Adolygiad o’r Farchnad Band Cul

Cyhoeddwyd: 1 Rhagfyr 2016
Ymgynghori yn cau: 29 Mawrth 2017
Statws: Ar gau (cyhoeddwyd y datganiad)

Cyhoeddwyd y datganiad 30 Tachwedd 2017

Mae Adolygiad 2017 o’r Farchnad Band Cul yn berthnasol i bum marchnad gyfanwerthol sy’n sylfaen ar gyfer darparu gwasanaethau ffôn llais sefydlog. Mae’r adolygiad hwn yn edrych ar effeithiolrwydd cystadleuaeth a pha reoleiddio, os o gwbl, sy’n briodol i sicrhau cystadleuaeth effeithiol a hyrwyddo buddiannau defnyddwyr preswyl a busnes.

Yng ngoleuni’r adolygiad hwnnw, rydyn ni wedi penderfynu rheoleiddio BT a (yn Ardal Hull) KCOM mewn tair marchnad mynediad cyfanwerthol; llinellau ffôn sefydlog analog cyfanwerthol (y llinellau safonol sy’n cael eu defnyddio gan gwsmeriaid preswyl a busnes) a dwy farchnad sy’n galluogi darparu gwasanaethau ffôn digidol i fusnesau. Byddwn yn parhau i reoleiddio darpariaeth gyfanwerthol BT a KCOM o alwadau dros y llinellau hynny. Wrth ystyried y dadansoddiad o'r farchnad a wnaed yn yr adolygiad hwn, rydyn ni wedi penderfynu lleihau’r rheoleiddio cyfanwerthol rydyn ni’n ei wneud yn y marchnadoedd hyn ar hyn o bryd yn sylweddol.

Rydyn ni hefyd wedi penderfynu rheoleiddio terfynu galwadau sefydlog cyfanwerthol, trefniant pan fydd un darparwr telegyfathrebu yn codi ar ddarparwr arall am derfynu galwadau ar ei rwydwaith. Mae’r rheoliad hwn yn berthnasol i bawb sy’n darparu galwadau i rifau daearyddol yn y DU (rhifau sy’n dechrau gyda 01 a 02).

Datganiad: Adolygiad o’r Farchnad Band Cul (PDF, 691.6 KB)

Ewch i lawr y dudalen ar gyfer dogfennau allweddol eraill.

This document invites stakeholder comments on our revised proposed list of telecoms providers that have significant market power (SMP) in wholesale call termination (WCT) and our proposal to include an additional service in our proposed wholesale ISDN30 charge control.

List of wholesale call termination providers and ISDN30 charge control clarification

We are consulting on revised price notification requirements for all telecoms providers that offer WCT and, in addition, clarifying how our proposals for the regulation of BT’s interconnection circuits may apply to interconnection using next generation voice networks (which rely on internet protocol (IP) technology).

View the further consultation on the Narrowband Market Review.

Ofcom has published its 2017 wholesale local access (WLA) market review consultation (WLA Consultation) setting out our provisional assessment of the WLA market, our proposed finding that BT continues to have Significant Market Power (SMP) and our proposed remedies including price control remedies and quality of service standards. The closing date for comments on the WLA market review is 9 June 2017.

Price regulation of virtual unbundled local access: impact on narrowband market review

As discussed at paragraphs 8.53-8.59 of the WLA Consultation, we propose that where Wholesale Line Rental (WLR) is used to provide the necessary copper bearer to support BT’s ‘40/10’ (40 Mbit/s download, 10 Mbit/s upload) Virtual Unbundled Local Access (VULA) service, we would expect that the WLR service would be charged to reflect the costs of providing a copper bearer.

This would mean that for BT to be able to use the pricing flexibility that we have proposed in the 1 December 2016 Narrowband Market Review Consultation (NMR Consultation) for Wholesale Fixed Analogue Exchange Lines (WFAEL), it would need to provide the ability for telecoms providers to use the 40/10 VULA service without needing to also purchase WLR in its present form (or MPF).

We consider that telecoms providers should be able to purchase VULA on a standalone basis, without being required to also purchase other services such as voice telephony over the BT network. Therefore, BT will be able to benefit from pricing flexibility on WLR in the WFAEL market when it offers an effective alternative copper support product to WLR in its present form. BT is already developing such a product, known as single order GEA (SOGEA).

Ofcom asks stakeholders to submit any additional comments on our proposals for the WFAEL market in the light of our WLA proposals by 21 April 2017.

Consultation on our proposed quality of service remedies

Ofcom has published a consultation setting out our proposals for quality of service remedies for WLR, MPF and GEA.

In the case of WLR, this consultation also develops the proposals set out in Section 9 of the NMR Consultation.

In paragraphs 8.73-8.78 we set out proposals for WLR which partially amend proposals set out in the NMR Consultation. Specifically, we propose to update our Reference Offer requirements and we are now proposing not to re-impose the 2008 SLG Directions.

We also make some clarifications to Draft Condition 6 in relation to the Reference Office requirements for ISDN services (see p284-289), to address omissions in the NMR Consultation.

The Draft Legal Instruments Proposals for SMP services conditions set out in Annex 6 to the Narrowband Market Review consultation published on 1 December 2016 (the “Consultation”) included an omission in error.

This note supplements the Consultation by setting out the omitted text, and the Consultation (specifically Annex 6) should be read accordingly.

  1. Annex to draft Condition 5D: The following Annex to draft Condition 5D listing the services subject to the interconnect circuits charge control in that draft Condition 5D was omitted from the Consultation:

Annex to Condition 5D – Services subject to the interconnect circuits charge control[1]

  • i) External wholesale standard Customer-Sited Interconnect connections;
  • ii) External wholesale standard Customer-Sited Interconnect rentals – fixed;
  • iii) External wholesale standard Customer-Sited Interconnect rentals - per km;
  • iv) External wholesale interconnection extension circuits connections;
  • V) External wholesale interconnection extension circuits rentals – fixed;
  • vi) External wholesale interconnection extension circuits rentals - per km;
  • vii) External wholesale intra-building circuits connections;
  • viii) External wholesale intra-building circuits rentals;
  • ix) External wholesale in-span interconnection links rentals;
  • x) External nominated in-span interconnection links - per km; and
  • xi) External wholesale rearrangements.

1 Account only for the interconnect circuits connected at the DLEs.

20 Chwefror 2017

Cyn bo hir bydd Ofcom yn cyhoeddi ymgynghoriad ynghylch ein hadolygiad o’r farchnad ar gyfer gwasanaethau ffôn llinell dir annibynnol.

Rydyn ni’n cydnabod efallai fod rhanddeiliaid yn dymuno ystyried y rhyngweithio sydd rhwng ein cynigion cyfanwerthu ac adwerthu – yn enwedig mewn perthynas â llinellau cyfnewidfa analog sefydlog cyfanwerthol a tharddiad galwadau cyfanwerthol – cyn iddynt lunio fersiwn terfynol eu hymatebion i’n hymgynghoriad mis Rhagfyr ynghylch yr Adolygiad o’r Farchnad Band Cul cyfanwerthol. Rydyn ni felly’n ymestyn y dyddiad olaf ar gyfer cyflwyno sylwadau i 29 Mawrth 2017.

Pan fo’n bosibl, rydyn ni’n gofyn i randdeiliaid ddarparu eu hymatebion i’n cynigion erbyn y dyddiad cau gwreiddiol sef 28 Chwefror 2017, yn enwedig os ydynt yn ymwneud â’r marchnadoedd terfynu galwadau cyfanwerthol, ISDN30 ac ISDN2.

12 January 2017

Purpose of this document

This document sets out clarifications to the consultation document on the Narrowband Market Review published on 1 December 2016 (the “Consultation”), which can be found at:

This note supplements the Consultation, and the Consultation should be read accordingly.


Following publication of the Consultation, BT raised  concerns with us about the value we had calculated for its current average wholesale call termination (WCT) charge. The charge published in the Consultation was  0.029ppm and was used in our estimation of the financial impact of our proposals, our arguments around the use of a glide path, and the relevant draft condition (draft Condition 5C). BT stated that, by its own calculations, this should instead be 0.035ppm.

We have investigated this issue further with BT and have determined that the discrepancy is caused by differences in the volume mix (the  relative volumes of day, evening and weekend calls) assumed in the calculations. Using the most recent available data regarding the volume mix, we agree with BT that its average charge during the lacuna period is 0.035ppm in 2015/16 prices. [1] The Consultation should therefore be read with this value replacing the published value of 0.029ppm.

This issue affects three distinct parts of the Consultation:

  • In paragraphs 1.45 and A8.100 of the Consultation we calculated the overall reduction in industry revenues as a result of the proposed charge control as £7.7m over three years across all communications providers (CPs), or around 8p per year per line on average. Using a current average charge of 0.035ppm in this analysis results in a reduction of revenues of £14.5m over the review period, or around 14p per year per line on average.
  • In paragraphs 15.13-15.15 of the Consultation, we presented our assessment of whether a glide path or a one-off adjustment would be more appropriate to set the WCT charge control. This assessment referenced a current average charge of 0.029ppm as the starting point when we considered the glide path option. While starting from a charge of 0.035ppm would result in a  larger difference between the two options, we still consider that the difference is small in absolute terms and is insufficient to alter our proposal that a reduction to LRIC in the first year of the control is appropriate.
  • In draft condition 5C.1 of Schedule 1 within Annex 6 of the Consultation, we proposed to require that BT’s revenue-weighted average charge for WCT should not exceed 0.029ppm during the period from 1 October 2017 to 30 November 2017. This should be read as not exceeding 0.035ppm.

[1]This is based on the average charge in the 2015/16 charge control year (in accordance with BT’s voluntary pricing commitment, see and volumes in the 2015/16 financial year.

These models should be run in Excel 2010 or a later version. In order to run the model, we suggest saving the ZIP file onto your computer, unzipping the three files into a folder and opening them individually in Microsoft Excel. Please also enable macros and allow links between the files to update.

Cost model (ZIP file)


Manylion cyswllt

James King
Riverside House
2A Southwark Bridge Road
London SE1 9HA
Tel: 020 7981 3291
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