Manylion dyfarniadau trwyddedau agored a diweddar ar gyfer gorsafoedd radio sydd wedi’u trwyddedu gan Ofcom, ar lwyfannau digidol ac analog.
Hysbysiadau ymlaen llaw ar gyfer gorsafoedd radio masnachol analog lleol
Wrth i drwyddedau radio analog masnachol presennol nesáu at eu dyddiad dod i ben, ein dull cyffredinol yw cyhoeddi hysbyseb ymlaen llaw, gan wahodd trwyddedeion presennol neu ddarpar drwyddedeion i ddatgan eu bwriad i wneud cais. Os bydd mwy nag un ymgeisydd yn datgan buddiant, byddwn yn ail-hysbysebu’r drwydded yn llawn ac yn asesu’r rhain yn unol â’n meini prawf. Byddwn hefyd yn hysbysebu unrhyw drwyddedau a fydd ar gael, er enghraifft os byddant yn cael eu hildio gan ddeiliad presennol y drwydded.
Amserlen arfaethedig ar gyfer ail-hysbysebu trwyddedau radio masnachol analog lleol: 2019/20
Hysbysebion ymlaen llaw
Portsmouth: Withdrawal of the notice of pre-advertisement (PDF, 112.1 KB)
Sunderland: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 180.1 KB)
Isle of Wight: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 180.2 KB)
Stockport: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 179.9 KB)
North London: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 181.8 KB)
Rugby: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 193.1 KB)
Mid Ulster: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 205.4 KB)
Warminster: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 165.4 KB)
Perth: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 164.9 KB)
Dumbarton: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 162.4 KB)
Warwick: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 163.0 KB)
Southend: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 162.4 KB)
Hertford: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 559.6 KB)
Alton and Haselmere: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 150.1 KB)
Omagh and Enniskillen: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 178.5 KB)
Aylesbury: Pre-advertisement of local analogue commercial radio licence (PDF, 182.4 KB)
Trwyddedau amlblecs radio lleol
Trwyddedau radio masnachol lleol FM
Bristol (106.5 FM) Award Statement (PDF, 145.5 KB)
Re-advertisement of FM local commercial radio licence for Bristol (Sam FM) (PDF, 379.5 KB)
List of applications for the re-advertised Bristol (106.5 FM) licence (PDF, 157.8 KB)
Application: Jack FM Bristol (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Application: Sam FM Bristol (PDF, 604.4 KB)
Applicant Q&As
Ceredigion award statement (PDF, 141.3 KB)
Dyfarnu trywydded radio masnachol Ceredigion datganiad (PDF, 153.4 KB)
Re-advertisement of FM local commercial radio licence for Ceredigion (PDF, 379.5 KB)
Ailhysbysebu trwydded radio masnachol lleol FM ar gyfer Ceredigion (PDF, 472.7 KB)
List of applications for the re-advertised Ceredigion licence (PDF, 132.0 KB)
Rhestr o geisiadau am y drwydded sydd wedi'i hail-hysbysebu ar gyfer Ceredigion (PDF, 139.8 KB)
Application: Nation Radio (Ceredigion) (PDF, 847.7 KB)
Applicant Q&As
Commercial radio licence award statement: Bristol (PDF, 113.2 KB)
Re-advertisement of Bristol licence
Re-advertisement of FM Local Commercial Radio Licence for Bristol (PDF, 710.3 KB)
Applications for the re-advertised Bristol licence
List of applications for the re-advertised Bristol licence (PDF, 58.0 KB)
The Breeze application (PDF, 540.4 KB)
Bristol Sound application (PDF, 2.0 MB)
Applicant Q&As
Commercial radio licence award statement: Ipswich (PDF, 112.8 KB)
Re-advertisement of Ipswich licence
Re-advertisement of FM Local Commercial Radio Licence for Ipswich (PDF, 708.7 KB)
Applications for the re-advertised Ipswich licence
List of applications for the re-advertised Ipswich licence (PDF, 34.0 KB)
Commercial radio licence award statement: Torbay (PDF, 110.6 KB) - 16 October 2017
Re-advertisement of Torbay licence
Re-advertisement of FM Local Commercial Radio Licence for TORBAY (PDF, 359.3 KB)
Applications for the re-advertised Torbay licence
The Breeze application (PDF, 380.9 KB)
Devon Sound application (PDF, 10.0 MB)