Prynu a Gwerthu Sbectrwm

Cyhoeddwyd: 20 Ionawr 2023
Diweddarwyd diwethaf: 18 Rhagfyr 2024

Weithiau bydd Ofcom yn cael cais i brynu neu werthu sbectrwm.

Ar gyfer sbectrwm sy’n dod o dan  Reoliadau Telegraffiaeth Ddi-wifr (Prynu a Gwerthu Sbectrwm) 2012, gellir aildrwyddedu sbectrwm sy’n gymwys i’w brynu neu ei werthu i drwyddedai arall, ar yr amod ei fod yn bodloni meini prawf sylfaenol penodol fel bod yn rhydd rhag unrhyw ffi, hysbysiad dirymu neu atebolrwydd heb ei ddatrys.

Prynu a gwerthu sbectrwm symudol

Ar gyfer sbectrwm sy’n dod o dan Reoliadau Telegraffiaeth Ddi-wifr (Prynu a Gwerthu Sbectrwm Symudol) 2011, mae’n rhaid i ni ystyried a allai materion cystadleuaeth fod yn berthnasol a rhoi ein cydsyniad cyn y gellir prynu a gwerthu. Ar gyfer dosbarthiadau trwydded cymwys (gweler y Nodiadau Cyfarwyddyd), gall trwyddedai wneud cais i amrywio trwydded i ganiatáu i sbectrwm gael ei brydlesu i bartïon eraill.

Byddwn fel arfer yn cyhoeddi disgrifiad o fasnach symudol arfaethedig ar y dudalen hon, er mwyn i bartïon sydd â diddordeb allu cyflwyno unrhyw bryderon am yr effaith y gallai’r fasnach ei chael ar gystadleuaeth.

Gwybodaeth am brynu a gwerthu

Mae cofrestr o drafodion prynu a gwerthu yn cael ei chyhoeddi o dan y Porth Gwybodaeth am Sbectrwm yn System Gwybodaeth am y Sbectrwm Ofcom. Nid oes rhaglenni masnach symudol ar waith ar hyn o bryd

24/04/24 - Spectrum Trade: Notice of 900 MHz trade application

Ofcom has received applications from Vodafone Limited and Telefonica UK Limited for partial trades of frequencies held by these companies in the 900 MHz band.

The proposed partial trades are being considered by Ofcom under the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Spectrum Trading) Regulations 2011 (as amended in 2013 and 2015) and in accordance with Ofcom’s usual spectrum trading processes. Under regulation 8, Ofcom’s consent is required before the spectrum in these bands can be traded on a concurrent or outright basis. Ofcom may conduct a competition assessment to determine whether the trades may distort competition. Our initial view is that these trades would not raise competition concerns.

Vodafone and Telefonica UK would like to achieve an exchange of equal amounts of spectrum through the transfer of the rights and obligations arising under their licences, for the following frequencies, in order to de-fragment the band.


Base station transmit band

Base station receive band

Telefonica UK Limited trades to Vodafone Limited

930.1 – 935.1 MHz

885.1 – 890.1 MHz

Vodafone Limited trades to Telefonica UK Limited

942.5 – 947.5 MHz

897.5 – 902.5 MHz

In order to support the above, both companies will need to carry out site updates and have therefore submitted two separate, sequential, transfer applications to allow for this transition. The first application is for a concurrent partial trade whereby each company would share rights to their respective bands with the other through the concurrent transfer of spectrum rights. The result would be a new licence held jointly by Vodafone Limited and Telefonica UK Limited for the period of technical migration, as illustrated below. The date requested for this transfer is 01 06 2024.


Base station

transmit bands

Base station

receive bands

Vodafone Limited &

Telefonica UK Limited

930.1 – 935.1MHz

942.5 – 947.5 MHz

885.1 – 890.1 MHz

897.5 – 902.5MHz

Note: It would be a condition of the concurrent licence that at any given time and location, the frequencies being used by each party would correspond to either the current or target band plan, and at all times each party would use no more than 50% of the total licensed spectrum.

A second application has been submitted for the outright partial transfer to take effect following the period of migration.  This would transfer the relevant spectrum band from the concurrent licence to the individual company licence. The target date requested for this second transfer is 15 10 2024 and would result in the following spectrum holdings for each company.

Base station

transmit bands

Base station

receive bands

Telefonica UK Limited

942.5 – 959.9 MHz

897.5 – 914.9 MHz

Vodafone Limited

925.1 – 942.5 MHz

880.1 – 897.5 MHz

In relation to these proposed partial trades, Ofcom has determined that the requirements (under regulation 7(1) of the 2011 Regulations) which concern the description of the parties and details of the proposed trade have been met.  Ofcom is now inviting interested parties to submit comments by 10 05 2024 detailing any competition concerns they might have about the proposed trade, as set out in the Wireless Telegraphy (Mobile Spectrum Trading) Regulations 2011.

The details of the proposed transfers are posted on Ofcom’s Trade Notification Register.

Submissions should be sent to:

Update 01 June 2024

Ofcom has determined that the requirements of paragraph 9(1) of the Wireless Telegraphy (Spectrum Trading) Regulations are satisfied in respect of the application and the trades have therefore been completed.

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