1.4 GHz spectrum has been harmonised for international mobile telecommunications (“IMT”) use, and 40 MHz of this spectrum (1452-1492 MHz) has already been deployed by mobile network operators (“MNOs”) in the UK.
We have today published a consultation setting out our proposals to auction the upper block of the 1.4 GHz band (1492-1517 MHz) for 4G and 5G mobile use.
We expect that deployment of the 25 MHz upper block will improve the performance of mobile services for consumers, particularly where coverage is patchy, for example indoors and in rural areas.
Responding to this consultation
Please submit responses using the response form no later than 5pm 25 April 2025.
Updates and clarifications
On 17 February 2025, we republished the ‘Ports and Airports proposed PFD limited and Coordination zone shapefiles’ with additional files to ensure their compatibility with relevant GIS mapping software.
On 5 February 2025, we republished “Consultation: Award of 1492-1517 MHz spectrum for mobile services” to correct an error in Table 5.1.
Responses to our 18 October 2023 Call for Input
How to respond
Spectrum Awards
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA