAsia TV, Ipswich Community Radio, Complaint by Mr Chinyere Inyama (ITV London News), Appeal by Pandora Blake about the service ‘Dreams of Spanking’ ,Appeal by Laura Jenkins about the services ‘Candy Girl Pass’,and ‘All Teens World’.

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 305 23/05/16 (PDF, 939.3 KB)
Note to Broadcasters: E-cigarettes: changes to Sections Nine and Ten of the Code and the Rules and Guidance for On Demand Programme Services, Heart for the World (Daystar), Africa Vision (BEN TV), Agneepath (&TV), Introduction to Sponsorship Credit findings, Sponsorship of Various Programmes by Enchanteur (ABS-CBN News Channel), ponsorship of Saas Bahu Aur Beti by Pooja Sweets (Aaj Tak), Sponsorship of CITV by DC Thomson (CITV), Sponsorship of FIA WTCC by Total Quartz (Eurosport Danmark), Sponsorship of various programmes by Natur Produkt Zdrovit (CI Polsat), Sponsorship of various programmes by Schweppes (TV3 Plus), Chris Evans Breakfast Show (BBC Radio 2), Danny Matthews (The Bay, Morecambe), Provision of information (BEN TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 304 09|05|16 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Note to Broadcasters Changes to Section Three of the Broadcasting Code, Urs Nehrian (Noor TV), Frances & Friends (SonLife Broadcasting Network), Children’s Hour (Betar Bangla Radio), Murder of Couriers (Bike), Football Tonight (BT Sport 1), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Cross Rhythms Teesside, Stockton-on-Tees), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Complaint by Mr Dulani Simpson (The Murder Detectives, Channel 4), Complaint by Miss Shelley Hill on behalf of Mr Paul Little (Council House Crackdown), Appeal by Frank Hollins about the service ‘Panties Pulled Down’

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 303 25/04/16 (PDF, 806.3 KB)
Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away! (Spike), Super Bass Top 20 (Flava), News (That’s Solent), Advertising minutage (Channel i), 1 Ummah FM (Reading), Access FM (Bridgwater), Britons Living Behind the Veil (BBC News Channel), Stalkers (TV3 Sweden).

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 302 11/04/16 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Call for Inputs: Mandatory daytime PIN protections, DM Global Media Limited, Frostgun Invitational (Channel 4), Sky News with Niall Paterson (Sky News), Sky News with Colin Brazier (Sky News), Sponsorship of Qirath Competition Midlands 2015 by Mishti Desh (Channel i), EkSawal (Radio XL), WWE SmackDown (Sky Sports 3), The Wright Stuff (Channel 5), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Providing a service in accordance with Ofcom’s Technical Codes for radio (LBC 97.3, London), Complaint by Mr Jean-Francois Nzubila (Congo Bololo, Ben TV), Complaint by Mrs Fifi Simos (Congo Bololo, Ben TV), Complaint by Mr Mohammad Ahsan (News, Samaa TV), Complaint by Mr Adam Hirschovits and Mrs Katie Hirschovits (How the Rich Get Hitched, Channel 4), Complaint by Mr Jamie Jordan (Tyger Takes On…Am I Sexist?, BBC 3), Complaint by Dr Ijaz Rehman (Samaa Kay Mehmaan Eid Special, Samaa TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 301 21/03/16 (PDF, 700.6 KB)
Voice of Africa Radio, The Adventures of Stephen Brown (That’s Solent), Commercial reference to Pentagon Vauxhall (Gem 106), Saif Powertec: the Light of Ramadan (ATN Bangla UK), In the Shade of the Qur’an, powered by Smart Active Gold Mehedi (ATN Bangla UK), The Jeremy Kyle Show (ITV), That's Solent, That's Manchester and That's Oxford, Complaint by Mr Chinyere Inyama (ITV London News), Complaint by the Becontree Heath Islamic Society (Bangla TV News, Bangla TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 300 07/03/16 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
News item (Aaj Tak), Editorial content relating to the 2015 Nigerian Presidential election (BEN TV), Political advertisements relating to the 2015 Nigerian Presidential election (BEN TV), Anatomy of the Day (NTV Mir Lithuania), The Caribbean Culture Show (ALL FM 96.9), Yasmin (DM News Plus), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Provision of recordings and information (BEN TV), Broadcast of a service on a local radio multiplex (Celador Radio Ltd), Complaint by individual (40 Kids by 20 Women), Complaint by Mr Inderjit Bhogal (Akaal Uncensored, Akaal Channel)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 299 22/02/16 (PDF, 657.2 KB)
Azmat-e-Islam (Peace TV Urdu), Derren Brown: Something Wicked This Way Comes (Watch), Jessie (Disney Channel), Geo News (Geo News), Big Tunes (Brit Asia TV), Trend (ATN Bangla UK), Geoff Lloyd with Annabel Port (Absolute Radio), Retention and production of recordings (1 Ummah FM, Reading)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 298 08/02/16 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Leith Community Mediaworks Limited, Steve Allen (LBC 97.3 FM), Steve Allen (LBC 97.3 FM), Breakfast Show (Koast Radio), DJ John in the Mix (Koast Radio), Middlesex Broadcasting Corporation Limited (MATV), TCR FM (Tamworth), Broadcasting licensees’ non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees) Complaint made by Mr Mahender Singh Rathour on behalf of the management committee of the Gurdwara Miri Piri Sahib (Gurdwara Miri Piri Sahib Kar Sewa Live, MATV), Complaint by the Steadfast Trust (Exposure: Charities Behaving Badly, ITV), Complaint by Miss Julia Liddle on her own behalf and on behalf of Dorset Dog Rescue (Inside Out South, BBC 1 South), Complaint by Miss Julia Liddle and Dorset Dog Rescue (The Steve Allen Breakfast Show, LBC 97.3FM), Complaint by Ms Rajinder Sehmar made on behalf of Mr Bhajna Ram (Shri Guru Ravidass Ji Live, Venus TV)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 297 25/01/16 (PDF, 873.2 KB)
Jekyll and Hyde (ITV), Benefits Brits by the Sea (5*), The One Show (BBC1), Saturday Morning Show (Irvine Beat FM), Music video (Sangat TV), Bay FM News (Bay FM Radio), Big Church Day Out (TBN UK), Advertising minutage (NDTV 24x7), Complaint by Mr Songo Didier Aypone (Welcome TV, MATV), Complaint by Dr Arsalan Iftikhar (Ikhtafali Note, Dunya News)

Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin Issue number 296 11/01/16 (PDF, 568.7 KB)
Impractical Jokers (Comedy Central, Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Provision of information: relevant turnover submission (Abu Dhabi Media Company PJSC), Complaint by Mr David Hamilton (The Dog Factory, BBC 1)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 295 21/12/15 (PDF, 1015.1 KB)
Channel 4 News (Channel 4), Alor Dishari (Iqra Bangla), Jimmy Swaggart The Classics (SBN International), The Simpsons (Channel 4), A League of Their Own (Sky Sports 1), Various programmes (Starz), TFI Friday (Channel 4), Rick Jackson: The Big Drive (Wave 105.2 FM), Advertising minutage (Geo News), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees, Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (EAVA FM, Leicester), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Access FM, Bridgwater), Dispatches: Politicians for Hire (Channel 4)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 294 07/12/15 (PDF, 874.2 KB)
Comedy Central Trailers (Various dates and times, pre watershed), Drive Time (New Style Radio 98.7 FM), Dog the Bounty Hunter (CBS Reality), A Good Year (Film4), Various programmes (Channel i), Azan-e-Magrib (Channel i), Sponsorship of My Iftar My Health (ATN Bangla UK), Community Radio Finance Reports 2014 (Various licensees), Complaint by The Mediawise Trust on behalf of Mrs L (Sky News, Sky UK Limited), Complaint by Dr Ijaz Rehman (Khara Sach, ARY News), Complaint by Mr Patrick Conroy (Gangsters: Faces of the Underworld, Quest)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 293 23/11/15 (PDF, 684.9 KB)
Subh-e-Pakistan (Geo TV), Inside Amy Schumer (trailer) (Comedy Central), South Park (trailer) (Comedy Central), Kiss Breakfast (Kiss), Q Breakfast (Q), Provision of licensed service (EAVA FM {Leicester}), Broadcasting licensees’ late payment of licence fees, Complaint by Mrs Jennifer Lee (News bulletins – Steve and Karen’s Breakfast Show, Metro Radio)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 292 09/11/15 (PDF, 875.9 KB)
Cops (Spike), Family Guy (TV6 [Sweden]), The Maizee Maiz Show (Ujima Bristol 98 FM), Alex Dyke (BBC Radio Solent), News (CHSTV), Chart Show’s Top 40 Singles Chart (Chart Show TV), Azan-e-Magrib (Bangla TV), Panorama (BBC1), Advertising minutage (TLC [Slovenia]), Retention and production of recordings, (1 Ummah FM [Reading]), Broadcasting licensees’ late-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Complaint by the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania (Today, NTV Mir Lithuania), Complaint by Mr Jaswant Singh Bharj and Mrs Amrik Kaur Bharj (Kaumi Masle, Sangat Television), Complaint by Mr Abdiwali Elmi (Immigration Street, Channel 4).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 291 26/10/15 (PDF, 629.6 KB)
Jesse Duplantis Ministries (TBN UK), Time of Our Lives (Sky Sports 1), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non-payment of licence fees (Various licensees), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Pulse Media Broadcasting), Provision of information: audit of television licensees (Saviour Broadcasting TV Network), Complaint by Havering Borough Council (Can’t Pay? Final Demand Special, Channel 5)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 290 12/10/15 (PDF, 910.2 KB)
Comedy Central Trailers (various times pre-watershed) Norkin’s List (NTV Mir Lithuania), News (Bangla TV), Sponsorship credit, Live College World Series (BT Sport/ESPN), Ian King Live (Sky News), Provision of licensed service (Voice of Africa Radio [Newham]), Provision of information: community radio station finance reports (various community radio licensees)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 289 28/09/15 (PDF, 632.1 KB)
Subh-e-Pakistan (Geo TV),Twisted Wheel Show (North Manchester 106 FM), Broadcasting licensees’ late and non- payment of licence fees (various licensees), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Bradley Stoke Radio)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 288 21/09/15 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
The Truthseeker: Genocide of Eastern Ukraine RT (Europe), The Truthseeker: Media ‘Staged’ Syria Chem Attack (RT), Ukraine’s Refugees (RT), Justice with Jeanine Pirro (Fox News), Blinging Up Baby (Channel 5), Complaint by The British Broadcasting Corporation (The Truthseeker: Media ‘Staged’ Syria Chem Attack, RT), Complaint by Mr Davinder Singh on behalf of himself and Mr Sucha Singh and Mrs Dyal Kaur (Sikh Channel News)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 287 14/09/15 (PDF, 537.4 KB)
Tattoo Nightmares: Miami (truTV), The Voice UK: the Live Final (BBC1), Give a Pet a Home (ITV), Adam Catterall Drive Time (Key 103), Channel 5, City Beat Preston, CHSTV.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 286 01/09/15 (PDF, 622.8 KB)
Makka Twin Peaks Challenge (CHSTV), News (Various Global Radio stations), Advertising minutage (UMP Movies), Provision of licensed service and Retention and production of recordings (Castle FM (Leith)), Retention and production of recordings (French Radio London), Complaint by Mr Ty Medland (Countdown to Murder: Diced to Death), Complaint by Mr Robert Woodhead (Remember the 50s, Angel Radio Havant), Complaint by Mrs Alison Sinton (Britain’s Benefit Tenants)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 285 17/08/15 (PDF, 1.7 MB)
Yoga for You (Lamhe TV), Britain’s Got Talent (ITV), Geo News, New Style Radio 98.7 FM, ARY News, Samaa, Dunya News, Off Their Rockers: Blue Badge Special (trailer) ITV, BBC World News, CNBC, CNN International, FBC-produced programming (BBC World News), World Business (CNBC), Marketplace Middle East and Quest Means Business (CNN International), BritAsia TV, Pulse (Cheddar Valley), MATV, Sangat Television, Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away (Channel 5), Exposure: Charities Behaving Badly ( ITV), ITV News (ITV Meridian).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 284 27/07/15 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Today (NTV Mir Lithuania), Subh-e-Pakistan (Geo TV), Family Guy TV6 (Sweden), 49 Days (Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment), Drivetime (Corby Radio), Top Gear (BBC 2), Penistone FM, Countdown to Murder: Killer Schoolgirl (Channel 5).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 283 13/07/15 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
The Happy Garden (The Cat), Sheffield Live News (Sheffield Live TV), Breakfast (Metro Radio 2), Dermot Dances for Comic Relief (BBC One Red Button), AXN (Italy), AXN (Sci-fi), TV3 (Denmark), TV3 Puls (Denmark), TV3 (Sweden), TV6 (Sweden) TV (Sweden), AXN Polska, AXN Black, AXN White, NBC Nightly News (CNBC), North Manchester FM Community Interest Company, Khara Sach (ARY News), Left for Dead: By the Yorkshire Ripper (Channel 5).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 282 29/06/15 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
NTV Mir Lithuania, ARY News, Jack FM, Ambur Radio, Made in Tyne and Wear, Geo TV, PTV Global, Cross Rhythms Teesside (Stockton-on-Tees), Castledown Radio (Tidworth), Halton Community Radio, Radio West Suffolk, Channel 5.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 281 15/06/15 (PDF, 855.9 KB)
Dhoh Mitte Bhol (Unity FM Birmingham), Catch Me If You Can 2 (Vox Africa), The Mustard Show (Mustard TV), The Verdict (Movie Mix), Editors – Parliament Hill (London Live), Heart Breakfast with Robin Galloway (Heart Central Scotland), Winning Weekend Competition (U105 FM), Good Morning Britain (ITV), The Angels’ Share (Film 4), Prime TV, TV99, Channel i, Complaint by Mr Sam Jones on his own behalf and on behalf of Ms Dawn Hart, Mrs Piyaporn Jones and her son (My Online Bride), Complaint by Mrs Jennette Holden (Granada News)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 280 01/06/15 (PDF, 847.7 KB)
Air Crash Investigation (National Geographic Channel), 4 Play: Sex Tips 4 Girls (The Africa Channel), Style and Trends (NTV Europe), Brit Asia TV Music Awards (Brit Asia TV), Live European Rugby Challenge Cup (BT Sport 1), BEN TV, Diverse FM, My Brother the Islamist (BBC World News), Today (BBC Radio 4).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 279 18/05/15 (PDF, 872.9 KB)
Troy (E4), TeamRock Breakfast, Alapcharita (ATN Bangla), Bangla Sur (CHSTV), Hillside Nights (Channel i), Holiday and Cruise Channel, BBC Radio Norfolk, Brit Asia TV.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 278 05/05/15 (PDF, 632.5 KB)
Tower Hamlets Mayoral Election, That's Music, Boshonto Batashe, TLC (Slovenia), ABN TV, Ramzan FM (Oldham), Britain's Crime Capitals

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 277 20/04/15 (PDF, 745.5 KB)
Channel 4 News, Reel Film, Brits Behind Bars, Ice Road Truckers, Box of Truth, Breakfast Show, DM News Plus, Asian Sound Radio, Irvine Beat FM

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 276 30/03/15 (PDF, 679.8 KB)
News BBC1, South East Today BBC1 South East, Competition 5USA, Sponsorship credits Tritio Matra, International Television Channel Europe Limited regarding its service NTV (TLCS-1624), Complaint by Mr Musawer Mansoor Ijaz Khara Sach, ARY News,

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 275 16/03/15 (PDF, 746.8 KB)
Made in Leeds, Heat TV, Sentinelle TV ( DM News Plus), Voice of Africa Radio (Newham), CHS.TV Limited, BBC Scotland Investigates: Lawyers Behaving Badly, CCTV: Caught on Camera – Lift Watching, Channel 4.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 274 02/03/15 (PDF, 737.9 KB)
Turkish Gold Radio (North London), Champneys (ITV).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 273 16/02/15 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
News report on Metropolitan Police Service and the Ellison Review (Channel 4 News), CCTV News, The Political Slot (Channel 4), Major League Baseball (ESPN), Shera Kontho (Channel i), Community Announcement (Channel i), HUM Europe, Note to Broadcasters, Smash Hits, SAB, BT Sport 1, ESPN, MATV, Sentinelle TV (DM News Plus), PTC Punjabi, Studio 66 TV1, Drystone Radio (Sutton in Craven), Corby Radio, North Manchester FM.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 272 02/02/15 (PDF, 713.1 KB)
The Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw, Code on the Scheduling of Television Advertising compliance reports, Cartoonito, The Travel Channel, Week In Week Out: Undercover Veteran ( The Battle for Treatment, BBC1 Wales), Call the Council ( BBC 2), Saints and Scroungers ( BBC 1).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 271 19/01/15 (PDF, 709.1 KB)
The Official Kiss Top 40 (Kiss 100 FM), My Sister's Keeper (Film 4), This Morning (ITV), The Jeremy Kyle Show (ITV), LFC TV, Aaj Tak, Ramadhan Radio, Khara Sach (ARY News), On Screen Caption (ARY News), News Reports (Radio Scilly).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 270 05/01/15 (PDF, 803.9 KB)
Wanted (Resonance FM), Oh Messy Life (Sheffield Live TV), BBC News (BBC News Channel), Production of recordings (DM News Plus), ARY News and ITV News Meridian.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 269 15/12/14 (PDF, 832.0 KB)
HardGlam, James O’Brien (LBC 97.3 FM), Rohani Alam (Venus TV), ARY News, HUM Europe, Showcase 2, and Sunrise Radio (London) Ltd.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 268 01/12/14 (PDF, 791.9 KB)
Items for Friends of Al Aqsa (EAVA FM), Wills, Trusts & Estate Planning Show (Sangat TV), Saturday Breakfast Show (Metro Radio), Breach findings table, Under provision of audio description (Channel 5), Under provision of audio description (S4C), Under provision of audio description (Nickelodeon), Retention and production of recordings (Radio Ramadan, Huddersfield).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 267 17/11/14 (PDF, 563.7 KB)
It Takes a Thief to Catch a Thief, Big Brother, The Hotel Inspector Returns, Bait Car, Scotland Tonight, Communal Affairs, Item for Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf, Provision of licensed service

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 266 10/11/14 (PDF, 890.1 KB)
News (Russia Today), Newsbeat (BBC Radio 1), Bam Bam at Breakfast (Jack FM), Jago Pakistan Jago (HUM Europe), Provision of licensed service (Tudno FM)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 265 03/11/14 (PDF, 579.5 KB)
Yoga for You (Lamhe TV), BRFM Drivetime (BRFM 95.6), Code on the Scheduling of Television Advertising compliance reports, Retention and production of recordings (Sunrise FM, Bradford), Police Interceptors (Channel 5).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 264 20/10/14 (PDF, 733.4 KB)
Property Show (Bangla TV), Ami r Ma (Bangla TV), Azan-e-Magrib (Bangla TV), Studio 66 3 Nights (Studio 66 TV3), Studio 66 Nights (Studio 66 TV1), Radio 1’s Big Weekend (BBC Radio 1), World’s Craziest Fools (BBC3), Jeeto Pakistan (ARY Entertainment), The Wright Stuff (Channel 5), TCR FM (Tamworth), Capital Xtra (Brixton & North London).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 263 06/10/14 (PDF, 887.9 KB)
ATN Rannagor (ATN Bangla), Kathryn Wilson (Cool FM), UK Local Election 2014 (Geo News), World Championship Boxing (BoxNation), Sponsorship credits (Afternoons on TLC), Sky News with Lorna Dunkley (Sky News), Monty Python Live (Gold), Complaint by Dr Halla Diyab (Al Manbar Al Suri, Al Ghad T), Complaint by the Council of the Isles of Scilly (Various news reports, Radio Scilly).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 262 22/09/14 (PDF, 666.0 KB)
COSTA rules and split-screen advertising, Tobacco Kills...Give It Up (Information TV), Golf in Cornwall (Information TV), How to...Plan for your retirement (Showcase), Drivetime (Talksport), Complaint by Mr E (Granada Reports, ITV).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 261 08/09/14 (PDF, 981.0 KB)
Europer Shangbad (NTV), Aey Shomoy (NTV), Icche Ghuri (NTV), Nil Ronger Golpo (NTV), Young and Gifted (ATN Bangla UK), News (RT), Backchat (Reprezent 107.3 FM), The Pitch (Sky Atlantic), Austrian Grand Prix (Sky Sports F1), Going to the Dogs (Channel 4), Provision of information: relevant turnover submission (Various TV licensees), Production of recordings (Voice Of Africa Radio), Production of recordings (Ambur Radio), Non-payment of annual licence fee (Westcom Media Ltd), Complaint by The Poplars Care Home (Panorama, BBC1).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 260 18/08/14 (PDF, 637.6 KB)
In Conversation with Lutfur Rahman (The Islam Channel), Hostel 2 - trailer (PRO4), Behind Enemy Lines 2 - trailer (PRO4), Adam’s Apples (ABN TV), Advertising minutage (Discovery Channel, Slovenia), Advertising minutage (Universal Channel, Slovenia), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Chorley FM), Provision of information: relevant turnover submission (Radio Hafren).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 259 28/07/14 (PDF, 622.2 KB)
Top Gear Burma Special (BBC 2), Counter Strike GO: Pro League (Ginx TV), The Politics Show (Apni Awaaz), Legal Advice (CHSTV), News (Channel Nine UK), Business Talk with Sufi (ATN Bangla), The Simpsons (Channel 4), Gloria TV (DM News Plus), Retention and production of recordings (Castle FM, Leith), Provision of service (Radio 1458 and Radio 1035).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 258 14/07/14 (PDF, 509.8 KB)
Daily Politics (BBC 2), Advertising minutage (Channel i), Advertising scheduling (Channel i), Advertising minutage (Samaa), Advertising minutage (Aaj Tak), Provision of information: community radio station compliance reports (Various community radio licensees) Complaint by Miss Gillian Airey (This Morning, ITV)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 257 30/06/14 (PDF, 666.3 KB)
Item for Save Bangladesh (Channel 9 UK), Guido (trailer (FimOn.TV)), Sponsorship of Har Lamha Purjoush (ARY News), Benefits Street (Channel 4), Advertising minutage (ABP News), Advertising scheduling (Channel 5), Advertising minutage (Channel 5+24), Provision of recordings and information (Yol TV), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Meridian FM (East Grinstead)).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 256 16/06/14 (PDF, 566.4 KB)
Sonia Poulton Live (The People’s Voice), Jerry Springer (Pick TV), Sex and the City (Comedy Central Extra), Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (TLC), Community Announcement (Channel i), Provision of recordings (The People’s Voice).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 255 02/06/14 (PDF, 775.0 KB)
Audio description provision (ESPN), Guidance on Section Nine of the Broadcasting Code, Sponsorship credits (Channel Nine UK), BBC Radio Scotland Football (BBC Radio Scotland), Drivetime (107 Jack FM, Berkshire), Advertising minutage (SAB), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Blast 106, Belfast), and a complaint by Mr Jonathan Hill.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 254 19/05/14 (PDF, 794.0 KB)
Winning Figure: Toning and Nutrition (The Active Channel), Walton Golden Recipe (ATN Bangla), Janice Dickinson Live (, Retention and production of recordings (Peace FM), Retention and production of recordings (Castle FM, Leith), BBC News at One (BBC 1), 90s at 9 (Preston FM), Advertisement: The Supplements Game – The Truth About Supplements (The Active Channel), Provision of licensed service and retention and production of recordings (Castle FM, Leith), Provision of service (Ujima Radio, Bristol), Channel 4 News (Channel 4), Motorway Cops (BBC 1).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 253 06/05/14 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Sponsorship of Tobuo Jibon (NTV), Accountancy with Mahbub Murshed (NTV), Aine O Adhikar (NTV), Education Consultancy with Kazi (NTV), Law and Talk (ATN Bangla), Legal Platform (ATN Bangla), Your Life in the UK (Channel i), Law with N Rahman (Channel Nine UK), Criminal Justice (Channel Nine UK), Note to Broadcasters: Targeted monitoring exercise – consumer advice programmes, Joystick Warriors (RT), Celebrity Big Brother (Channel 5), Occupy the Airwaves (Phonic FM), FA Cup Football (BT Sport 1), Two and a Half Men (Comedy Central), Jabbar Mega Mix (Fever FM), Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (Lifetime), Broadcast interviews with Jeremiah Adebolajoand and Omar Bakri Muhammed (Channel 4 News), Sky News, (Sky News Channel), Channel 5 News, Report on Al Shabaab Channel 4 News, Advertising Scheduling cases, Advertising minutage (Channel 4), Complaint by Mr Terry Chaplin and Mr Michael Chaplin

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 252 14/04/14 (PDF, 926.7 KB)
The Jeremy Kyle Show (ITV), Face to Face (CHSTV), How Not to Get Old (Channel 4), Studio 66 TV Days (Channel 912), Studio 66 TV2 (Channel 938), Provision of recordings (96.2 The Revolution), Provision of recordings (Ummah Channel), Harbour Radio, Nothing To Declare – Australia (Sky Living), Advertising minutage (Aaj Tak), Complaint by Miss C (Criminals: Caught on Camera, Channel 5)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 251 31/03/14 (PDF, 480.3 KB)
Iftar Amir Kay Saath (Geo UK), Sponsorship of Street Show Haat Bazar (CHSTV), Provision of recordings (1920 Evil Returns (trailer)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 250 17/03/14 (PDF, 867.7 KB)
Big Brother (Channel 5), Maya Khan Morning Show (Prime TV), Shomoyer Sathe (NTV), Advertising minutage (Hidayat TV), Provision of service (OX105 FM (now Destiny 105)), Complaint by Pinder Reaux Solicitors on behalf of Aardvark Kennels (Channel 4),Complaint by Ms Joanne Cross (Channel 5) and Complaint by Limo Broker Limited (BBC 1).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 249 03/03/14 (PDF, 705.5 KB)
Dog and Beth: On the Hunt (CBS Reality), Our World – Sri Lanka’s Unfinished War (BBC 1 and BBC News), News (Bangla TV), Sponsorship of Balika Vadhu (Colors), Provision of licensed service (London Turkish Radio), Providing a service in accordance with ‘Key Commitments’ (Biggles FM), Complaint by Miss Laura Muirhead (BBC3) & Complaint by Mr Chris Reynard (Cowboy Traders).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 248 17/02/14 (PDF, 668.3 KB)
Get Lucky TV (channel 908), Lucky Star (channel 909), Party (channel 175), Battlecam Comedy (FilmOn.TV), Cruising With The Stars (Holiday and Cruise Channel), Complaint by Ms A (Scott & Bailey), Complaint by Carter-Ruck Solicitors on behalf of The Church of Scientology International (Scientologists at War) & Complaint by Mr John Lewis (Sky News)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 247 03/02/14 (PDF, 675.0 KB)
Scorned: Crimes of Passion (Investigation Discovery), Embarrassing Bodies TLC (Poland), Retention and production of recordings (Peace FM), Mr Selfridge (ITV3),Advertising minutage (News18 India, Bliss), Complaint by Mr G (999: What’s Your Emergency, Channel 4), Complaint by Mr & Mrs P (Watchdog, BBC1) & Complaint by Mr Eliot Higgins (RT News, RT (formerly Russia Today)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 246 20/01/14 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Deadly Women (Investigation Discovery), Rich Planet (Information TV and Showcase), Production of recordings Hot Fork (Klear TV), Promotion of charity appeals on behalf of Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust (TakbeerTV), Sponsorship of Idiots (Channel Nine UK), Programmes featuring Anjem Choudary (Channel 4 News) Colors, Breach of Licence Condition (Heart Cornwall), Complaint by Mr Chris Holmes on his own behalf and on behalf of Bankruptcy Protection Fund Limited (The One Show), Complaint by Mr Milan Vincze on his own behalf and on behalf of Animal Transport (Dispatches: Undercover Designer Dogs)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 245 06/01/14 (PDF, 827.4 KB)
Temptation (Klear TV), Red Light Central (Red Light 2), Sponsorship of Channel 4 Racing by Dubai (Channel 4), Hajj Coach (Islam Channel), Broadcast news coverage of the Woolwich incident on 22 May 2013 Iain Dale Show (LBC 97.3 FM), London Tonight (ITV), Channel 5 News (Channel 5), ITV News (ITV), Channel 4 News (Channel 4), BBC News (BBC News Channel), World News Today (BBC Four), Sky News (Sky News Channel), News Live (Al Jazeera News). BBC News at Six (BBC One) and Complaint by Mr Paul Collins (More4), Complaint by Mr Richard Ward (4Seven).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 244 16/12/13 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Syrian Diary (Russia Today), Breakfast Show (Halton Community Radio), News (Samaa), Sponsorship of Sanskaar-Dharohar Apnon Ki (Colors), Sponsorship of Saraswatichandra (Star Plus), Sponsorship of Azan-e-Asr (CHSTV), Sponsorship of Adhan-e-Isha (NTV), The Buck Stops Here (NDTV 24x7), Charity Appeal (NTV), City Vibe News Hour (Siren FM), Coverage of Andover Business Fair (The Breeze, Andover), Complaint by Joseph Frasier Solicitors on behalf of Ms Saba Maryam, Statement (Noor TV), Complaint by Ms Bernadette Tully (Amber Sound Request Show), Complaint by Ford & Warren Solicitors on behalf of Mr Melvyn Levi (Yorkshire Radio), Complaint by Mr Shaun Tudor (Coppers, Channel 4)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 243 02/12/13 (PDF, 753.5 KB)
Breakfast Show (Kerrang! Radio), Dave Bayliss Interview (BBC Radio Cumbria), Colin Murray (Talksport), Complaint by Mr Abkar Singh Rai (Let’s Talk, Kismat Radio), Complaint by Johnsons Solicitors on behalf of the Burzynski Clinic (Panorama), Complaint by Ms Roxana Tesla (Mary Queen of the High Street), Complaint by Mr Robin Vaughan-Lyons (Mary Queen of the High Street) & Complaint by Mr Dan Thompson (Mary Queen of the High Street)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 242 18/11/13 (PDF, 606.6 KB)
Preparing Hajj 2013 (ATN Bangla), Retention and production of recordings (Controversial TV), Coverage of Andover Business Fair (The Breeze, Andover), Advertising minutage (Rishtey), Complaint by A Coole Electrical Limited (Calendar News, ITV Yorkshire), Complaint by Mr Gary Ireland (Emergency Bikers (and trailer), Channel 5).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 241 04/11/13 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Interview with Scott Whitaker (Unity 101), News (Russia Today), Programming (Desi Radio), Big Fat Gypsy Weddings (Channel 4), Big Fat Gypsy Weddings: Born to be Wed (Channel 4), Thelma’s Gypsy Girls (Channel 4), Complaint by the Irish Traveller Movement in Britain (Big Fat Gypsy Weddings, Big Fat Gypsy Weddings: Born to be Wed, Thelma’s Gypsy Girls), Complaint by Mr Andrew Cole (Emergency Bikers).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 240 23/10/13 (PDF, 820.9 KB)
Cops (Movie Mix), Sex and the City (Comedy Central Extra), Your Opinions (Sikh Channel), Rugby Sevens (BT Sport), Advertising minutage (Aaj Tak), Complaint by The Rt Hon the Lord McAlpine of West Green (This Morning), Complaint by The Rt Hon the Lord McAlpine of West Green (Newsnight) and Complaint by Mr E (Battle Scarred: Soldiers Behind Bars)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 239 07/10/13 (PDF, 782.2 KB)
Ofcom’s decisions on the broadcast coverage related to the killing of Fusilier Lee Rigby on 22 May 2013, Encrypted Material Broadcast Free To Air (ExGirlfriends), Caught on Camera (CBS Reality), News (IBC Tamil), Sky bonus promotion, Brit Cops: Frontline Crime (Pick TV), Advertising minutage (ITV4, More4), Shorts International Limited, Complaint by Bindmans LLP on behalf of Mr Rajasingham Jayadevan, Complaint by Bindmans LLP on behalf of Mr Rajasingham Jayadevan & Complaint by Mrs Jacqueline Graham-Kevan on behalf of Ms Bethany Graham-Kevan, her daughter.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 238 23/09/13 (PDF, 835.5 KB)
Playboy TV Chat, Sponsorship of Al Jazeera Weather Reports by Qatar Airways, Broadcasting licensees’ Relevant Turnover returns, various Fairness and Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 237 09/09/13 (PDF, 675.5 KB)
Britain’s Got More Talent, Various political items, Item for Bangladesh Nationalist Youth Organisation, Finspreads sponsorship of The Financial Report, Sky News, Commercial reference to Pakistan International Airways, Accountancy with Mahbub Murshed, Trailer for Blood+, Community radio licensees, and various Fairness and Privacy cases.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 236 27/08/13 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Paigham-e-Mustafa, Programme about the attack on Lieutenant-General Brar, Global Khatm-E-Nabuwat Movement, Khatm-E-Nabuwat, Provision of recording, Hollyoaks, Dave Kelly, Clinic Matters, Material Girl, Item for Free Mawlana Sayeedi Federation UK, Maya Nigom, News (NTV), Sponsorship of Idiots, Sponsorship of Power Voice 2012, Weather, Drivetime, Blast 106, Complaint by Ms D (The Hotel), Complaints by Mr John Barton Jayne, Ms Rachel Gray, Mr Lynton Spence, Mr Lee Hollywood, Ms D & Miss Karen Riley.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 235 05/08/13 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Northern Birds (Sky channel 935), Essex Babes (Sky channel 936), Sportxxx Girls (Sky channel 940), Livexxx Babes (Sky channel 942), Audio description and subtitling provision (ESPN), Studio 66 Days (Studio 66 TV 1 (Channel 912), Studio 66 TV 1 (Channel 912), Studio 66 TV Nights Studio 66 TV 3 (Channel 941), Studio 66 TV Days Studio 66 TV 3 (Channel 941), Studio 66 TV Nights Studio 66 TV 2 (Channel 938), Murder Files: The Sketchbook Killer (Channel 5), Inside Hollywood (5 USA), Fight Night Live (Sky Sports 1), Man About Town (Movie Mix), News (CHSTV), Sponsorship of Metro Life (NTV).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 234 15/07/13 (PDF, 840.9 KB)
DM Digital, The Pitch, Journey of a Lifetime, Weekend Out, It’s Complicated (trailer), Bradford: City of Dreams, Complaint by Mrs Yvonne-Charley Walsh on her own behalf and on behalf of Mrs M A Mallender, Mr Johnnie Mallender and Mr David Mallender, Complaint by Mr Gareth Davies on behalf of himself and Apex Multiple Contractors

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 233 01/07/13 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Psychic Today, Rock All Stars, Al Ehya Digital Television Limited, Channel Nine UK, Jackpot247, Super Casino, Cowboy Builders, Loose Women, The Secret Millions, Refusal to broadcast advertisements for BT Sport channels, Attheraces, “Canoe Man” and news items relating to Mr John Darwin and Mrs Anne Darwin,Complaint by Mr Gary Radford

Decision on Sky’s refusal to broadcast advertisements for BT Sport channels 20/06/13

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 232 17/06/13 (PDF, 828.4 KB)
Youth Show, Wake Up With Huggy, Today, Sponsorship credits, The Boat Race, Adrian Goldberg, Complaint by Mr Christopher Hook, Complaint by Motor Depot Limited

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 231 03/06/13 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
News CHSTV, News Channel i, Wish FM, Sponsorship of ITV Mystery Dramas by Viking River Cruises, Sponsorship of Crufts 2013 by Adaptil, Journey to Masjid Al-Aqsa, TV10 competition,The X Factor Results Show, Advertising minutage Zing, Complaints by Ms Mariette McArdle, Mrs Lorraine Millington, Mr Tony Topping & Federation of Bakers

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 230 20/05/13 (PDF, 950.3 KB)
Amber Sound FM, Complaint by Mr Mark Thorburn, Complaint by Mrs Janet Neal, Complaint by Mrs Victoria O'Neill

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 229 07/05/13 (PDF, 756.6 KB)
Phones 4U’s sponsorship of network films on Channel 4, Kobots Federation: Kobots Dual Action Game sponsorship credits, The Daily Show, Cross promotion for Sky Sports, Channel 5 and 5*, ITV1 and ITV2 channels, Bloomberg Television & Complaint by Mr C

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 228 22/04/13 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Retention and production of recordings, Cancer: Forbidden Cures, The Alan Titchmarsh Show, Complaint by Mrs Karen Peaston, Complaint by Miss Karen Richardson

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 227 08/04/13 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Dick and Dom’s Hoopla!, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!, John Mahon, Live: Gurdwara Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, Bangladesh Nationalist Party item, NTV, Fox Extra, Complaint by Mr Gary Cooper on his own behalf and on behalf of The Leeds United Supporters’ Trust, Complaint by Ms B, Complaint by Miss Hester Bank, Complaint by Mr Gareth Emery, Complaint by Miss Christine Davies

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 226 18/03/13 (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Chaal Sitaroon Ki, Most Haunted, Pre-recorded interview with Brian Madderson, Trailer for Star Parivaar Live, LFC TV, Breach findings table, Complaint by Mrs Lesley Pilkington, Complaint by Mrs Helen Ellis, Complaint by Mrs Debbie Amour made on behalf of Ms Zoe Lacey, Miss Chantelle Lacey and Miss Danielle Lacey, Complaint by Miss Sarah Hunt made on her own behalf and on behalf of the following members of her immediate family: Mr A Springall and Mrs Jennifer Springall; Mr Christopher Hunt and Mrs Vanessa Hunt; Mr Jayson Hunt, Miss Lianne Hunt and Miss Amy Norwood and Complaint by Mr A

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 225 04/03/13 (PDF, 939.4 KB)
Miss Arab London 2011, Northern Birds, Essex Babes, Sportxxx Girls, and Livexxx Babes, Sikh Channel Report, WWE Superstars, Ice Road Truckers, Russ Williams, Viewer competition, Shastho Protidin, ARY QTV, RT, 2 Complaint by Miss Zoe Alexander, Complaint by Mr Glenn Smith, Complaint by Mr Shaun Tudor

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 224 18/02/13 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Psychic Today, Big Deal, Fitness TV, Sumo TV, Studio 66 TV4, I Focus, Channel i, Deadly Deals, Vox Africa, Download Festival, Sky Arts1, The Charity Show (Save Maryam charity appeal), Ramadan TV, Anglia Mowers’ sponsorship of Weather, North Norfolk Radio, Live Formula One: Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Extreme Sports, Complaint by Mr Gary Radford (Police Interceptors), Complaint by Dr Arasaratnam Arasilango (UK Border Force)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 223 04/02/13 (PDF, 896.7 KB)
Sponsorship of Half Built House by Rated, Sponsorship of 5* Access and Inside Hollywood by, Sponsorship of Classic Car Rescue by Adrian Flux Insurance, Sponsorship of Classic Car Rescue by Adrian Flux Insurance, Sponsorship of Let Us Talk About Hinduism by Charantia Karela Capsules, Sponsorship of Let Us Talk About Hinduism by Charantia Karela Capsules, Sponsorship of Fresh Hits by Payment Protection Refunds, Sponsorship of Badi Picture by Himalaya Carpets, Sponsorship of Satyamev Jayate by Claim Today Solicitors, Sponsorship of Penalty by SilverKart, DM Digital, The Valleys (Trailer), Fresh Hits, Senna, Elite Nights, Studio 66 Nights, Lorraine, Lorraine, Tabl canfyddiadau torri rheol

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 222 21/01/13 (PDF, 751.6 KB)
Arab Dream, Strictly Broadband Limited, Playboy TV/Benelux Limited, Programme about the attack on Lieutenant-General Brar, Global Khatm-E-Nabuwat Movement, Khatm-E-Nabuwat, Advertisement by Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Celebrity Juice (Trailer), Studio B with Shepard Smith, The X Factor, Sur Kshetra, Provision of recordings, Trace Sports, Attheraces, Dune FM

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 221 07/01/13 (PDF, 584.6 KB)
X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Leeds TV, The Breakfast Show, Advertisement by UK Jubo League, Showbiz India, “Sex Season” (Trailer)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 220 17/12/12 (PDF, 948.1 KB)
Line of Duty, Paigham-e-Mustafa, Rock All Stars, Islam Channel News, Islam Channel News, The X Factor, Voice of Africa Radio, Erewash Sound, Felixstowe Radio, The Super Station Orkney, Seaside FM, Ambur Radio, Phoenix FM, Complaint by Complaint by the Central Electoral Commission of Latvia and Complaint by Dr Usama Hasan

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 219 03/12/12 (PDF, 512.0 KB)
Sister Ruby Ramadan Special, Asian Sound Radio, American Dad, GirlGirl, Big Wednesday with Shawn, Borkotmoy Sehri, Sahara One, Vox Africa

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 218 19/11/12 (PDF, 778.7 KB)
E Entertainment UK Limited, Sunrise TV Limited, POAF Complaints Cell, Understanding the Qur’an, DM News Review, Dare to Ask, Dial Dr Zakir, Storm Night, The Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast, Styled to Rock, Big Brother, Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 217 05/11/12 (PDF, 660.7 KB)
Love Shaft, The Only Way is Essex, News, Channel 4 Racing: The Morning Line, Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields: War Crimes Unpunished

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 216 22/10/12 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Aden Live, The Buzz, Thousand Pound Thursday competition, Sunday Brunch, The Hotel Inspector, Programming, Provision of recording, The Wright Stuff, Got to Dance, Prometheus promotion, Breach of licence condition, various Fairness and Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 215 08/10/12 (PDF, 517.1 KB)
Chat Box, Bombardier’s sponsorship of Primetime, Currys’ and PC World’s sponsorship of Ian Wright’s Rock N Roll Football, Advertising minutage, Complaint by Mrs Sandra Geddes

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 214 24/09/12 (PDF, 627.4 KB)
REN TV Baltic & Mir Baltic, Discovery, Kiss 100, various Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 213 10/09/12 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Northsound 1, Northsound 2, Original 106, Russia Today, Praise TV, B4U Music, Storm (Channel 966), Northsound 1, Heart FM Network, CNBC, Channel 5, CFM (Carlisle), Sony Entertainment Television (UK), Dune FM (Southport) and various Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 212 28/08/12 (PDF, 559.8 KB)
Praise TV, Good Morning Psychic, Psychic World TV, Calendar News, Complaint by Mrs D made on behalf of her daughter (a minor), Complaint by Ms E

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 211 13/08/12 (PDF, 622.4 KB)
Sikh Channel Youth Show, Homeland, UMP Movies, Horse and Country, Bay Radio (now Nation 80s), Tor-Amod

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 210 23/07/12 (PDF, 592.8 KB)
Music Video: Nicki Minaj – “Beez in the Trap”, Britain’s Got Talent, Britain’s Got Talent: Live Semi-final, Resolved findings table

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 209 09/07/12 (PDF, 918.8 KB)
Miss Arab London, Provision of recordings, Gavin and Stacey, Live with Myleene, Promotion of Satinder Sartaaj concerts, This Morning, The Secret Millionaire, Keith Lemon's LemonAid, Complaint by Ms C, Complaint by Ms Charlotte Allwood

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 208 25/06/12 (PDF, 447.3 KB)
Channel S News, Insane Championship Wrestling, Complaint by Mr C on his own behalf and on behalf of Mrs C and their son (a minor)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 207 11/06/12 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Radio Asian Fever (Leeds), Voice of Russia, E4, AIT International, Psychic Line, Party, Kanal 7 Avrupa, PTV Global, ITV1, NE1fm, community radio service for central Newcastle and Gateshead, ESPN, Swahili Diaries, Party Paramedics: Corfu Carnage, Dispatches: Landlords from Hell, Homes from Hell, Channel 4 News, and Daster Day

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 206 21/05/12 (PDF, 784.8 KB)
Aden Live, IBC Tamil, Extreme Sports Channel, XFM London, Cuillin FM, Channel 4 and More4, GEM TV, ITV1, LFC TV, Complaintd by Ms Daisy Borrett-Renn, Ms Sarah Lanchester on her own behalf and on behalf of Alpha Oak Flooring and Joinery Limited and Mr David Jones, Complaint by Mr Julian Gaze

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 205 08/05/12 (PDF, 489.1 KB)
Rehmatul Lil Alameen, POAF Conference, Nitro Circus, The Commissioner

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 204 23/04/12 (PDF, 983.8 KB)
Arab Dream, Girls of the Playboy Mansion, The Secrets in the Walls, Get Lucky, The Anything Goes Show, Funky Sensations with Mike Vitti, Find My Past’s sponsorship of various programmes, Bits n Bytes, 606, Rossendale Radio, Complaint by Mr Zafer Mahmood and Meridian Foundation Limited made on their behalf by Mr Craig Needham, Complaint by Mr Paul Greaves

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 203 02/04/12 (PDF, 728.3 KB)
Beauty Simplified, Channel S News, Complaint by Mr Samee Mian on his own behalf and on behalf of Deltaclub Group

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 202 19/03/12 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Note to Broadcasters, Advertisement for the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, Travel Channel viewer competitions, Vampire Diaries, Road Wars, Hanging Up, Note to Broadcaters, Storm Night and Fairness and Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 201 05/03/12 (PDF, 921.4 KB)
The X Factor Results Show, ChatGirl TV, Big Brother: Live Final and various Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 200 20/02/12 (PDF, 835.0 KB)
Various programmes, The Dukes of Hazzard, Sol Fest and Oroliga Foraldrar, Bricking it, Rob Birnie, Nicky Horne Programme, Music Video: Kelly Rowland -"Down for Whatever", Sponsorship of Zaika he Zaika, Provision of recording, The Wright Stuff and various Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 199 06/02/12 (PDF, 716.7 KB)
To the Stage: Eminem, Eyewitness, Advertising minutage, Breach findings table, Complaint by Mr Barry Dungey, Complaint by The Reverend Colin Coward, Complaint by Mr Robert Bennett

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 198 23/01/12 (PDF, 990.2 KB)
Press TV Limited, Exposure: Gaddafi and the IRA, Provision of recordings, Bluebird Live, Bluebird 40+, Superior Interiors with Kelly Hoppen, Nokia Lumia channel sponsorship of Channel 5, 5* and 5 USA, Sponsorship of Laugh Laugh, The Xtra Factor, The X Factor, The X Factor Results, This Morning, Ricky Gervais: Science, Advertising minutage, Complaint by Mrs Jennifer Johnstone , Complaint by Mrs Yan Polcwiartek, Complaint by Mr Warren Skyers, Complaint by Mr Mark Lyons.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 197 09/01/12 (PDF, 975.5 KB)
Satellite Entertainment Limited, Advertisement for the Jatiya Party, Sponsorship of Isha Adhaan, Sponsorship of Maghrib Adhaan, Complaint by Mr David Johnson, on his own behalf, on behalf of Mr Gordon Hunter and on behalf of the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (“ECFRS”), Complaint by Mr Mel Bouzadm, Complaint by Mr John Arthur Jones, Complaint by Mr Denzil Golding and Mrs Chantelle Golding, Complaint by Mr Leonard Harper & Complaint on behalf of The Fat Cat Bistro made by Ms Karen Conway and Mr Michael Neill.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 196 19/12/11 (PDF, 939.3 KB)
Ummah Talk, Politics and Beyond, Muslimah Dilemma, Torchwood, The Exorcist, Big Brother, ****Babes, Red Light Central, Debate Night, Advertisement for Harvey Water Softeners and Complaint by Ms G

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 195 05/12/11 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Press TV Limited, 50 Super Epic TV Moments, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Sponsorship of Downton Abbey, Strike Back: Project Dawn, Roberto, News, Breach of Licence Condition, Complaint by Ms K, Complaint by Mr Darren Bradley made on his own behalf and on behalf of Bradley and Bradley Limited, Complaint by Mr Robert Knight, Complaint by Mrs Glynis Braithwaite.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 194 21/11/11 (PDF, 668.5 KB)
Playboy TV UK / Just4Us Limited, Jaguar sponsorship of International Cricket, Mercedes-Benz's Sponsorship of Forth One Travel, Breach findings table, Advertising Scheduling, Complaint by Mr Colin Hawkley, Complaint by Mrs Mary Beghin made on her own behalf and on behalf of Chancellors Debt Recovery Agency and Complaint by Mrs E.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 193 07/11/11 (PDF, 767.5 KB)
Sponsorship of Hit of the Hour, SCXtra, Advertising scheduling, Breach findings table, Advertising minutage, Resolved findings table, Complaint by European Collar Manufacturers Association and Petsafe Limited

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 192 24/10/11 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Babeworld TV Limited, House of Fun Television Limited, Forenzquick UK Limited, Believe TV, Being Erica, OnFM, Rinse FM, Offensive language in radio programming, This Morning, Le Tour de France Live, Sikh Channel Youth Show, Sikh Channel, Adult Channel, Bluebird TV, Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields, ESPN and ESPN Classic, Complaints by Mr Mark Groves, Mr Brendan Mitchell, Mr D, Mr James Rafferty, Mr Thomas Sheridan & Mrs Gail Sheridan.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 191 10/10/11 (PDF, 839.2 KB)
Al Ehya Digital Television Limited, Aden Live, Pro Bull Riders trailer, Howard Taylor at Breakfast, The Baby Borrowers, Brit Asia TV, B4U Music, 106 Jack FM, Complaint by Mr David Gemmell & Complaint by Dr Saeb Erakat on his own behalf and on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organisation

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 190 26/09/11 (PDF, 639.5 KB)
50 Cent Music Videos, 50 Biggest Selling RnB Hits of the Noughties, Storm Afternoons, Ice Road Truckers, Popstar to Operastar competition, Sky News, Complaint by A Share & Sons t/a ScS and Mr Neil Heffernan made on their behalf by Ms Marie Matheson & Complaint by Mr Jeremy Bamber

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 189 12/09/11 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Rory’s Reggae Roots, Howard Taylor at Breakfast, School’s Out, Radio 1’s Big Weekend, BBC Introducing in Essex, James Barr, Candy Bar Girls (Trailers), Station Ident, Sponsorship of Khatron Ke Khiladi 4, Sponsorship of Balika Vadhu, The Rundown, Balitang America, Cityscape, Umagang Kay Ganda, Duran Duran: Video Killed the Radio Star, Accidentally on Purpose, America’s Next Top Model, Fifth Gear & more...

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 188 22/08/11 (PDF, 936.8 KB)
Believe TV, Coverage of the Baishakhi Mela, Wife Swap, Leeds Community Radio, Star Plus, Star Gold, The Africa Channel,Zing, Radio Sandwell, Boundary Sound, Angel Radio Isle of Wight & Complaint by Mr Simon Curtis

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 187 01/08/11 (PDF, 597.5 KB)
Your Health, Provision of recordings, EastEnders, Advertising minutage, Breach findings table, Resolved findings table, Complaint by Mr Chris Elliott, Complaint by Mr Michael Gibbs

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 186 18/07/11 (PDF, 1.0 MB)
Office Girls, 40+ Readers Wives, Sport XXX1, Psychic Sally: On the road, Hell's Kitchen USA, Take It or Leave It, Advertising break patterns, Advertising minutage, Breach findings table, Complaint by The London Marathon Limited, Complaint by Mr Paul Gadd, Complaint by Dr Saeed Gul

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 185 04/07/11 (PDF, 875.2 KB)
Satellite Entertainment Limited, Red Light, Bang Babes, Red Light 2, Xplicit, Red Light 3, 100% Horny, Northern Birds, Asian Babes, Elite Nights, Bluebird Daytime TV, Adult chat advertisement content, Matt Forde, Bahrain Special, Bahrain Revolution, Hourly Urdu News, Criminals Most Wanted, Advertisement for Health Food Center, PS3 sponsorship of Five Movies, SK Vibemaker,FA Cup Final, Complaint by Trust Inheritance & Complaint by Unison.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 184 20/06/11 (PDF, 737.6 KB)
Saturday Night Special, Tafheem Al Masyal, Cross-promotion for Channel 5 Free Bingo, Psychic TV Teleshopping Feature, Central Tonight, Brick FM, Radio Sandwell, Complaint by Mrs Gwen Weir made on her behalf by Mr Andy Weir & Complaint by Mr Shamus Dewaine

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 183 06/06/11 (PDF, 516.7 KB)
Cool Stuff Collective, Japan Disaster: Caught on Camera, Fantasy Factory, Channel Report, Complaint by Miss Jo-Anne Taylor on behalf of Ms Deborah Taylor (her daughter)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 182 23/05/11 (PDF, 610.8 KB)
Hillsborough Castle Agreement, Red Light Central, Somer Valley FM's Jukebox Hour, Fairness and Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 181 09/05/11 (PDF, 586.4 KB)
Music Video: Rihanna - "S&M", Various ‘adult’ material, ITV News, Zor ka Zatka sponsorship credits, QI, Chris Evans Breakfast Show, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Advertising minutage, Complaint by Miss B, Complaint by Ms Denise Francis

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 180 20/04/11 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Music Video: Flo Rida - "Turn Around (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)", Play, World of PKR, Psychic Interactive, The Business Show, The X Factor Final, The Live Desk, Embarrassing Bodies, Breach findings table, Complaint by Mr Santokh Singh, Complaint sby Mrs P made on her own behalf and that of other family members, and on behalf of Mr F (her son), Mr Richard Skeggs, Mrs Helena Skeggs, Free Gaza Movement made on its behalf by Ms Alex Harrison, Ms Nadia Almada, Mr Andrew Hayman & Mr Philip Parr

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 179 04/04/11 (PDF, 952.1 KB)
Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights, Elite Days, Elite Nights, Page 3, Deewar: Men of Power, Bridezilla, Dancing On Ice, Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights (mental health sketch and other issues), Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights, Top Gear & Complaint by Mr Zac Goldsmith MP

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 178 21/03/11 (PDF, 683.6 KB)
ITV1, Kiss FM (London), BBC 1, Boomerang, Community Channel, Westside FM, various Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 177 07/03/11 (PDF, 437.6 KB)
Hoppr Entertainment Limited, Bangla TV,Bangla TV,Channel S,Apple AM,Total Star (Bridgwater),

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 176 21/02/11 (PDF, 670.1 KB)
BBC News at Ten, Qanooni Mashwary, Leah Smith Drive Time, Breach of Licence Condition and Complaints

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 175 07/02/11 (PDF, 699.5 KB)
TLCS 851 – “Live 960”, Climax 3-3, Electronic Arts (“EA”) branding during Premier League football coverage, Kundli Aur Kismat (Future & Fortune), JC Halliday sponsorship of Instant Traffic and Travel, Comedy Circus KE Superstars, In Demand with Luke Wilkins, Resolved findings table, Non-provision of radio service, Breach of Licence Condition, Complaint by Mr Andrew Evan-Jones on his own behalf and on behalf of ATM Spas and Things & Complaint by Ms Claudine Hope on behalf of Mr Joe Power.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 174 24/01/11 (PDF, 631.2 KB)
The Wright Stuff, The X Factor, News, Charity appeals, Bluebird TV, 40nNaughty, Party Wars, Blyth Valley Radio, Complaint by Mr Andrew Vincent, Complaint by Mrs Shizia Sarfraz on her own behalf and on behalf of her daughter (a minor)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 173 10/01/11 (PDF, 418.4 KB)
Total Star, Banbury Sound, Zing, Code on the Scheduling of Television Advertising and Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 172 20/12/10 (PDF, 294.3 KB)
Hidayat TV, Fast FM 87.9 (Bradford), LivexxxBabes, Tease Me TV 2, This Morning, TCR FM, Bute FM, various fairness and privacy cases.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 171 06/12/10 (PDF, 530.4 KB)
Tease Me, Tease Me 2 and Tease Me 3 held by Bang Channels Limited, Charity appeal for Shah Jalal Mosque and Madrasha, Sponsorship of Inside Incredible Athletes, Dirty Talk Live, Bluebird, 40 Plus Reader’s Wives & Sky Sports News.

Ofcom Breach Finding published 26 November 2010
Early Bird, Various broadcasts on Tease Me/TMTN1 and Tease Me TV (Freeview), between 9 and 15 November 2010
The Pad, Tease Me 3/TMTN2, 10 November 2010 at 16:00 and 16 November 2010 at 12:30

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 170 22/11/10 (PDF, 463.2 KB)
TLCS 865 – “DBN”, Bluebird, Comment, Andy Henly at Drive, Law Show, “I’m on a Boat” music video & Complaint by Mr Charles Dowdye.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 169 08/11/10 (PDF, 1.1 MB)
IslamiQa, Muslimah Dilemmam, IslamiQa, Ummah Talk, Politics and Beyond, Family Food Fight with Flora, Islamabad Grill sponsorship of Zaika he Zaika, Viewer Competition, Elite Nights, Bluebird, Freeblue, Tafheem - al Masyal and [...more]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 168 25/10/10 (PDF, 467.7 KB)
Ringoling. Freeblue 1, Elite Days, Early Bird, Baronessen flytter ind, Bang Babes, Top Gear, Big Brother's Little Brother, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Sky Sports News, Dispatches: Britain's Islamic Republic, One Gold Radio Ltd Breach of Licence Condition

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 167 11/10/10 (PDF, 463.5 KB)
Khatm-e-Nubuwwat (The Seal of Prophethood), Seal of the Prophets, Bahaar-e-Shariat (an encyclopaedia of Islamic jurisprudence), Assan Na Kashmir, The Da Vinci Treasure, Off Set, Brit Cops: Zero Tolerance, “Bedtime stories” advertisement for Act on CO...[More]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 166 27/09/10 (PDF, 440.7 KB)
Ruhaniat Aur Tib-e-Nabvi, The Ministry, Club Paradiso, Early Bird, Marie Stopes International advertisement & Complaint by Ms K on her own behalf and on behalf of her son (a minor)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 165 13/09/10 (PDF, 673.3 KB)
The Jon Gaunt Show, The Rundown, Balitang America, The Sports Bar, Apne Sitaray, Bang Babes, Early Bird, The Drive Time Show, An Inconvenient Truth, Advertising minutage & Complaint by Miss Shamima Hussain

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 164 23/08/10 (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Special Live With Jassi Khangura, The Circle, The Raj Show, Bang Babes, Early Bird, 18 Keen, Live XXX Babes, Sport XXX Babes, The Naked Office, Provision of recordings, Advertising minutage, Complaint by Ms Farwa Wiechmann, Cereal Partners UK (“Nestlé”),Kellogg’s, Tom Sanders, Mr Paul Parry, Jeremy Davies, Mr Edward Saleh, Painted Children UK Ltd & Ms Geraldine Stevens.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 163 02/08/10 (PDF, 636.0 KB)
DM Digital Television Limited, Tease Me, Tease Me 2, Tease Me 3, Tease Me TV (Freeview), Early Bird, Bang Babes, Remember Palestine, Lincoln City Radio, Scottish Government sponsorship of programmes ..... [More, see bulletin]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 162 19/07/10 (PDF, 195.6 KB)
Election 2010, Local Election Output, Community Affairs, Superscoreboard, Chal Sitaroon Ki, Law Show, Appeals for funds, Advertising minutage, Complaint by Mr Ross Webber

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 161 05/07/10 (PDF, 150.2 KB)
Dum Hai Tou Entertain Kar, Sky News Leaders' Debate and other programmes, The Door, This Morning, Other Programmes Not in Breach

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 160 21/06/10 (PDF, 179.8 KB)
Promotional material during programming, Asian Babes, Afternoon Delight – Live Skyve, World Fashion Channel, Numb3rs trailer, Advertising minutage, Advertising minutage & Complaint by Lord Ashcroft KCMG made on his behalf by Harbottle and Lewis LLP

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 159 07/06/10 (PDF, 199.7 KB)
Connect the World, Dubai World Cup Special, Sponsorship of The Real Sports Phone-in, Lord of the Ring Promotion, Advertisements for 4EverGlazing, Elite Days, Reference to website address, Retention of recordings and Complaint by Mr Shaun McCarthy

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 158 24/05/10 (PDF, 475.7 KB)
Bang Babes, Tease Me: Earlybird, Special Message, CNN YouTube Debate on Climate Change, Wedi 7, Asiana Bridal Show 2010, (Celebrity) Big Brother’s Big Mouth, Advertising minutage, 209radio, community radio service for Cambridge, Complaints by Islam Channel, Mr Keith Harding, Mr David Ham on his own behalf and on behalf of Mrs Lorraine Ham (his wife), Miss Rubi Ham and Miss Chelsie Ham (his daughters), Steeles Law Solicitors made on behalf of Mr Keenam Bradshaw-Davis & Complaint by Ms Nassila Zelleg.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 157 10/05/10 (PDF, 399.6 KB)
Bang Babes, The Pad, Tease Me: Earlybird, Sponsorship of Do Hanso ka Joda, Sponsorship of Jhansi ki Rani, Chal Sitaroon Ki, Retention of recordings (BEN TV), LunchBreak, Subtitling provision, Advertising minutage, Bath Radio Ltd, Brunel FM Ltd, Three Towns Radio Ltd, Quay West Radio Ltd and BCR FM Ltd, Complaint by The Auroville Foundation and the community of Auroville

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 156 26/04/10 (PDF, 219.4 KB)
George Galloway, Just Great Songs, Mike James, Sponsorship of Gareth Stewart’s Afternoon Drive, First Half Forum, Bible Medicine, News, Bath FM and 3TR FM, Afternoon Live and Complaint by Mr David Edwards on behalf of Mrs Lisa Edwards

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 155 12/04/10 (PDF, 448.7 KB)
Steve Penk at Breakfast, Sponsorship of TEENick by 0800 Reverse, Your Health, Tritio Mattra, Lux Super Star, Good Copy, Bad Copy, Provision of recordings – various programmes, 5 Live Breakfast - live performance by Rage Against the Machine, Complaint by Ms Georgette Dede Djaba, Complaint by Mr Eoin Murray, Complaint by Paris Smith Solicitors on behalf of Mr Massoud Yeganegy and Roxan Construction Limited

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 154 22/03/10 (PDF, 200.0 KB)
Bang Channels Limited and Bang Media (London) Limited, GMTV with Lorraine, Vicky Gill, Navrang, Hot Country, Dickinson’s Real Deal, Dispatches: Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby, Advertising scheduling, Complaint by Mr G, Complaint by Miss Dawn Brown

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 153 08/03/10 (PDF, 261.6 KB)
Friendly TV, TLCS 865, Bang Babes, Asar Azan, Appeal for Loughborough Mosque Extension project, Saturday Kitchen Live, Fast TV, Sponsorship of Stabbed: The Truth About Knife Crime, Club Asia

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 152 22/02/10 (PDF, 388.7 KB)
Bang Babes, The Pad, TMTV, Early Bird, Inside Africa, Sponsorship of The Simpsons, Dum Hai Tou Entertain Kar, Glasvegas, Big Fight Live, The Passions of Girls Aloud, Have I Got News For You, Dancing on Ice, various Fairness & Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 151 08/02/10 (PDF, 419.4 KB)
Sponsorship of Perfect Bride, Bang Babes, Elite Days, Elite Nights, Elite Days, Party People, Euro Digital Corporation Limited, Jingle Bell Ball Competition, Heart Breakfast, various Fairness & Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 150 25/01/10 (PDF, 332.9 KB)
Steve Power at Breakfast, Ruhaniat and Tib-e-Nabvi, The X Factor Results Show, Really Caught in the Act, Yvette and Karl: Down on One Knee, Retention of recordings & The Early Morning Breakfast Show

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 149 11/01/10 (PDF, 504.6 KB)
Drivetime, The Gospel Truth with Andrew Womack, Live 960, Top Shelf TV, MTV Live: Isle of MTV music festival featuring Lady Gaga, Club Paradiso, F1: Grand Prix & Complaint by Ms Emma Czikai

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 148 21/12/09 (PDF, 807.9 KB)
Appeal for Manchester Muslim Centre and Mosque, Appeal for Somers Town Islamic Cultural & Education Centre, Formula 1 Brazilian Grand Prix Competition, News Today, People from Space, Flashing images in programme content, Advertising minutage and various Fairness & Privacy cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 147 07/12/09 (PDF, 309.9 KB)
The Big Top 40 Show, Various programmes, Win This Week with Sky, STV Business Briefing, Beauty Simplified, Various programmes, La Rixe, The Hotmix: Eminem, Drivetime, Baba Ji Online, Lazzat-e-Iftaar & various Fairness & Privacy cases ..... [more]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 146 23/11/09 (PDF, 597.3 KB)
Sponsorship of various programmes, Sponsorship of Ba Khabar Savera, Sponsorship of various programmes, Sponsorship of A Wednesday, Sponsorship of NASA: Greatest Missions, Sponsorship of Geekdom, Sponsorship of Talking Telly, Sponsorship of Imagine Blockbusters, Scrolled advertisement for Manchester College of Higher Education and Media Technology .... [More]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 145 09/11/09 (PDF, 176.2 KB)
Islam in Focus, Babeworld TV, Promotion of the website address, Bahran Punjab Diyan and Financial Matters, Top Gear, Sa Re Ga Ma Pa L’il Champs, Farmer Wants a Wife, Amount of advertising scheduled and retention of recordings & Radio Ramadhan Keighley 102.1FM

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 144 26/10/09 (PDF, 384.1 KB)
Boys and Girls Alone, Specsavers sponsorship of ‘Hawk-Eye’ technology during Sky Sports coverage of Ashes cricket, Virgin Media set top box promotion in Star Trek: Voyager, Bang Babes, Elite Days, Live 960, Radio Hampshire Limited, Complaint by Ms K & Complaint by Murlands Solicitors on behalf of Miss Pearl Gamble’s family.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 143 12/10/09 (PDF, 106.5 KB)
Taamulat fiddine wa Siyassa, Win a Holiday in May competition, Rehraas Sahib, Big Brother’s Little Brother

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 142 28/09/09 (PDF, 157.9 KB)
The Classic 9 at 9, Hit of the Hour, Promotional messages throughout programmes, Ghosts of the Asylum, Radio Mast FM, Wife Swap

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 141 14/09/09 (PDF, 434.2 KB)
UTV Live Tonight, The Land Cries Out for the Blood that Was Shed, Sky HD cross-promotions featuring the Ashes series, Costa Coffee sponsorship of competitions in breakfast shows, XXX Channel AKA - ‘Playtime Two’, Giggs Featuring Kyze, UK Tings, Bangla TV, Most Haunted, The Jeremy Kyle Show, Midlands Today & various Fairness and Privacy Complaints - See PDF bulletin

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 140 24/08/09 (PDF, 527.3 KB)
Appeals for funds for programmes, Specsavers Sticker Spotters, Sunday Lie-in, Trail for Win with Sky, The X Files, Talkback, To The Manor Bowen, Lock Up, Complaint by Mrs Karan Johnstone, wife, Mrs C, and son, Complaint by Mr C on his own behalf and on behalf of his wife, Mrs C, and son, E (a minor), Complaints by Mrs Diane Lievesley on her own behalf and on behalf of Miss Hazel Lievesley and Mr Richard Lievesley, Mr Mark Wilson, Mr Jamie Tough, Miss P & Mr Anthony Gordon

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 139 - 03/08/09 (PDF, 595.0 KB)
Comment & The Real Deal, Radio Asian Fever, CricketAM, SoccerAM, Free-to-view promotion for Playboy TV, Stonecold TV, Snoop Dogg’s Fatherhood, Trailer for ‘Black’, It Pays to Watch, Complaints by The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, Professor Timothy Ball, community of Middlesbrough and by Middlesbrough Council made on their behalf by the Mayor of Middlesbrough, Mr Ray Mallon, Booker Limited, Mr Terry Barnes, Mr Billy Johnston & Mr Jason Smith made on his behalf by Mr Trevor Jones

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 138 - 20/07/09 (PDF, 380.9 KB)
Running in Heels, News bulletin and Bari Bari Shari Shari, Competition sponsored by New Look Furnishings, Sport TV, Gay TV promotion broadcast ‘free-to-view’, Sex Station, Saturday Kitchen, Pennine FM, Complaint by Mr M, Complaint by Dr Parvinder Singh Garcha and others, Complaint by Mrs Suzie Coleman, Complaint by Mrs Tina Jenkins, Complaint by Mrs Tina Jenkins on behalf of Oscar Ferneyhough (her son), Complaint by Mr Zak Owen

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 137 - 06/07/09 (PDF, 134.4 KB)
Knights and Angels, Hit of the Hour, Good Morning Europe, Bang Babes, The Pad, Note to Daytime and Adult Sex Chat, Jonathan Ross

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 136 - 22/06/09 (PDF, 452.9 KB)
Five News at 7, The Alan Titchmarsh Show, The Paul O’Grady Show, UEFA Champions League Live, The MySpace Chart, UEFA Champions League Live, The MySpace Chart, Sponsorship of Dexter, Maranam Muttuppulli Alla, Vanakathukuriyavarkal, Chat Café, George Galloway, Virgin Media Advertisement, Jeni Barnett & Dispatches: The Trouble With Boris.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 135 - 08/06/09 (PDF, 140.2 KB)
Lakeland Radio Limited, The Noon Show, Herre på täppan, News bulletins & RFL Janatar Raay, Ben 10: Alien Force, UK Tings, Jon Gaunt, Moving Wallpaper, Complaint by Mr Ulf Olsson, Complaint by Humphries Kirk Solicitors on behalf of Ultimate Energy plc

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 134 - 26/05/09 (PDF, 436.9 KB)
Red Hot 40+, Red Hot Amateur, Red Hot Girl Girl, Red Hot Just 18, Red Hot DD, and Red Hot Fetish Channels, Advertisement for Response2Route, Playboy One: various programmes, Keith Dalton’s Early Morning Wake Up, Celebrity Big Brother & Fairness and Privacy Cases..... [more]

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 133 - 11|05|09 (PDF, 245.8 KB)
Jon Gaunt,Ramsay’s Great British Nightmare,Kinky and Proud,Emmerdale,Stylista trailer, The Sex Education Show, Complaint by Maria Mercedes Brown & Complaint by Mr Matias Coombs

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 132 - 27|04|09 (PDF, 340.1 KB)
Full Pott, Allan Lake, Indian Idol, Mickey Rourke, Big FM 87.7, Soccer AM, Big Brother 9, Big Brother 9 voting, Strictly Come Dancing, Complaints by Mr Terry Schuler and Mr Joseph Lake

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 131 - 06|04|09 (PDF, 109.4 KB)
The Russell Brand Show, Playboy One, Bath FM and Brunel FM & Advertising minutage

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 130 - 23|03|09 (PDF, 388.7 KB)
Sponsorship credit findings, Sponsorship of Big Brother, 4Homes programming, The Gadget Show, Weather, GMTV Weather, The X Factor,The Alan Titchmarsh Show, daytime programming & Your Natural World programming. (More... See Bulletin)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 129 - 09|03|09 (PDF, 266.0 KB)
BritCops: Frontline, Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends: UFOs, The X Factor, Complaints by Mr D, Mr Clement Dortie, Mr Kulwarn Cheema & Mr Michael Shrimpton

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 128 - 23|02|09 (PDF, 269.9 KB)
Domino’s Pizza Sponsorship of The Simpsons, Kadak, Full Volume and Fresh, The British Comedy Awards 2008, The Jeremy Kyle Show, EastEnders, The Alternative Christmas Message, Complaints by Mr Carl-Gustav Yrwing on his own behalf and on behalf of Mrs Eva Yrwing Kustbevakarna (The Coastguards), Complaint by Mrs Clare O’Grady on her own behalf and on behalf of Mrs Teresa Clayton (her mother)and Mr James O’Grady (her husband) & Complaint by Mrs Jane Price

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 127 - 09|02|09 (PDF, 469.2 KB)
Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, Axe Gamekillers, Overnight Hit Mix, Saturday Night Warm-Up, Channel U, Fizz, Minx Girl Promotion, Hell’s Kitchen USA, Funniest Ever You’ve Been Framed, George Lamb, The Alex Zane Breakfast Show, Programme trailer, Music Express, Complaints by Dr Christian Farthing & Dr Peter Proud.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 126 - 26|01|09 (PDF, 121.9 KB)
ITV Broadcasting Limited, Channel Television Ltd,STV Central Ltd and STV North Ltd,UTV Ltd,Beat: Life on the Street, Now That’s What I Call Music Chart,Pizza Man by Cisco Kid & Steve Sutherland

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 125 - 12|01|09 (PDF, 277.3 KB)
Channel S Global Limited,Channel S Plus Limited,Channel S World Limited,N*E*R*D Special,Casualty,Axe Men,We Are Most Amused,Complaint by Harbottle and Lewis LLP on behalf of Dr Roger Mugford,Complaint by Ms Elwen Rowlands,Complaint by Mrs Ionwen Rowlands

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 124 - 18|12|08 (PDF, 128.6 KB)
British Broadcasting Corporation (“BBC”), Blue Peter, Film Café, The Tom Robinson Show, Statement on other BBC competitions, Audience voting in various BBC television programmes and Sports Personality of the Year.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 123 - 08|12|08 (PDF, 444.7 KB)
Venus TV Ltd, Greater Manchester transport plan – local poll advertisement, Club Classics, Heart Breakfast, The Five Thirty Show, Nemone, Donald Macleod, The Live Hour, All-Ireland Final Competition, Top Gear, Harry and Paul, Complaints by Sri Guru Singh Sabha Sikh Temple made on its behalf by Dr Parvinder Singh Garcha, Mr Ian Hunter, Miss Davina Hunter on behalf of herself and her son (a minor), British Toy and Hobby Association, Ms Roberta Marchesin, Mr Graham McGrath and by Miss Elizabeth Young.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 122 - 24|11|08 (PDF, 319.6 KB)
Nepali TV, Sponsorship of Super Scoreboard by Verve car dealership, Faking It Changed My Life, Friday Plus, Complaints by Ms A made on her behalf by Ms B, Complaints by Dr Fazal Mahmood, Mr Gulam Robbani Rumi, Mr Shah Hadi, Mr Nazrul Islam Bashon, Channel S Global Limited, Mr Mahee Ferdahus, Dr Fazal Mahmood, Mr Gulam Robbani Rumi, Mr Shah Hadi, Miss Tahmina Mahmood on her own behalf and on behalf of Aysha Mahmood, Ishrat Mahmood (a minor), Sanjida Mahmood (a minor) and Ridwan Mahmood (a minor)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 121 - 10|11|08 (PDF, 303.5 KB)
DM Digital Television Limited, Premium rate services promoted in programme content, Good Morning Manchester, “Shine a Light” competition, Dickinson’s Real Deal, Ayurvedic Nature Cure Sponsorship, Scott Mills, After You’ve Gone, Aalim Online, Complaints by Mr Nicholas Beardshaw/Mrs Michaela Beardshawint and Mr Glenn Swallow

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 120 - 27|10|08 (PDF, 182.8 KB)
Sky One and other Sky channels, Revenant, Always Crashing in the Same Car,The BRMB Breakfast,Bang Babes,Vision for Israel, Listener competition & Complaint by Lady Jane Ann Winterton MP

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 119 - 13|10|08 (PDF, 113.2 KB)
Guns N’ Roses, SportxxxBabes, Various programmes, Teleshopping, Promotional material broadcast during programmes & Promotional material broadcast during programmes

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 118 - 29|09|08 (PDF, 208.0 KB)
Taggart, The Work of Mad Men, LivexxxBabes, “Getting under the skin of a famous celebrity” competition, Cinema give-away competition, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Trailer, News, Mortgage and Finance, Scrolled promotion of live tarot reading, PK’s Afternoon Drive, Ax Men & Complaint by Southwark Council

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 117 - 15|09|08 (PDF, 239.2 KB)
World’s Most Amazing Videos, “Wake Up Your Brain” & “Worst Girlfriend” competitions, Full Pott, Breakfast, Peter Popoff Ministries, Paul Lewis Ministry, Peter Popoff Ministries, The Soup,Stripped, Biggles, Eid Messages, Deepam TV, Karl Davies Breakfast Show, BBC News, The F Word & Complaint by Ms Jenny Thoresson made on her behalf by Ms Ann-Kristin Thoresson

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 116 - 01|09|08 (PDF, 307.2 KB)
SportxxxBabes, Spice Extreme trailers, Babecast, Sexcetera, CSC Media Group Ltd, News Bulletin, The Go Home Show, Best Beer Garden, Matt Bunt, Katie & Peter: The Next Chapter, Big Al's Mid-Morning Boogie with the Doc, Raj TV, Vaan Osai, Loose Women, Future Shorts: The Crusader, Location, Location, Location

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 115 - 11|08|08 (PDF, 457.7 KB)
BBC, Portland Enterprises (C.I.) Limited, Television X, Saturday Early Breakfast, Rick Shaw’s Drivetime, Quiz Call, The Great Big British Quiz, Advertisements for The Politics Programme on Revelation TV and Genesis TV, The World’s Got Talent, Drive with Dominik Diamond & Marissa, Graham Torrington’s Late Night Love, Sex Station, House of Fun TV Limited, Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack, F1: Canadian Grand Prix Live, The Nathan Caton Show (Short Cut)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 114 - 21|07|08 (PDF, 257.5 KB)
Square 1 Management Limited, The Great Global Warming Swindle, American Idol, Red Hot TV Trailer, SportxxxGirls, ITV News, Trailers for Extraordinary People: The Man With No Face & Half Man Half Tree, Trailers for Bodyshock: I Am The Elephant Man, Complaints by Sir David King, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change & Professor Carl Wunsch.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 113 - 07|07|08 (PDF, 268.1 KB)
30 GCap Media plc ‘One Network’ radio stations, GMTV Weather, STV and Westcountry Weather, Rock Rivals, The Jeremy Kyle Show, Sunday Night with Jason Donovan, Peter Popoff & Dr Paul Lewis.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 112 - 23|06|08 (PDF, 340.2 KB)
The Montel Williams Show, The Bush and Troy Show, Battle of the Hollywood Hotties, Thunder Crew link, Look Who’s Talking, New Year Message, Supernatural Trailer, EastEnders, Import Export, Complaints by Aerials and Satellites brought on its behalf by Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, D R Electricals brought on its behalf by Billson and Sharp Solicitors & complaint by Mr Gareth Nixon.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 111 - 09|06|08 (PDF, 438.6 KB)
The Best of Orange Playlist - 2007 Best Guests, Ocean FM,Trailer for I huvudet på Gynning, The Simpsons, Dispatches: The Court of Ken, Channel S Global Limited and Mr Mahee Ferdahus,, Complaints by Mr Matthew Butler, Mr Anthony Bennett, Ms Linda Ware brought on her behalf by Mr Jan Frayne, Mr Meirion Bowen brought on his behalf by Mr Jan Frayne, Mr and Mrs R, Professor John Bridle brought on his behalf by Fisher Scoggins LLP & Cwyn gan Mr Meirion Bowen a gyflwynwyd ar ei ran gan Mr Jan Frayne

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 110 - 27|05|08 (PDF, 298.7 KB)
Early Bird, The American President, Blackpool Medics, Weekend by Scooter,Note to Broadcasters - revised guidance on Section Two of the Ofcom Broadcasting Code, Complaint by Seun Benson, Complaint by Ms Dawn Blake Complaint by Mr Martin Cowley & Complaint by Mr George Sweeney on behalf of Michael Sweeney (a minor)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 109 - 12|05|08 (PDF, 202.3 KB)
Shabeqadar, Channel 4 Trail, This Morning, The Killer in Me, Note to Broadcasters, Complaint by Mr Tony Greenstein, Complaint by Mrs Zartash-Lloyd

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 108 - 08|05|08 (PDF, 368.9 KB)
LWT (Holdings) Limited, Granada Television Limited, ITV2 Limited, Various regional programmes, ITV Playalong, The Mint, Glitterball, I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!, People’s Court, The X Factor

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 107 - 28|04|08 (PDF, 192.5 KB)
Notice of Revocation, Place in the Sun, Drivetime with Martin Malyon, Suicidal Squirrels, Wild and Crazy & Sky News.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 106 - 14|04|08 (PDF, 585.9 KB)
Catherine Tate Christmas Show, Complaint by Ms K on behalf of her son, Child K & Complaint by Mr Robert Winsor

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 105 - 31|03|08 (PDF, 201.9 KB)
Midsomer Murders, The Jon Gaunt Show, The Brit Awards 2008, “Films to Die For” Promotional Trailer, Fizz Music, Complaint by Mrs Amanda Kenton, Complaint by Mr Paul Rouse on his own behalf and on behalf of the Association of Second Home Owners, Complaint by Mr John Byrant, Complaint by Mr Paul Manning & Complaint by Thomas Cook UK Limited brought on their behalf by CMS Cameron McKenna solicitors.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 104 - 10|03|08 (PDF, 343.1 KB)
DM Digital, Complaint by Ms Ruth Catch made on her behalf by Mr Carlton Boyce, Complaint by Mr Timothy Cowen on his own behalf and on behalf of NCP Services Limited, Complaint from Ms Anne Hinchey on behalf of the Wales and West Housing Association, Complaint by Mr Tony Sutton

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 103 - 25|02|08 (PDF, 390.5 KB)
EastEnders, MTV, MTV2, MTV Dance, MTV Base, MTV Hits, VH-1, VH1-Classic, Various dates 2007, RHF Productions Ltd, 18 Plus Movies promotion , The Alan Titchmarsh Show, Sarah Kennedy, Saturday Early Breakfast, Complaint by Mr Paul Anthony, Complaint by Mrs M on behalf of her daughter, Miss M, Complaint by Dr David Clarke & Complaint by Tesco Plc brought on its behalf by Carter-Ruck solicitors.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 102 - 11|02|08 (PDF, 381.6 KB)
Gold Breakfast, SMS shortcode(text)entry method used in competitions, Jamie at Home, Britain’s Next Top Model, Amores Perros, Top Minx, video for ‘Smack My Bitch Up’ by The Prodigy, Chop Shop: London Garage, Smallville, Wednesday Drive Time, Channel 4 News, Complaints by Mr Guy Wood, Mr Peter Houghton, Mr Peter Martin, Opus Energy, Ribble Valley Borough Council & Traditional Norfolk Poultry Limited

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 101 - 28|01|08 (PDF, 203.1 KB)
Sumo TV - User Generated Content, Trax, He Got Game, World Cup Rugby: Ireland v Namibia, Bremner, Bird and Fortune & Complaint by Mrs Jan Melia on her own behalf and on behalf of Mr Oli Melia and their three children.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 100 - 14|01|08 (PDF, 158.4 KB)
McFly Competition, Dirty Cows, UK’s Toughest Jobs, Rich Kids’ Cattle Drive, POP POP POP, Radio Ramadan (Bristol), F1: Japanese Grand Prix, Hell’s Kitchen, Weekend “Nazis”, Crash Test Dummies & Complaint by Brodies LLP Solicitors on behalf of Parks of Hamilton (Coach Hirers) Limited.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 99 - 17|12|07 (PDF, 179.8 KB)
Dangerous Sex Games, The Great Big Quiz, Rob Ellis, Casualty, Ricky Hatton Live Press Conference, Goals on Sunday, Complaint by Mr John Fenty on behalf of Grimsby Town Football Club & Complaint by Mr John Fenty on his own behalf and on behalf of Grimsby Town Football Club.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 98 - 03|12|07 (PDF, 151.3 KB)
Connection Makers Ltd, Cops on Camera, Looking for the Actual Person, Jyoti, Jon Gaunt - Bosch Breakfast Show promotion, Bringing Up Baby & Complaint by Mr Kaiser Nisar.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 97 - 19|11|07 (PDF, 365.9 KB)
George Galloway, Inside Gaming, Win Win TV, Dispatches: Undercover Mosque, Viewer competitions, Complaint by Ms Jessica Rees, Complaints by : the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia brought on their behalf by Schillings solicitors, &Complaint by the Islamic Cultural Centre and the London Central Mosque brought on their behalf by Carter Ruck solicitors.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 96 - 05|11|07 (PDF, 394.6 KB)
ARY Digital UK Ltd, Fizz Music, Cash Call, James and Ali’s Breakfast Blanks, Real Summer Quiz, Real Football Phone In, Scottish Cup Final, Win Win TV, Supernatural trailer,The Cosmos: A Beginner’s Guide, Big Brother Series 8, Smile, Complaint by Mr Russell Foster, Complaint by Ms Christine O’Meara on behalf of Community Housing Cymru & Complaint by Mr Taranjit Singh.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 95 - 22|10|07 (PDF, 167.1 KB)
‘Babe’ channels, Get Lucky TV, Lucky Star, Star Bazaar, LivexxxBabes, Show Off UK, Glastonbury, Wire in the Blood, GEO News, Who Killed Atlanta’s Children?, Buckcherry - Crazy Bitch & International Football.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 94 - 08|10|07 (PDF, 135.3 KB)
GMTV Ltd, Drivetime with Rick Vaughan Show, Win a Car a Day in May, Quiz Night Live, Cash Call “Total Amount of Money” puzzle, Call Me a Cabbie, 101 Sexiest Celebrity Bodies, Ek Ajnabee, The Breakfast Show, Cash, Car and the Caribbean, Complaint by Carter Ruck Solicitors on behalf of Mrs Monica Calvert,Complaint by Ms Lisa Rodrigues on behalf of Sussex Partnership NHS Trust & Complaint by Mr Robert Winsor.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 93 - 24|09|07 (PDF, 379.2 KB)
House of Fun, FHM Teeny Bikinis - Junior Jack, Stupidisco, Allstars Day - N.E.R.D, Lapdance, Midsomer Murders, My God, I’m My Dad, Diana: The Witnesses in the Tunnel, Complaints by Maxwell Hodge solicitors on behalf of European Environmental Controls Ltd, Maxwell Hodge Solicitors on behalf of Mr Joseph Tulip, Maxwell Hodge Solicitors on behalf of Mr John Ball & Complaint by Mr Anthony Scott & Complaint by Miss Rachel Scott.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 92 - 10|09|07 (PDF, 289.3 KB)
BBC News, Hustler TV output, Kaun Banega Crorepati, Wimbledon news updates, Sponsorship of News, Promotion for, This Morning, Glastonbury, Hilltown FM (Dundee),Luton Airport, News Knight with Sir Trevor McDonald, Complaint by Mrs S, Complaint by Sony Computer Entertainment UK Limited, Complaint by Ms Tasneem Southern & Complaint by Ms Janet Tomlinson.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 91 - 20|08|07 (PDF, 122.9 KB)
Mike Mendoza, Football First, Britain’s Got Talent, Nach Baliye 2, Voice of Africa Radio (Radio Licensable Content Service), Sky News, Complaint by Mrs Anwar Begum & Complaint by Mr Gary Hall.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 90 - 30|07|07 (PDF, 106.8 KB)
Bang Babes, Harry Hill’s TV Burp, Advertisement for The Spectator, Babecast, Night Owls, Complaint by Mr Makhtoor Hussain & Complaint by Ms T on behalf of herself and her son H.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 89 - 16|07|07 (PDF, 429.3 KB)
BBC,The Green Guide to Life, The Last Casino, Build a New Life in the Country, Blood on the Carpet, Police Patrol: Uncut, Complaint by Mischon de Reya Solicitors on behalf of Foxtons Limited, Complaint by Howells Solicitors on behalf of Mr Andrew Jones, Complaints by Mrs Tahira Hussain, Mr Marvin Munday and Mrs Nicola Munday, National Car Parks, Mr Stephen Filer (own behalf) and behalf of Mrs Markina Filer, Mrs Kathleen Filer & Mrs Julie Stephenson and Mr Robert Stephenson.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 88 - 02|07|07 (PDF, 119.0 KB)
Channel 5 Broadcasting Ltd (“Channel 5”), Cops on Camera & Complaint by Mrs Josephine Hill on behalf of herself and the Clough and Risegate Residents’ Association.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 87 - 18|06|07 (PDF, 112.1 KB)
Gamer TV, News bulletins, Equal opportunities, Pokerstars, Scotland Today, Heart Breakfast with Sam and Amy, Shipwrecked, Complaint by Mrs Jean Smith & Complaint by Paula Bates on behalf of Toucan Telemarketing Ltd.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 86 - 04|06|07 (PDF, 260.1 KB)
Channel Four Television Corporation (“Channel Four”) and Sianel Pedwar Cymru (“S4C”), Prison Break, The Wheel of Love, Advertisement for City and County of Swansea, The Brits, Big Love trailer, Complaint by Mr A on his own behalf and on behalf of family members & Complaint by Mr Michael Purdon (Solicitor) on behalf of Mr Allan Grimson.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 85 - 21|05|07 (PDF, 500.7 KB)
Naughty Nurse, World in Focus and R Mornings, Insider, Y Byd ar Bedwar, Y Byd ar Bedwar, Radio XL, Graham and Louise Breakfast Show – Quiz of the Week, Star Reports and Music To Make You Feel Good, Meridian Tonight, Promotion of Sky Movies magazine, Top Gear, The Charlotte Church Show & Complaint by Mr Roger Croston on behalf of Dr Bruno Beger.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 84 - 08|05|07 (PDF, 431.7 KB)
Statement on Star Date TV broadcasting as Babestar+ on Sky channel 960, The X Factor and The Xtra Factor, Real Talk, News bulletins, Coverage of the Execution of Saddam Hussein, News bulletins, Complaints by Ms Sheri Atherton, Pannone & Partners on behalf of Bank House Day Nursery, Complaints by Mrs Elizabeth Dalziel, Ms Rubina Khan, Mrs Kathleen Moorhead, Ms Sue Scott, Mrs Patricia Delaney, Mrs Carole Thewlis & Complaint by Mr Terence and Mrs Jacqueline Cox.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 83 - 23|04|07 (PDF, 336.3 KB)
Emmerdale, Hellbound: Hellraiser II, Blue Peter, I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, When Football Managers Go Mad, Complaint by Ms Jessica Rees, Complaint by Mr Timothy Cowen & O’Keeffe Solicitors on behalf of Mr Faryardi Sarwar Zardad.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 82 - 10|04|07 (PDF, 173.0 KB)
Notice of Revocation Gamecast UK Ltd service You TV2, Bangla TV, Complaint by North Ayrshire Council on its own behalf and on behalf of Councillor Peter McNamara and Complaint by The Swan Sanctuary.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 81 - 26|03|07 (PDF, 186.0 KB)
Word Association, Quiz Call, The Extreme Truth, Channel 9 (Restricted Television Service Licence), After You’ve Gone, Mrs G and her daughter (a minor) and Mr Chris Garner trading as Vanity London (sole proprietor).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 80 - 12|03|07 (PDF, 297.1 KB)
The Slammer, Scotland Today, Who Do You Think You Are?, The War at Home, The Beatles’ Biggest Secrets, Discovery Channel trailer, Coronation Street, Complaint by Mr Paul Cordy, Complaint by Mr Graham Lloyd on behalf of the Governing Body of The Holly Hall School & Complaint on behalf of Morecambe Bay Hospitals NHS Trust.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 79 - 26|02|07 (PDF, 402.0 KB)
ITV News, Kev Seed Breakfast Show, Cricket AM, Dohri, Jonathan Ross, Club Cupid Trailer, Complaint by Newspin PR Limited on behalf of UP Trips Limited, Complaint by Nottingham City Council, Complaint by Mr John Glester, Complaint by Mrs Irene Milson on behalf of the WDC Tenants and Residents Association

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 78 - 12|02|07 (PDF, 310.7 KB)
Perfect Match, Geo News, Carnival FM (Restricted Service Licence), Quiz Call, Property Developing Abroad, Complaint by Mrs Taryn Sherwood & Complaint by Mr Brian Allan.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 77 - 29|01|07 (PDF, 118.4 KB)
Fizz Music, Anna Raeburn, Top 20 Freaks of Pop, Married in the Morning, Bean: The Movie, A Girl’s Guide to 21st Century Sex & Complaint by Ms V on behalf of her daughter (a Minor).

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 76 - 15|01|07 (PDF, 292.3 KB)
Quizmania, ECW Wrestling, Milkshake sponsored by Disney DVDs, Cash Call, Britain’s Fattest Teenager, Complaint by Mr Paul Hellawell on behalf of UK Juicers Ltd, Complaint by Mr Bhaarat Pattni & Complaint by Professor Michael Keith.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 75 - 11|12|06 (PDF, 562.1 KB)
Digital Television Production Company Limited, Duisg and news, Hell’s Kitchen USA, Poker Face, Complaint by Mrs Susan Holland and Mr Marc Asquith, Cŵyn gan Mrs Susan Holland a Mr Marc Asquith & Complaint by Mr Andreas Tambourides.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 74 - 27|11|06 (PDF, 177.9 KB)
Sanction on Television Concepts Limited, The Morning Brief, Big Brother 7, MTV Dance, Road Rage School, World Cuppa, The 60s: The Beatles Decasde, The Baby Mind Reader, Complaints by Mr Michael Gore, Aloma Henriquez, Marisol Ayala, Adriana Vigilanza, Fiorella Morales

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 73 - 13|11|06 (PDF, 245.0 KB)
4Homes Magazine, Cops Uncut 2, The Mint, Complaint by Mr William Coulson, Complaint by Mr Charles Ejogo on his own behalf and on behalf of his company Umbrolly Limited & Complaint by Mr Martin Thomas

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 72 - 30|10|06 (PDF, 191.8 KB)
Meridian Tonight, Pepsi Max World Challenge, Number Up, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, Complaint by MacKenzie & Co (Solicitors) on behalf of Dr Gurdeep Singh, Complaint by Mr Kulvinder Singh, Complaint by Mr Sukhwinder Singh, Complaint by Ms P, Complaint by Mr Christopher Holdcroft & Mr Omid Omidi Mazaheri.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 71 - 16|10|06 (PDF, 510.6 KB)
Cash House, Trisha Goddard, Invicta FM, World Cup Match of the Day Live, Bratz, Vibe fm 101, Fox FM, Mrs Clare Bradford on her own behalf and on behalf of Henbury Secondary School & Dr Tuppy Owens

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 70 - 02|10|06 (PDF, 78.1 KB)
Hallmark Channel Quiz, Is This the Worst Weather Ever?, Complaint by Ms A and Complaint by Mr Hennessey

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 69 - 18|09|06 (PDF, 190.7 KB)
Breakfast, Feile FM, British Superbike Championship, Victoria Derbyshire, Angie Le Mar, Big Brother 7 & Complaint by Mr and Mrs W.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 68 - 04|09|06 (PDF, 330.2 KB)
Hutch Cup coverage and Allianz Cup coverage, Bid2Win, News, Trail for ITV News, You've Been Framed,‘Smile’: Lily Allen video, Escape: Human Cargo, When Lineker Met Maradona, Iain Lee & Mindshock: Sex on the Brain trail & Big Brother trail.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 67 - 21|08|06 (PDF, 86.4 KB)
Tim Shaw, Kiss 100, The New Paul O'Grady Show, Quiz Night Live, Tom & Jerry, Complaint by Mr Kenneth Brown & Complaint by Mrs Marina Singleton.

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 66 - 07|08|06 (PDF, 107.9 KB)
Advertisements: Stevenage Borough Council, Alan Brazil, John Doe, Christian O’Connell, The Mint, Australia’s Next Top Model Trailer,Henry Hyams Solicitors on behalf of Mr M, Mrs Kathleen and Mr William Blue, Complaint by Mr Philip Cochrane and Mrs Vicky Cochrane, Complaint Mr Kian Lucas & Complaint by Mr Martin Payne

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 65 - 24|07|06 (PDF, 156.1 KB)
The Rugby Club, London Greek Radio, Good Music Bingo, Beyonce Knowles - Check On It, Cobra sponsorship of Mary Poppins, Futurama, Channel 4 Racing, Emmerdale, The Boat Race, Complaint by Mr and Mrs Hodgson, Complaint by Mr Gordon Montgomery, Complaint by Ms Janet Gill, Complaint by Ms Marilyn Howell & Complaint by Ms Andrea Mullings

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 64 - 10|07|06 (PDF, 90.4 KB)
Project Catwalk Trail, Cash House, F1: Bahrain Grand Prix, GMTV, Complaint by Mr Don Stannard & Mrs Rosemary Stannard and Ms Kas Stannard

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 63 - 26|06|06 (PDF, 144.7 KB)
Kiss FM Radio Limited, ATN Bangla, Babeworld, You TV, Evening Blessing, Praise or Grumble & Malcolm in the Middle

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 62 - 12|06|06 (PDF, 157.0 KB)
Chris Moyles, Scott Mills, Ultimate 40 Cameos, Hard-Fi: Live in Concert, Raider Nation, Avon Sponsorship: Footballers’ Wives, UEFA Cup, NDTV 24x7, Celebrity Big Brother’s Little Brother, My Family and Other Animals, American Pie trailer, Bremner, Bird & Fortune, Complaint by Mr Mike O’Connor on behalf of the Millennium Commission, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Mrs Comfort Afolabi on her own behalf and on behalf of the Detainee Support and Help Unit

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 61 - 30|05|06 (PDF, 116.1 KB)
LBC Programme, Bridget Jones trailers, Dark Dreamers, Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves, Subtitles, The Root of All Evil?, Complaint by Pannone & Partners (Solicitors) on behalf of Space Kitchens and Bathrooms Limited & Complaint by Nottingham City Council

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 60 - 15|05|06 (PDF, 56.4 KB)
More4 Trail, Classic Comeback, Cash Lounge

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 59 - 02|05|06 (PDF, 119.1 KB)
Sony Ericsson Christmas Calling, Farishtay, Outtake TV, Babe Aerobics, Ali Malik Drivetime, Fireman Sam, Brody and Louise in the Morning, Dispatches - The New Fundamentalists, Complaint by Mrs Alyson Evans & Complaint by Dr Paul Davis

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 58 - 18|04|06 (PDF, 152.5 KB)
Tom Binns, The Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast with Graham Beecroft, Steve Earl, Insomnia, Rammstein - Mann Gegen Mann, Judging Amy, Make Me Perfect, Big Fat Quiz of the Year, Dispatches - The Dyslexia Myth, Complaint by Mrs Shahin Soleymani on behalf of Kavosh Jalali,Complaint by Charles Russell (solicitors) on their own behalf and on behalf of the Trustees of the vCJD Trust, Complaint by The Right Reverend Sean Manchester, Complaint by Advokaterna Bring & Bergkvist HB on behalf of Mr Axel Fondén

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 57 - 03|04|06 (PDF, 66.2 KB)
Ghostbusters, The Ultimate Fighter 2, Drivetime, Kerrang!, Where is Jack Bauer?, The Paul O’Grady Show & Complaint by Ms Sheila Bransfield

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 56 - 20|03|06 (PDF, 241.5 KB)
Brand New You, Sahara, Bollywood FM, Richard and Judy, News, ITV News, Celebrity Weakest Link, Bobby Bossman, Today, The Chris Moyles Show, Promotions for Sunday Surgery, Ms B, Complaint by Radio Carmarthenshire, Cwyn gan Radio Sir Gâr, Complaint by Mr Trevor Powell on his own behalf and on behalf of Hands on Hideaway, Complaint by Mr Cyril Bache, Complaint by Birnberg Peirce and Partners (Solicitors) on behalf of Ms Jane Andrews

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 55 - 06|03|06 (PDF, 125.1 KB)
Planet Rock Profiles, Cash Lounge, Derren Brown: The Heist, Complaint by Mr Erich Reich of Classic Tours, Complaint by Mr Murdo Maclean, Complaint by Mr Donald John MacSween, Complaint by Mr Christopher Elliot on behalf of the Guild of Taxidermists, Complaint by Mr Richard Ruddle on his own behalf and on behalf of Ms Debbie Milne

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 54 - 20|02|06 (PDF, 135.1 KB)
Live 8 Coverage, Killer Shark Live, The Ends, Backlash - Sex and the Nanny State, Kix 96.2 FM, Xfm Scotland, The World's Wildest Police Videos , Loose Ends, Hits Quiz, Add the Numbers! and Find the Word!,Girls & Boys – Flashing Images, The Magic of Jesus, Emmerdale, Coronation Street,Frank Skinner Show,BBC News 24, Hendon Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre,Kiss 100 FM’s,Mr Nick Cameron, Mr David Lorimer, The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 53 - 06|02|06 (PDF, 81.4 KB)
Promotions for Sunday Surgery,Adam Caterall, Lucy Ambache,Monk, The Mark and Jo Show, Baddiel and Skinner Unplanned,The Great Big British Quiz, National Car Parks Limited, Mr Peter Harris on behalf of Care Connect UK Limited, Birnberg Peirce and Partners (Solicitors) on behalf of Ms Jane Andrews

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 52 - 23|01|06 (PDF, 114.9 KB)
Charlie Wolf, Alex Belfield, Rich Kids’ Cattle Drive, True Hollywood Story: Snoop Dog, North East Tonight, World's Fastest Bikes 2, Bikes Aloud, American Chopper, World Wide Quiz, CBeebies, Road Signs, Confidential Complainant,Mr Stuart Toshach,Ms Julie Taylor on behalf of Mr James Taylor,Mr Imtiaz Valli,Mr Michael Bekoe,Highley Parish Council, Reverend David Chislett,Mr Cyril Bache,Mr Joseph Clements

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 51 - 09|01|06 (PDF, 108.1 KB)
Weeds, Eric Hall, 97.4 Rock FM, Metro Radio, Bikini Beach, The F Word, Jamie's Great Escape, The X Factor, Complaint by Waitt & Co Solicitors, The Cowboy Trap, Complaint by Ms Beata Bishop, Complaint by Mr Eugene Lanny

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 50 - 19|12|05 (PDF, 113.2 KB)
Piccadilly Radio, Bloomberg LP, All New Newlyweds trail, Ramadan Radio, Coronation Street, Big Brother 6, Breakfast, Maths Test, Rome, Complaint by Mr Peter Halsey The National Trust, National Car Parks,Hypnotism Ruined My Life

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 49 - 05|12|05 (PDF, 86.0 KB)
A Touch of Frost, Stash the Cash and Spin & Win, Balls of Steel, Alan Brazil talkSPORT, Celebrity Swap, Come Undone - Robbie Williams, Jo Whiley, National Postcode Lottery, Most Haunted/Most Haunted Live, Shock Docs: Stabbed to Death, Dispatches: Confessions of a Parking Attendant, Tonight with Trevor McDonald

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 48 - 21|11|05 (PDF, 101.8 KB)
Lost, The Great American Bash, Rose & Maloney, Galaxy 105, The Show, Essex FM, LBC Programme, German Grand Prix, Bring your Husband to Heel, Immigration is a Time Bomb, Complaint by Professor David Green, Complaint by Mr Neil Morgan

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 47 - 07|11|05 (PDF, 169.0 KB)
Your TV, Sangamam Radio, Night of the Living Dead, Sweet FM,The Wireless Company FM, Mike Bassett, Your Destiny, Kirsty's Home Videos, ITV News, Rick Shaw, Five Live, Perry, P&O Ferries, Blyth,Dingle,P&O Ferries,Parker,Perry, Roe

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 46 - 24|10|05 (PDF, 80.3 KB)
Pulp Fiction, Gangaajal, Navy NCIS,Street Crime UK,Rock DJ, Top Up TV,Grab a Grand, Stash the Case, talkSPORT, Gemini FM, Jo Whiley,Daley on the Loose Matchmaker, TOTP, Glastonbury,The Simpsons,Big Brother,Logos, Mr S Moxon, Marcher Radio Group, Mr S Moxon,MyTravel Group

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 45 - 10|10|05 (PDF, 47.4 KB)
Viasat, Stupid, Charlton vs. Manchester City live football, Streak Party

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 44 - 26|09|05 (PDF, 72.1 KB)
Zane Lowe's 'Most Punk', Brainiac: History Abuse, Astro Zone, BBC1 News, BBC News 24, ITV Early Evening News, Channel 4 News, Complaint from Detective Chief Inspector Derek Wheeler, Wheeler Adjudication, Mr X Adjudication,TVF Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 43 - 12|09|05 (PDF, 86.8 KB)
Make Poverty History, Trail for Drawn Together,Yasmin, Parklife Trailer, Father of the Pride, Cruising, Spin City, Channel 4 News, Least Haunted, Complaint by Mr Jon Sheldon, Sheldon Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 42 - 30|08|05 (PDF, 46.1 KB)
Various Programmes, Vectone Bangla,Grand Prix, ITV West News, CD:UK

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 41 - 15|08|05 (PDF, 58.6 KB)
Sanction - Channel Four Corporation (Richard & Judy), Britain's Streets of Vice, BBC News 24 & Sky News, Nip/Tuck Trailer, Mr A Adjudication, Crossman Adjudication, Ferguson Adjudication, Pelmets Plus Adjudication, Springfield Adjudication, Stockvale Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 40 - 01|08|05 (PDF, 36.6 KB)
Celebrity Love Island

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 39 - 18|07|05 (PDF, 45.2 KB)
Sanction - Video Television Interactive plc (Channel U), Sanction - Life TV Media Limited (Life TV), Formula One Racing - San Marino Grand Prix, ITV News,Frank Skinner Show, Gadgets, Gadgets, Gadgets

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 38 - 04|07|05 (PDF, 50.9 KB)
The Best of James Stannage, Breakfast Show sponsorship, Channel 103 FM (Jersey), Soccer AM All Sports Show, Road Sign Quiz, Nation 217, The Brit Awards - Green Day, The Day the Music Died

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 37 - 20|06|05 (PDF, 22.7 KB)
Playing It Straight, Today with Des & Mel, At the Races, England vs Northern Ireland, Bandhan, So You Think You Can Teach?, All New Cosmetic Surgery Live, The Pulse, Complaint by Novartis AG, Novartis Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 36 - 06|06|05 (PDF, 24.0 KB)
Sally Jesse Raphael, Trailers for Anatomy for Beginners, The Big Story, Our House, EPG entry for The Adult Channel on NTL, Emmerdale, Dead Like Me trail, The Vicar of Dibley and Fairness and Privacy Cases

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 35 - 23|05|05 (PDF, 22.5 KB)
Liverpool v Chelsea, Hostage trailer, Planet Rock, Jamie's School Dinners, The Idiots, Complaint by Mrs X, Oceanarium Adjudication,Payne Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 34 - 09|05|05 (PDF, 149.8 KB)
Bam Bam Bigelow Interview/Cage of Death - the Wrestling Channel, Navy NCIS, Psyclops, Blue Peter, ITN News, Champions' League, Off The Ball, GMTV, Jerry Springer: The Opera, Complaint by Mr Danny Toffel on behalf of Toff Tech Ltd, Mr Barrie Vardon, Mr Danny Toffel, Mr David Edmonston, Mr John Ritchings

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 33 - 25|04|05 (PDF, 135.4 KB)
Ministry of Mayhem, MTV2's Greatest Singles, Pimp My Ride, Holla, Lap Dance Video (N.E.R.D), Brewster's Millions, 100 Greatest Christmas Moments, You're on Sky Sports!, ITV Films, Motorola Sponsorship and You've Been Framed, Fifth Gear

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 32 - 11|04|05 (PDF, 22.0 KB)
Radio Ramadhan (Preston), Complaint by Mr X, Mr X

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 31 - 29|03|05 (PDF, 118.5 KB)
Pitt Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 30 - 14|03|05 (PDF, 389.9 KB)
Faking IT (E4), Street Crime UK (Bravo)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 29 - 28|02|05 (PDF, 425.7 KB)
Sanction - Playboy TV UK, Deadwood trail, Khia "My Neck, My Back", Eddy Temple Morris - The Remix, Three Minute Wonder: His Passionate Bride, Fred MacAulay Show, Jeremy Vine, Battlestar Galactica, This Morning, The Travel Channel, Smith Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 28 - 14|02|05 (PDF, 416.0 KB)
Interactive Lunch, Trail for The OC, Debbie Ryan, Chris Moyles, Emmerdale, Complaint by Mr Terence Gavaghan, Anonymous Adjudication, Cumming Adjudication, Gavaghan Adjudication

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 27 - 31|01|05 (PDF, 131.9 KB)
You're On Sky Sports!, Mendoza, Galaxy 102, ITV News, X Factor, Crime Fighters, Coronation Street, Complaint on behalf or Provident Financial plc and Mr Robin Oakley, CMS Cameron McKenna on behalf of Provident Financial and Mr R Oakley, Dr Randhawa, Mr H Harding, Mr J Lyons, Ms J Herring

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 26 - 17|01|05 (PDF, 127.1 KB)

Broadcast Bulletin Issue number 25 - 04|01|05 (PDF, 277.6 KB)
No Hello, Talk2Me, Sing Along, Breakfast Show, Shell Optimax, Kings of Comedy, Joe Ferguson, The Farm, Complaint from Mr John Stevenson, Complaint from Mr Bryan Evans

For Broadcast Bulletins from 2004, visit the National Archives website.

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