Statement published: 1 August 2024
Non-geostationary orbiting (NGSO) satellite systems are a new way of delivering broadband services from space using a constellation of satellites in a low or medium orbit. These satellite services have the potential to deliver higher speeds and lower latency services.
As set out in our statement on non-geostationary satellite systems, we have a new process for considering applications for NGSO spectrum licences.
In May 2024, Ofcom received a request from Starlink Internet Services Limited (“Starlink”, a subsidiary of SpaceX), to vary four of its NGSO gateway earth station licences operating in Ka band frequencies – for the Fawley, Wherstead, Woodwalton and Isle of Man sites. Following a consultation in which we set out our initial assessment, we have decided to approve Starlink’s variation request for these four licences. This decision will enable Starlink to provide additional satellite connectivity services to a greater number of households, businesses, and government customers in the UK.
Satellite NGSO radio licence application form ofw564 (PDF, 1.2 MB)
Technical characteristics - additional antennas - Fawley (ZIP, 949.44 KB) (ZIP, 949.4 KB)
Isle of Man
Satellite NGSO radio licence application form ofw564 (PDF, 1.9 MB)
Isle of Man Spreadsheets (ZIP, 1.27 MB) (ZIP, 1,301 KB)
Satellite NGSO radio licence application form ofw564 (PDF, 3.3 MB)
Technical characteristics - additional antennas - Wherstead (ZIP, 932.64 KB) (ZIP, 932.6 KB)
Satellite NGSO radio licence application form ofw564 (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Technical characteristics - additional antennas - Woodwalton (ZIP, 933.71 KB) (ZIP, 933.7 KB)
Contact information
NGSO Team,
Riverside House,
2A Southwark Bridge Road,
London SE1 9HA